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博碩士論文 etd-0823105-183302 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0823105-183302
The Impact of e-Learning Environment on Learning Outcomes-Based on SECI Model of Knowledge Creation
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Kirkpatrick Model, Knowledge Creation, Ba Model, Learning Outcomes, SECI Model, e-Learning Environment, Knowledge Management
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5912 times, has been downloaded 2986 times.
本研究試圖從「知識管理」之角度,應用「知識創造」理論模式來探討「e-Learning情境對學習成效之影響」,並根據Nonaka & Takuichi(1995)之SECI模式與Nonaka & Konno(1998)之Ba模式之理論,將「e-Learning情境」區分為創始型場所、對話型場所、系統型場所、練習型場所等四個不同之學習場所,各個場所分別支援並促進社會化行為、外化行為、組合化行為、內化行為等四種不同之「知識創造行為」,學習者將藉由不同之「知識創造行為」,透過內隱知識與外顯知識間不斷地相互轉換,來累積創造知識,產生學習成效。
E-learning became the trend in view of the fact that computer technology and the rapidity of globalization had revolutionized the atmosphere of learning as well as education more than ever during the 21st century. The core intention of this study is to present the correlation between e-learning environment and learning outcome based on knowledge creation model from the view point of knowledge management. The SECI model suggested by Nonaka & Takuichi (1995) and Ba model suggested by Nonaka & Konno (1998) were used to divide e-learning environment into four divisions including original ba, dialoguing ba, systemizing ba, and exercising ba. Each diverse division supported a certain knowledge creation behavior counting socialization, externalization, combination, as well as internalization. Designed questionnaires were given to gather study information and further statistic data in order to observe whether knowledge creation behaviors related to learning outcomes. The results demonstrated that four e-learning environments facilitated the four knowledge creation behaviors; along with these knowledge creation behaviors kept up a correspondence with learning outcome. To conclude, the findings of this study supported both SECI model and Ba model. In addition, the final results also proved both theories worked in virtual along with the realistic world.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究動機與目的
第三節 研究流程
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 知識創造
第二節 e-Learning網路教學與知識創造
第三節 學習成效評估
第三章 研究模式
第一節 研究模式
第二節 研究假說與推論
第三節 研究變數操作型定義
第四章 研究方法
第一節 問卷設計
第二節 研究對象與資料來源
第三節 資料分析方法
第四節 資料分析工具
第五節 資料分析流程
第五章 資料分析結果
第一節 問卷回收與樣本特性
第二節 項目分析與信效度分析
第三節 研究假說檢定
第四節 個人變數統計與分析
第五節 研究發現
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
第三節 研究貢獻
第四節 研究限制
第五節 未來研究方向

附錄一 調查問卷
附錄二 殘差分佈圖
附錄三 殘差值次數分配直方圖
附錄四 殘差值常態機率分佈圖
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