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博碩士論文 etd-0822106-161554 詳細資訊
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The team, The achievements, The organization transforms, Depth interview, The leadership
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摘 要




The broadcast industry is the non-profit organization, with disseminates the news, provides the entertainment, may change audience's manner and the behavior, widespread also is profound to society's influence, therefore, broadcasts the organization to have specially to emphasize the specialty, regarding each kind of specialized talented person's demand is earnest. How however has the series to gather broadcasts the organization complex specialized talented people, and obeys leader's command, unitedly aims at a common goal struggle, broadcasts the leader to have to
be skilled in the leadership series imperial method and the skill. Moreover, because the broadcast frequency channel is open, each kind of broadcasting station sets up one after another, forms hundred school of thought contends the situation, the broadcast industry must survive in the competition management environment, and has the
competitive advantage, the leader must grasp the current situation pulsation, effectively carries on the organization to transform. Broadcasts the leader to be supposed to relate from the crowd embarks, understanded the solution organization team characteristic, nimbly utilizes theleadership management the technology and the main point, can displaythe team strength, strengthens the staff achievements, achieves
continues forever the development goal, then has the frontageinfluence to the national society.

Although the broadcast industry is suitable the crowd relations which organizes to the enterprise, but broadcasts the training and the common business management which the leader receives alien, they also must consider the broadcast industry because the dissemination science and technology unceasingly progresses, brings
each kind of impact and faces each challenge. Therefore, this research specially by the home well-known five broadcasting station's manager, the department manager and the basic unit staff, the altogether twenty artificial research objects, and with the depth document interview method, carries on time the transformation from the broadcast organization, discusses the leader special characteristic and the team interaction and the team and the member achievements connection and so on the subject, even influence which develops to the whole organization, hoped takes advantage of this describes the broadcast industry management and the management strategy and the blueprint, provides individual or the social reform, and is ambitious the investment broadcast enterprise development direction. But this research discovery, broadcasts the leader to be allowed because the person, because of events, to adopt the different
condition leadership way as circumstances permit, but like can unfold the transformation leadership the special characteristic, regardless of to the team strength display also or the team and the staff achievements, all has reveals the influence effect.

Essential character::The organization transforms, The leadership, The team,
The achievements, Depth interview.
目次 Table of Contents
論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
內容目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表格目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究問題 4
第五節 研究限制 5
第六節 名詞定義 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 組織變革 9
一 組織變革的定義 9
二 組織變革的過程與步驟 10
三 組織變革的因應 11
四 組織變革與領導人特質的關係 11
第二節 領導 13
一 領導的定義 13
二 領導的基礎 15
三 領導的研究途徑 16
四 領導的型態 18
五 領導的方式與要領 19
六 領導人的特質 22
第三節 團隊 24
一 團隊的定義 24
二 團隊的組成與類型 25
三 團隊特性與績效的關係 27
四 團隊領導者的角色與功能 32
五 團隊領導人與團隊及員工績效的關聯 33
六 建立專業工作團隊的重要性 34
第四節 績效 35
一 績效的定義 35
二 績效管理的定義 36
三 績效管理制度的相關理論 37
四 績效指標的定義及類型 39
五 績效指標設定的原則 40
六 績效衡量的層次 41
七 績效衡量與組織團隊及員工的關聯性 42
第五節 廣播領導人與團隊及員工績效的關聯性 43
一 廣播產業的轉型與變革 43
二 廣播產業領導人與一般產業領人的不同 47
三 廣播領導人與團隊力量發揮的關聯性 51
四 廣播領導人與員工績效的關聯性 53
五 廣播團隊與員工績效的關聯性 56
第三章 研究方法 59
第一節 研究參與者 59
第二節 研究工具 60
第三節 研究架構 61
第四節 研究資料搜集 62
第五節 研究程序 65
第四章 資料分析 67
第一節 廣播電台的發展狀況分析 67
第二節 廣播電台組織變革分析 74
第三節 廣播電台領導人特質類型分析 81
第四節 廣播電台團隊類型與績效分析 88
第五節 廣播電台員工績效分析 95
第六節 小結 98
第五章 討論與建議 102
第一節 討論 102
第二節 研究建議 110
參考文獻 114
附錄一 訪談大綱 119
附錄二 訪談內容 121
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