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EKB model, Theory of planned behavior, The theory of consumption values, Organic lunch boxes
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本研究乃以文獻探討、深度訪談的方式,做為發展問卷之基礎。利用Sheth, Newman和Gross(1991)的消費價值理論(The theory of consumption values)、Ajzen(1991)的計劃行為論(Theory of planned behavior) , Engel、Blackwell和Miniard(1993)的EKB模式提出有機餐盒購買行為模式,此模式共包含有機餐盒的功\\能性價值、社會性價值、情感性價值、嘗新性價值、條件性價值、主觀規範、自我效能、購物環境與涉入程度等九個變項。為檢驗此模式,本研究以這些自變項和兩項行為意向為依變項進行迴歸分析。兩項行為意向分別是未特別提及價格時,受測者有機餐盒的購買行為意向(BI1)和請受測者假設有機餐盒品和一般餐\\盒的價格相近時,其有機餐盒買的購買行為意向(BI2)。結果發現,功能性價值及涉入程度均對BI1及BI2有顯著作用;另條件性價值、情感性價值及自我效能也對BI2有顯著作用,而本研究模式可以分別解釋BI1和BI2的22.1%和26.2%變異量
The earth ecosystem is seriously damaged due to the self-interest behavior of human, which nonetheless poses a huge threat to the survival of human. The ecological environment and public health in Taiwan also face increasingly deteriorating situation, which is compounded with the problem of a dramatic increased number of families eating out with the most popular choice as lunch boxes mostly. To improve this situation, visionaries push for organic lunch boxes. However, there are still some factors lacking and some problems persisting for marketing organic lunch boxes. It is hoped that the result of this study can be beneficial to the relevant organizations as a reference for promoting organic lunch boxes.
Literature review and in-depth interviews are conducted as the basis for developing questionnaire in this study. I also propose a behavior model for purchasing organic lunch boxes based on the theory of consumption values by Sheth, Newman, and Gross (1991), Theory of planned behavior by Ajzen (1991), and the EKB model by Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (1993) This model consists of nine variables: the functional value of organic lunch box, its social value, its emotional value, its curious value, its conditional value, the subjective norms, self-efficacy, shopping environment, and the degree of involvement etc. To test this model, regression analyses are conducted using those nine variables and two behavior intention dependent variables in this study. These two behavior intention variables respectively are: the subject’s behavior intention to purchase organic lunch boxes when price is not specifically mentioned (BI1) or they are suggested to assume that the price of the organic one will be close to that of a regular one (BI2). The result shows that the functional value and the degree of involvement both have significant influence on BI1 and BI2; while the conditional value, the emotional value, and self-efficacy are only have significant influence on BI2, which can explain the 22.1% variation of BI1 and the 26.2% variation of BI2 respectively.
Furthermore, in order to investigate the variation of the behavior intention BI1 to purchase organic lunch boxes due to the difference of personal attributes, t test and single factor ANOVA are adopted. The result shows that marital status, age, occupation, personal monthly income, knowledge of organic product, purchasing frequency for organic ingredients, and the amount of money for purchasing organic ingredients all have significant influence on the variation of behavior intention for purchasing organic lunch boxes (BI1); while gender, educational level, self health status, and family's health status do not have significant influence on the variation of behavior intention for purchasing organic lunch boxes.
We will propose application from these results and make relevant recommendations to industries and government based on this study.
目次 Table of Contents
謝詞-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III
第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 
第一節 研究背景 --------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機 --------------------------------------------------------------------------2 
第三節 研究目的 --------------------------------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究流程 --------------------------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 相關理論與文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------6 
第一節 綠色消費的興起 -------------------------------------------------------------------6 
第二節 有機農業 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------7 
第三節 消費者行為理論-------------------------------------------------------------------30
第四節 行銷組合-4P策略------------------------------------------------------------------45
第五節 文獻回顧小結----------------------------------------------------------------------47
第三章 研究方法 --------------------------------------------------------------------------48 
第一節 研究方法的選擇------------------------------------------------------------------48 
第二節 深度訪談---------------------------------------------------------------------------49
第三節 研究架構 --------------------------------------------------------------------------51 
第四節 預試階段的問卷設計 -----------------------------------------------------------53
第五節 研究假設---------------------------------------------------------------------------57 
第六節 研究對象---------------------------------------------------------------------------58 
第七節 預試結果---------------------------------------------------------------------------59
第四章 研究分析與結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------63
第一節 樣本結構---------------------------------------------------------------------------63 
第二節 描述性統計------------------------------------------------------------------------64
第三節 個人屬性差異分析---------------------------------------------------------------74
第四節 迴歸分析---------------------------------------------------------------------------84
