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博碩士論文 etd-0822111-134808 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0822111-134808
Study on the Relationship of Customer Relationship, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty – A Case Study of a Chain Cram School in Kaohsiung City
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brand image, customer loyalty, customer relationship, students' parents, Chain Cram school
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壹、 經實證以不同背景變項的學生家長,研究分析之結果如下:
一、 學生家長對補習班的顧客關係、品牌形象整體與各層面及再購意願的感受,以女性家長高於男性家長,而男性家長僅在價格容忍、推薦意願及顧客忠誠度整體感受上高於女性家長。
二、 41-50歲的家長除對補習班的品牌價值與推薦意願低於40歲以下的家長外,其餘對顧客關係、品牌形象、顧客忠誠整體與各層面的感受高於其他年齡層的家長。
三、 高中職(含以下)學歷的家長除品牌策略與推薦意願層面居次外,其餘對顧客關係、品牌形象、顧客忠誠整體與各層面的感受高於其他學歷的家長。
四、 公教機關及家管為業的家長對補習班的顧客關係與忠誠度整體及其各分層面的知覺較高;而科技製造業及公教機關的家長對補習班的品牌形象整體與各分層面的知覺高於其他職業的家長。
五、 平均月收入較高的家長對補習班的顧客關係、品牌形象與忠誠度整體與各分層面的知覺較低收入的家長為高。
六、 1個子女的家長在顧客關係與品牌形象整體與各層面的知覺高於2個子女以上家長的知覺,在顧客忠誠度整體與各分層面上則以3個以上子女的家長知覺較高。
貳、 學生家長顧客關係、品牌形象及顧客忠誠度之關聯性研究分析結果如下:
一、 補習班學生家長顧客關係各層面與品牌形象和顧客忠誠度各層面皆有顯著正相關,顯示學生家長顧客關係得分愈高,則品牌形象和家長顧客之得分愈高。
二、 補習班學生家長品牌形象各層面與顧客忠誠度各層面之關係,結果顯示有顯著正相關,這表示學生家長對補習班品牌形象得分愈高,則顧客忠誠度之得分愈高。
參、 以顧客關係、品牌形象之不同變項,對顧客忠誠度預測結果分析如下:
一、 整體顧客忠誠度的主要預測變項「品牌行銷」、「品牌策略」、「信任」等三個層面,其中以「品牌行銷」具有最高的預測力。
二、 以再購意願為效標變項,整體顧客忠誠度的主要預測變項「品牌策略」、「品牌行銷」、「顧客溝通」等三個層面,其中以「品牌策略」具有最高的預測力。
三、 以價格容忍為效標變項,整體顧客忠誠度的主要預測變項「品牌行銷」、「信任」等二個層面,其中以「品牌行銷」具有最高的預測力。
四、 以推薦意願為效標變項,整體顧客忠誠度的主要預測變項「品牌策略」、「顧客溝通」、「品牌價值」、「品牌行銷」等四個層面,其中以「品牌策略」具有最高的預測力。

Study on the Relationship of Customer Relationship, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty –
A Case Study of a Chain Cram School in Kaohsiung City
This study aimed to investigate the customer relationship, brand image, and loyalty that the parents of students came from a chain cram school in Kaohsiung City had towards that cram school. The parents of the students who are studying in this cram school and relevant after-school education were the study subjects. Questionnaire investigation was performed and 300 copies of questionnaires were sent and 276 copies were received, where 42 copies of invalid questionnaires were eliminated; thus, there were 234 copies of valid questionnaires in total and the questionnaire efficiency was 84.78%. The statistical methods that this study applied included descriptive statistics, Pearson's product-moment correlation, independent-sample t-test, one way ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression.
The following results were drawn after empirical analysis from different backgrounds of the students’ parents:
1. For customer relationship, overall brand image and every aspect of brand image, and willingness to purchase again of the parents’ feeling towards the cram school, female parents scored higher than male parents; while male parents scored higher on price tolerance, willingness to recommend, and overall feeling of customer loyalty than female parents.
2. For 41 to 50 year-old-parents, they scored lower on brand value of cram school and willingness to recommend than parents who were under 40 years old; however, they scored higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall customer loyalty, and every aspect of customer loyalty than parents from all other age groups.
