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博碩士論文 etd-0824109-181204 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0824109-181204
Effects of Morphological Factors of Hexapod Robots on Locomotion Stability
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Metachronal gait, Symmetric gait, Error margin, Stability margin, Offset model
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本文提出六足機器人的偏移模型,在一般模型中加入偏移量D值,探討改變機器人形態對其使用不同步態行走各方向時的穩定性之影響,文中以穩定極限(Stability Margin)和誤差極限(Error Margin)作為機器人移動時穩定性的參考基準,判別機器人移動時的穩定性高低。文中探討了兩種步態朝各方向行走的穩定性,分別為人工編排的對稱步態與自然生物的異相步態,編排其朝各方向行走的步態循環後,分析兩種步態沿各方向行走時的穩定性受偏移量D值變化之影響,並探討運用這兩種步態朝不同方向行走時的適用性與穩定性優劣。
This thesis studies the effects of morphological factors of hexapod robots on their locomotion stability. In particular, an offset model for such robots is proposed. The stability margin as well as the error margin are used to indicate the stability of the hexapod robot, as it walks with different gaits in arbitrary directions. Two hexapod gaits are compared, which are the symmetric gait and the metachronal gait. The former is an artificial gait and the latter, on the contrary, is a natural gait which can be observed in many multiped animals.
As we investigate advantages and disadvantages of the two gaits, we find that the stability of a hexapod robot can be enhanced by increasing the offset value. This is particularly true for a robot moving in the X and oblique directions with a symmetrical gait. However, altering the offset is less useful for metachronal gaits. In general, a hexapod robot moves most stably in the Y direction with a symmetrical gait, whereas it is most stable in the X direction with a metachronal gait.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要............................................................ ⅩⅠ
ABSTRACT....................................................... ⅩⅡ
第一章 緒論.........................................................1
1.1 文獻回顧.....................................................1
1.1.1 六足機器人的人工步態....................................1
1.1.2 六足生物步態............................................1
1.1.3 穩定極限Sm(Stability Margin)...............................3
1.1.4 容錯步態(Fault Tolerant Gait)與誤差極限 Em(Error Margin).......4
1.2 研究動機與目的...............................................6
1.3 本文的基本架構...............................................7
第二章 偏移模型使用對稱步態朝X方向行走…...........................8
2.1 一般模型與偏移模型...........................................8
2.2 編排步態.....................................................9
2.3穩定極限Sm(Stability Margin)...................................10
2.3.1 穩定極限的定義.........................................10
2.3.2 計算方法...............................................11
2.3.3 範例...................................................14
2.3.4 P、Q、U與D值改變對於模型穩定極限的影響..............15
2.4誤差極限Em(Error Margin)......................................17
2.4.1 誤差極限的定義.........................................17
2.4.2 計算方法...............................................17
2.4.3 範例...................................................19
2.4.4.. P、Q、U各值改變對於模型誤差極限的影響.................20
2.6 本章小結....................................................26
第三章 偏移模型使用對稱步態朝Y軸方向行走..........................27
3.1 編排步態....................................................28
3.2穩定極限Sm(Stability Margin)...................................28
3.2.1 穩定極限的計算.........................................28
3.2.2 範例...................................................31
3.2.3 P、Q、U與D值改變對於模型穩定極限的影響..............32
3.3誤差極限Em(Error Margin)......................................34
3.3.1 誤差極限的計算.........................................34
3.3.2 範例...................................................36
3.3.3.. P、Q、U各值改變對於模型誤差極限的影響.................37
3.5 本章小結....................................................43
第四章 偏移模型使用對稱步態斜向行走................................44
4.1 編排步態....................................................44
4.2 機器人斜行的角度與跨幅的計算................................45
4.3穩定極限Sm(Stability margin)...................................46
4.3.1...斜行角度 的穩定極限.......................46
4.3.2 .範例...................................................49
4.3.3..斜行角度 的穩定極限.........................50
4.3.4 .範例...................................................53
4.4誤差極限Em(Error margin).....................................56
4.4.1...斜行角度 的誤差極限.......................56
4.4.2 .範例...................................................58
4.4.3...斜行角度 的誤差極限........................59
4.4.4 .範例...................................................61
4.5.1 .跨幅相同時不同的斜行角度之穩定極限比較.................63
4.5.2 .跨幅相同時不同的斜行角度之誤差極限比較.................64
第五章 偏移模型使用異相步態行走....................................67
5.1 本章研究重點................................................67
5.2.1 編排步態...............................................67
5.2.2 穩定極限與誤差極限.....................................69
5.2.3 P、Q、U與D值變化對穩定度之影響......................72
5.3.1 編排步態...............................................76
5.3.2 穩定極限與誤差極限.....................................77
5.3.3 P、Q、U與D值變化對穩定度之影響......................81
5.4 異相與對稱步態的比較項目....................................85
5.4.2 使用異相步態與對稱步態朝X軸行走之比較.................86
5.4.3 用異相步態與對稱步態朝Y軸行走之比較...................87
5.5 本章小結....................................................89
第六章 結論與建議..................................................90
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