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博碩士論文 etd-0821114-141809 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0821114-141809
人力資源措施、主管支持與知覺組織支持 對員工績效之影響
The Impact of Human Resource Practices, Supervisor Support and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Performance
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
supervisor support, perceived organizational support, HR practices, organizational citizenship behaviors, in-role performance
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This present study developed and tested a model of the interaction effects of HR practices and supervisor support on employees’ in-role performance, OCBI (organizational citizenship behavior –individual) and OCBO (organizational citizenship behavior–organization). This model predicted employees’ performance would be positively impacted by the interaction of HR practices and supervisor support through perceived organizational support (POS). A survey using time interval measurement among 539 employees from a large electronics and appliance sales company in Taiwan revealed that HR practices and supervisor support made significant joint contributions to employees’ performance. In addition, POS fully mediated the interaction of HR practices and supervisor support - employee performance relationship. Implications for research and practice of these results were discussed
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Certificate of Defense Approval for Doctoral Dissertation---------------------------------i
Chinese Abstract--------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------------------v
List of Tables------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii
List of Figures----------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii
1. INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Research Backgrounds and Motivations-------------------------------------------1
1.2 Research Purposes--------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. LITERATIRE REVIEW---------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.1 HR Practices and Employee Performance-----------------------------------------4
2.2 Supervisor Support and Employee Performance----------------------------------7
2.3 The Interaction Effect of HR Practices and Supervisor Support on
Employee Performance---------------------------------------------------------------8
2.4 HR Practices, Supervisor Support and Perceived Organizational Support---10
2.5 Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Performance----------------13
2.6 Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support---------------------------15
3. METHODS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
3.1 Sample and Procedures--------------------------------------------------------------18
3.2 Measures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
4. ANALYSES AND RESULTS-------------------------------------------------------------24
4.1 Data Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------24
4.2 Test of the Measure Model----------------------------------------------------------26
4.3 Empirical Test of Direct Links among the Variables----------------------------28
4.4 Empirical Test of Mediation Model-----------------------------------------------34
5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS--------------------------------------24
5.1 Research Results---------------------------------------------------------------------24
5.2 Theoretical Implications------------------------------------------------------------26
5.3 Practical Implications---------------------------------------------------------------40
5.4 Limitations and Future Research--------------------------------------------------41
APPENDIX A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
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