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travel, airplain
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From a perspective of air transportation . an airport provides the traffic
Transfer between the air and ground. It provides service to passengers on
“Safety”,“Service”and“Satisfaction”consideration. Because each airport is unique in its size, capacity and functions, the requirements for each airports service will be different. The purpose of this study is to . To survey the consumer trend, market divisions of the travelling passengers in order to develop the strategy of establishing the character of the airport, provide guidance for profitable management and enhance the competiti- veness of the airport based on Taitung Airport condition.
The method for this study use is based on the theory of Maslow, and establishes the concept of three Services (3S) for aviation. Designs 44 items of service measurement, and with statistical analysis, an under-
standing of the consumer characteristics of the travelling passengers is prese-
nted. What passengers want and where the market trends. The informa-
tion is valuable to the management for planning the Taitung Airpor to be- come a major tourist destination.
Based on the study majority of leisure passengers destined for Taitung are middle class female, ages 20 to 29. This category visitors are the main
Consumer of Taitung Airport. Their priority regarding to the service qua-
lity are the following nine items: Air safety, Inspection service, Fire and emergency, Handicapped facilities, Ground transportation, Check – in counters, Holding room, Airport emblem and airport building. Based on the survey they are very pleased and feel positive about the on-going de-
velopment of Taitung Airport in the past one and half year. The catetour-
gory of visitors are cautious spenders, it could not attract investment into ism development. In conclusion, future development for Taitung Airport should, in cooperation with local government and tourism industry, be
targeted at the high-end consumers, provide infrastructure for amuse-
ment/entertainment center, grand scale theme park, vacation resorts and international class hotels.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論………………………………………………… 1
 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………. 1
 第二節 研究目的及範圍…………………………………………. 2
 第三節 研究內容及流程…………………………………………. 4
第四節 研究限制…………………………………………………. 6
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………….. 7
第一節 需求層級理論之應用……………………………………. 7
第二節 服務品質………………………………………………… 14
 第三節 航空站服務品質………………………………………… 20
 第四節 小 結………………………………………………….. 28
第三章、實證研究…………………………………………. 35
 第一節 台東航空站概況………………………………………… 35
 第二節 研究架構與假設………………………………………… 40
 第三節 問卷設計及調查計劃………………………………….. 52
第四章、問卷調查結果與分析…………………………….. 61
 第一節 調查資料統計及基本分析……………………………… 61
 第二節 旅客對問項重視程度分析……………………………… 65
 第三節 旅客對問項之滿意度分析…………………………….. 72
 第四節 旅客與航空站服務重視程度之關係…………………… 78
 第五節 旅客對航空站服務所體驗之重要程度和滿意度相關性
     ………………………………………………………….. 99
 第六節 旅客與航空站服務滿意度之關係……………………. 100
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………….. 120
 第一節 結論……………………………………………………. 120
 第二節 建議……………………………………………………. 124
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