3. Parents graduated from high school and/or vocational school (and lower education level) only scored lower on brand strategy and willingness to recommend, they scored higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall customer loyalty, and every aspect of customer loyalty than parents from all other education levels.
4. The consciousness of parents who are government employees and housekeepers was higher on customer relationship, overall loyalty, and every sub-aspect of loyalty towards the cram school. For parents who work in technology manufacturing industry and governmental organizations, their consciousness was higher on overall brand image and every sub-aspect of brand image towards the cram school than the parents with other occupations.
5. The consciousness of parents with higher average monthly income was higher on customer relationship, brand image, overall loyalty, and every sub-aspect of loyalty towards the cram school than parents with lower income.
6. The consciousness of parents with one child was higher on customer relationship, overall brand image, and every aspect of brand image than parents with two or more children. For overall customer loyalty and every sub-aspect of customer loyalty, the consciousness of parents with three or more children was higher than others.
The research analysis result of the relationship of customer relationship of parents, brand image and customer loyalty is as follows:
1. Every aspect of customer relationship and overall customer relationship of parents, and every aspect of brand image and overall brand image of parents whose children studied in cram school were significantly and positively correlated, showing that the higher the score of customer relationship the parents had, the higher the score of brand image.
2. Every aspect of brand image and overall brand image of parents, and every aspect of customer loyalty and overall customer loyalty of parents whose children studied in cram school were significantly and positively correlated, showing that the higher the score of brand image the parents had towards the cram school, the higher the score of customer loyalty.
Customer relationship and the difference of brand image were served as the criterion variable, and the predicting result analysis of customer loyalty is as follows:
1. The three major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included “brand marketing”, “brand strategy”, and “trust”, where “brand marketing” had the highest predicting ability.
2. “Willingness to purchase again” was served as the criterion variable, and the three major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included “brand strategy”, “brand marketing”, and “customer communication”, where “brand strategy” had the highest predicting ability.
3. “Price tolerance” was served as the criterion variable, and the two major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included “brand marketing” and “trust”, where “brand marketing” had the highest predicting ability.
4. “Willingness to recommend” was served as the criterion variable, and the four major predictor variables of overall customer loyalty included “brand strategy”, “customer communication”, “brand value”, and “brand marketing”, where “brand strategy” had the highest predicting ability.

Keywords: Chain Cram school, students’ parents, customer relationship, brand image, customer loyalty
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ...................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 .................................................................................................. 5
第三節 研究範圍與限制 ...................................................................................... 7
第二章 文獻探討 ....................................................................................... 8
第一節 補教產業現況分析 .................................................................................. 8
第二節 顧客關係 ................................................................................................ 17
第三節 品牌形象 ................................................................................................ 23
第四節 顧客忠誠度 ............................................................................................ 30
第五節 各構面關係之探討 ............................................................................ …36
第三章 研究方法與設計 ................................................................ ….…40
第一節 研究架構 ................................................................................................ 40
第二節 研究假設 ................................................................................................ 41
第三節 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 43
第四節 研究對象 ................................................................................................ 43
第五節 研究工具 ................................................................................................ 45
第六節 資料處理 ................................................................................................ 54
第四章 結果分析與討論 ......................................................................... 56
第一節 有效樣本現況分析 ................................................................................ 56
第二節 補習班學生家長顧客關係、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之現況分析 .... 58
第三節 背景變項在顧客關係、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之差異分析 ............ 62
第四節 補習班學生家長顧客關係、品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之相關分析 .... 97
第五節 補習班學生家長顧客關係、品牌形象對顧客忠誠度之預測分析 .... 99
第五章 結論與建議 ............................................................................... 106
第一節 主要研究發現 ...................................................................................... 106
第二節 結論 ....................................................................................................... 112
第三節 建議 ....................................................................................................... 115
參考文獻 ................................................................................................... 118
一、中文部份 ....................................................................................................... 118
二、英文部份 ...................................................................................................... 124
三、相關網站 ...................................................................................................... 128
附錄 . …………………………………………………………………….129
附錄一 正式問卷 .............................................................................................. 129
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