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博碩士論文 etd-0824112-115817 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0824112-115817
Physicochemical Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Ambient Suspended Particles at Boundary and Sensitive Sites Surrounding a Steel Manufacturing Plant
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physicochemical characteristics, Steel industry, principal component analysis, CMB receptor model, sampling and analysis, suspended particulate matter
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5677 times, has been downloaded 921 times.
本研究結果顯示,廠區周界PM10平均濃度(53.54~203.56 μg/m3)較周邊地區敏感點(55.06~140.07 μg/m3)為高,而PM2.5平均濃度同樣以廠區周界(23.10~120.21 μg/m3)較周邊地區敏感點(12.52~65.62 μg/m3)為高,且皆呈現夏季期間濃度較低之趨勢,顯示PM10及PM2.5濃度變化皆受小港地區氣象條件(如:盛行風向、風速及相對濕度等)之影響而有所差異,另利用t檢定分析PM10及PM2.5濃度之差異性分析得知,廠區周界及周邊地區敏感點於不同季節中皆呈現不顯著(p-value >0.05),顯示兩區域應有共同之污染來源。
Steel industry is a highly polluted industry and one of the most important stationary sources in Kaohsiung City. The steel manufacturing process could emit a huge amount of particles, such as the sintering process, the blast furnace operation, and the raw material handling process. Suspended particles emitted from steel industry could deteriorate ambient air quality and cause adverse effects on human health.
In order to understand the impact of steel industry on ambient air quality in Siaogang District and to identify potential pollution sources, this study selected a integrated steel manufacturing plant located at Siaogang District to conduct a sampling protocol of suspended particulate matter (PM) at ambient sites (A1~A5) and sensitive sites (S1~S5) from July 2011 to March 2012. The size distribution of suspended particles in four seasons was measured with PM10 high-volume samplers, dichotomous samplers, and MOUDI for 3 days (24 hours for single sampling), and dustfall samplers for one month, to investigate the spatial distribution and temporal variation of PM concentration. After sampling, the physicochemical properties of PM, including mass concentration, particle size distribution, dustfall concentration, water-soluble ionic species, metallic elements, and carbonaceous contents, were further analyzed.
Field measurement of ambient PM showed that the averaged ambient PM10 concentration (53.54 - 203.56 μg/m3) were higher than sensitive sites (55.06 - 140.07 μg/m3) and the averaged ambient PM2.5 concentration of ambient (23.10 - 120.21μg/m3) were higher than sensitive sites (12.52 - 65.62 μg/m3). No matter ambient or sensitive sites, it showed a tendency of lower concentration in summer, indicating that concentration variation of PM10 and PM2.5 were highly affected by meteorological factors (such as wind direction, wind speed, and relative humidity) in Siaogang District. Furthermore, a t-test result showed that ambient and sensitive sites have similar pollution sources since the p-values were in significantly different.
Chemical analysis of PM results showed that the most abundant water-soluble ionic species of PM at the ambient and sensitive sites were secondary inorganic aerosols (SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+) and [NO3-]/[SO42-] showed that ionic species were mainly emitted from stationary sources. Fe, Al, K and Ca were the major metallic elements of this study, and the major pollution sources contain industries, traffics, and road dusts. Additionally, the raw material handling process was the major pollution source of PM. Correlation analysis of OC and EC showed that PM at ambient and sensitive sites were originated from primary sources, such as vehicles, industries, road dusts, and human activities.
Results obtained from PCA and CMB receptor modeling showed that both PM2.5 and PM10 highly correlated with wind direction in different season and the major pollution sources were industry pollution (including petroleum refineries, power plants, waste incinerators, consistent operating steel mills and electric arc furnace steel mills, etc.), followed by local traffics and derivative. Furthermore, marine aerosols were one of the important pollution sources at sensitive sites (S1, S4, and S5) where close to the ocean.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
謝誌………………………………………………………………………..… I
中文摘要…………………………………………….….......................…….. III
英文摘要…………………………………………….….......................…….. V
目錄…………………………………………….….......................……….…. VII
表目錄…………………….………………….……...…..….……….………. X