第五節 研究架構檢定總結---------------------------------------------------------------90
第五章 結論與建議 -----------------------------------------------------------------------93 
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93
第二節 研究建議---------------------------------------------------------------------------94
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議------------------------------------------------------98
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100
附錄一 訪談說明及大綱------------------------------------------------------------------110
附錄二 預試問卷---------------------------------------------------------------------------111
附錄三 正式問卷--------------------------------------------------------------------------115

表 1-1 台灣環境惡化情形------------------------------------------------------------------2
表 2-1 有機農業定義 ----------------------------------------------------------------------7
表 2-2 台灣有機農產品驗證標章--------------------------------------------------------17 
表 2-3 農產品產銷履歷驗證標章--------------------------------------------------------19 
表 2-4 台灣有機產業的重要摘要--------------------------------------------------------20 
表 2-5 臺灣歷年有機驗證面積-----------------------------------------------------------22 
表 2-6 全球有機食品的市場規模--------------------------------------------------------26
表 2-7 消費者行為的定義-----------------------------------------------------------------31
表 2-8 利用EKB模式的相關研究--------------------------------------------------------38
表 2-9 有機消費者行為相關研究--------------------------------------------------------43
表 3-1 受訪者資料--------------------------------------------------------------------------50
表 3-2 訪談內容資料分析架構-----------------------------------------------------------51
表 3-3 有機農產品知識設計--------------------------------------------------------------53
表 3-4 問卷發展變項(1) -------------------------------------------------------------------55
表 3-4 問卷發展變項(2) -------------------------------------------------------------------56
表 3-4 問卷發展變項(3) -------------------------------------------------------------------56
表 3-5 預試問卷項目分析結果-----------------------------------------------------------59
表 3-6 預試問卷效度分析結果-----------------------------------------------------------60
表 3-7 預試問卷信度分析結果-----------------------------------------------------------61
表 4-1 正式樣本基本資料-----------------------------------------------------------------63
表 4-2 有機食材的購買金額與頻率-----------------------------------------------------65
表 4-3 餐盒的購買行為--------------------------------------------------------------------65
表 4-4 受訪者對有機農產品知識之次數統計-----------------------------------------67
表 4-5 心理變項的平均數與標準差-----------------------------------------------------69
表 4-6 有機餐盒的購買意向--------------------------------------------------------------71
表 4-7 受測者買或不買有機餐盒的主要原因-----------------------------------------72
表 4-8 不同性別的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之t檢定分析-------------------75
表 4-9 不同婚姻狀況的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之t檢定分析-------------75
表 4-10 不同年齡的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之單因子變異數分析-------76
表 4-11 不同年齡的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之LSD檢定--------------------76
表 4-12 不同教育的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之單因子變異數分析-------77
表 4-13 不同職業的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之單因子變異數分析-------77
表 4-14 不同職業的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之LSD檢定-------------------78
表 4-15 不同收入的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之變異數分析----------------78
表 4-16 不同月收入的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之LSD檢定----------------79
表 4-17 不同健康狀況的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之變異數分析----------80
表 4-18 不同家人健康狀況的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之變異數分析-----------80
表 4-19 不同有機農產品知識的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之變異數分析--------81
表 4-20 不同有機農產品知識的受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之LSD檢定-----------81
表 4-21 不同有機食材購買頻率受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之單因子變異數分析----82
表 4-22 不同有機食材購買頻率的受測者對購買有機餐盒的行意向之LSD檢定----------83
表 4-23 不同有機食材購買金額受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之變異數分析----83
表 4-24 不同有機食材購買金額受測者對有機餐盒的購買意向之LSD檢定---84
表 4-25 BI1迴歸分析的摸式摘要--------------------------------------------------------85
表 4-26 BI1迴歸分析的係數結果--------------------------------------------------------85
表 4-27 BI2迴歸分析的摸式摘要--------------------------------------------------------86
表 4-28 BI2迴歸分析的係數結果--------------------------------------------------------86
表 4-29 研究假設成立與否----------------------------------------------------------------91

圖 1-1 研究流程----------------------------------------------------------------------------5
圖 2-1 歐洲有機農地面積的演進-------------------------------------------------------15  
圖 2-2 美國有機農地面積的演進-------------------------------------------------------15
圖 2-3 農產品產銷履歷標示圖----------------------------------------------------------19
圖 2-4 消費價值理論----------------------------------------------------------------------36
圖 2-5 EKB模式----------------------------------------------------------------------------37
圖 2-6 計劃行為理論----------------------------------------------------------------------40
圖 3-1 研究架構 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------53
圖 4-1 嘗新價值與行為意向BI1之散佈圖---------------------------------------------88
圖 4-2 嘗新價值與行為意向BI2之散佈圖---------------------------------------------88
圖 4-3 主觀規範與行為意向BI1之散佈圖---------------------------------------------89
圖 4-4 主觀規範與行為意向BI2之散佈圖---------------------------------------------89
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