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Title page for etd-0822102-185116
Tempo-spatial distribution and feeding of planktonic copepods in Kaoping coastal waters,Taiwan
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本研究是自1999年9月至2001年6月期間於高屏溪口附近海域5個測站,針對浮游性橈足類的時空分佈及其與環境因子之相關性和對浮游植物之攝食衝擊進行研究。其中以330 µm網目浮游生物網採樣分析結果,共發現4目19科100種橈足類 (其中有23種僅能鑑定到屬),總平均豐度為4.2±2.0 x104 ind./100m3。各季橈足類種類數目介於34~61間,種歧異度則介於2.4~3.8間,前5個主要優勢種類為Temora turbinata、Acrocalanus spp.、Paracalanus spp.、Copepodite及Farranula gibbula,合佔橈足類總數53.2 %,其中最優勢種,T. turbinata即佔總數20.4 %。就季節而言,3月及9月時橈足類的豐度相對較6月及12月高,就空間而言,近岸測站橈足類豐度較遠岸測站高,表層橈足類的豐度平均較深層高,但在種類數目及種歧異度指數則有相反的趨勢。以複迴歸分析發現橈足類豐度與鹽度及葉綠素a濃度間有顯著相關,推測高屏海域橈足類群聚會受到沿岸湧升流、水團變化及陸源水影響。
另於2000年9月至2001年6月期間在相同測站,以100 µm網目浮游生物網採樣分析結果,共發現4目16科48種橈足類 (其中有15種僅能鑑定到屬),總平均豐度為33.5±9.9 x104 ind./100m3。各季橈足類種類數目介於27~38間,種歧異度則介於3.0~3.2間。6個主要優勢種類為Copepodite、Oithona spp.、Paracalanus spp.、Nauplius、Oncaea venusta及Euterpina acutifrons,合佔橈足類總數75.2 %。就時空分佈而言,6月及9月橈足類豐度較3月及12月高,近岸測站橈足類豐度較遠岸測站高。以複迴歸分析發現橈足類豐度與鹽度及葉綠素a濃度間有顯著相關,此顯示小型橈足類群聚會受沿岸陸源水注入影響。330 µm及100 µm兩種不同網目所採得的橈足類豐度及種類間有明顯差異存在,小網目之豐度較大網約高8倍,但種類數目則相對較少,相差約25種。整體而言,高屏海域橈足類對於浮游植物之攝食衝擊並不高,在夏季 (6月) 時介於0.90~1.25 % /day,乾季 (11月) 時則介於0.44~4.55 % /day。

This research aims to investigate temporal and spatial distribution of planktonic copepods in relation to enviromental factors at five stations in Kaoping coastal waters, and their feeding impact on phytoplankton during September 1999 to June 2001. In total, 79 species of copepods belonging to 19 families and 4 orders, plus 23 unidentified species, were found from the samples collected by the plankton net with 330 µm mesh. The mean abundance of the collected copepods is 4.2±2.0 x104 ind./100m3. The number of copepod species in each sample varied from 34 to 61, and the species diversity index of the samples ranged from 2.4 to 3.8. The abundance of copepods in surface tows was generally higher than that of 100 meter oblique tows, and vice versa of the species number and species diversity index. Temora turbinata, Acrocalanus spp., Paracalanus spp., unidentified copepodites and Farranula gibbula were the five most dominant species, contributing to 53.2 % of the total copepod abundance. T. turbinata was the most abundant species (20.4 % of the total catch). The abundance of copepods were highter in March and September than in June and December and lower at offshore stations than at inshore stations. The total copepod abundance was significantly correlated with salinity and chlorophyll a. And, it was interpreted that the community structure and distribution of copepods were influenced by coastal upwelling, change of water mass and river effluence.
Another sampling at the same stations during September 2000 to June 2001, in total, 48 species of copepods belonging to 16 families and 4 orders, plus 15 unidentified species were found from the samples collected by the plankton net with 100 µm mesh. The mean abundance of the copepods is 33.5±9.9 x104 ind./100m3. The number of copepod species in each sample varied from 27 to 38, and the species diversity index of the samples ranged from 3.0 to 3.2. Copepodite, Oithona spp., Paracalanus spp., Nanuplius, Oncaea venusta and Euterpina acutifrons were the six most dominant species or taxa, contributing to 75.2% of the total copepod abundance. The abundance of copepods were higher in June and September than in March and December and lower at offshore stations than at inshore stations. The fact that total copepod abundance was significantly correlated with salinity and chlorophyll a was explained of that the community structure and distribution of copepods were probably influenced by river effluence. The abundance and species number of copepods collected by the net with 330 µm mesh and 100 µm mesh were significantly different. The abundance of copepods collected by the 100 µm mesh net was about 8 times higher than that of 330 µm mesh net, but the number of copepod species was about 25 species less. In all, the grazing impact of copepods on phytoplankton was minor, it was between 0.90 to 1.25% per day in June and between 0.44 to 4.55 per day in November.

目次 Table of Contents
章次 --------------------------------------------------------------- 頁數
前言 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1
材料與方法 --------------------------------------------------------------- 7
結果 --------------------------------------------------------------- 13
討論 --------------------------------------------------------------- 26
結論 --------------------------------------------------------------- 36
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------- 37
附表 --------------------------------------------------------------- 46
附圖 --------------------------------------------------------------- 76
附錄 --------------------------------------------------------------- 108
參考文獻 References
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