圖目錄………………………………….……...…………………………….. XII
第一章 前言……..…………………………..……..……………….……... 1-1
1-1 研究緣起….....……….…………..….……….…………….……... 1-1
1-2 研究目的………………..………..…...………..…………….….... 1-2
第二章 文獻回顧……..…………………………………………………… 2-1
2-1 懸浮微粒生成機制及物化特性…………………………………... 2-1
2-1-1 懸浮微粒定義及種類………………………………………... 2-1
2-1-2 懸浮微粒運動特性及生成機制……………………………... 2-4
2-1-3 水溶性離子成份特性………………………………………... 2-6
2-1-4 金屬元素成份特性…………………………………………... 2-8
2-1-5 碳成份特性…………………………………………………... 2-10
2-2 懸浮微粒與氣象因子相關性……………………………………... 2-10
2-2-1 溫度與相對濕度……………………………………………... 2-11
2-2-2 風速與方向…………………………………………………... 2-11
2-3 鋼鐵廠污染源及特性…………………………………………… 2-12
2-3-1 一貫作業煉鋼廠……………………………………………... 2-12
2-3-2 鋼鐵業懸浮微粒相關研究文獻……………………………... 2-17
2-4 主成份分析法(Principal Component Analysis)之應用…...……… 2-24
2-5 化學質量平衡受體模式(CMB Receptor Model)之應用………… 2-24
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………….. 3-1
3-1 採樣規劃…………………………………………………………... 3-1
3-1-1 採樣地點規劃………………………………………………... 3-1
3-1-2 採樣時間規劃………………………………………………... 3-1
3-2 採樣方法與原理…........................................................................... 3-2
3-2-1 懸浮微粒採樣方法及原理………………………………….. 3-2
3-2-2 PM10高量採樣器…………..…….......……..……………….. 3-3
3-2-3 雙粒徑分道採樣器…………………………………………... 3-4
3-2-4 微孔均勻沉降器……………………………………………... 3-6
3-2-5 落塵桶………………………………………………………... 3-8
3-3 懸浮微粒化學成份分析方法……………………………………... 3-9
3-3-1 水溶性離子成份分析方法…………………………………... 3-9
3-3-2 金屬元素成份分析方法……………………………………... 3-11
3-3-3 碳成份分析方法……………………………………………... 3-12
3-4 品保與品管………………………………………………………... 3-13
3-4-1 採樣方法之品保與品管…………………………………….. 3-13
3-4-2 分析方法之品保與品管…………………………………..… 3-15
3-5 大氣懸浮微粒之污染源解析方法……………………………..… 3-18
3-5-1 主成份分析法(Principal Component Analysis)……………... 3-18
3-5-2 主成份分析法(CMB Recepter Model)………….…………... 3-20
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………..… 4-1
4-1 採樣期間小港區氣象條件分析…………………………………... 4-1
4-1-1 相對濕度…………………………………………………..… 4-1
4-1-2 風速與方向……………………………………………….…. 4-2
4-2 懸浮微粒濃度變化趨勢分析……………………………………... 4-7
4-2-1 懸浮微粒濃度季節變化趨勢………………………………... 4-7
4-2-2 落塵量季節變化趨勢……………………………………....... 4-17
4-2-3 粒徑分佈分析………………………………………………... 4-18
4-3 懸浮微粒化學成份變化趨勢分析………………………………... 4-25
4-3-1 懸浮微粒中水溶性離子成份季節變化趨勢分析…………... 4-25
4-3-2 懸浮微粒中金屬元素成份季節變化趨勢分析……………... 4-32
4-3-3 懸浮微粒中碳成份季節變化趨勢分析……………………... 4-36
4-4 污染源相關性分析………………………………………………... 4-44
4-4-1 主成份分析法判別主要污染源種類………………………... 4-44
4-4-2 化學質量平衡法解析污染源貢獻量………………………... 4-54
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………….. 5-1
5-1 結論………………………………………………………………... 5-1
5-2 建議………………………………………………………………... 5-3
附錄A 分析方法之品保品管
附錄B 原始分析數據


表2-1 我國懸浮微粒濃度標準值………………………………………….. 2-1
表2-2 金屬元素成份主要污染來源……………………………………….. 2-8
表2-3 煉製不同鋼材時作業環境重金屬暴露濃度……………………….. 2-18
表2-4 不鏽鋼廠作業環境空氣重金屬燻煙檢測結果…………………….. 2-18
表2-5 美國環保署污染源資料庫中鑄鐵廠排放微粒之組成資料……….. 2-20
表2-6 乾濕兩季懸浮微粒之礦物成份…………………………………….. 2-23
表3-1 定點環境採樣項目及設備………………………………………….. 3-3
表3-2 微孔均勻沉降衝擊器截取氣動直徑……………………………….. 3-8
表3-3 元素分析儀操作條件一覽表……………………………………….. 3-13
表3-4 離子層析儀之方法偵測極限……………………………………….. 3-17
表3-5 金屬元素成份分析之方法偵測極限……………………………….. 3-18
表4-1 四季採樣期間相對濕度彙整表…………………………………….. 4-1
表4-2 四季採樣期間廠區周界及敏感點之風向彙整表………………...... 4-3
表4-3 四季採樣期間各測站之落塵量彙整表…………………………….. 4-17
表4-4 春季廠區周界之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表……………………. 4-45
表4-5 夏季廠區周界之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表……………………. 4-46
表4-6 秋季廠區周界之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表……………………. 4-47
表4-7 冬季廠區周界之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表……………………. 4-49
表4-8 春季敏感點之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表………………...…….. 4-50
表4-9 夏季敏感點之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表………………...…….. 4-51
表4-10 秋季敏感點之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表………..……...…….. 4-52
表4-11 冬季敏感點之PM10主成份因子負荷矩陣表………………...….... 4-54
表4-12 受體模式解析之指紋資料庫彙整表……………………………… 4-56


圖1-1 本研究執行流程圖………………………………………………….. 1-3
圖2-1 大氣懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖………………………………………….. 2-2
圖2-2 典型大氣懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖…………………………………….. 2-2
圖2-3 水溶性離子及金屬元素物種佔PM10之百分比……………………. 2-5
圖2-4 粗微粒與細微粒之A/C比值………………………………………... 2-7
圖2-5 燒結場作業流程圖………………………………………………….. 2-14
圖2-6 高爐場作業流程圖………………………………………………….. 2-16
圖3-1 鋼鐵廠區周界及周邊地區敏感點懸浮微粒採樣位置示意圖…….. 3-2
圖3-2 雙粒徑分道採樣器示意圖………………………………………….. 3-5
圖3-3 微孔均勻沉降衝擊器示意圖……………………………………….. 3-7
圖4-1 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點之風瑰圖………………………….. 4-4
圖4-2 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界A1監測站之風瑰圖………………… 4-5
圖4-3 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界A3監測站之風瑰圖………………… 4-6
圖4-4 春季採樣期間懸浮微粒濃度空間分佈趨勢圖…………………….. 4-10
圖4-5 夏季採樣期間懸浮微粒濃度空間分佈趨勢圖…………………….. 4-10
圖4-6 秋季採樣期間懸浮微粒濃度空間分佈趨勢圖…………………….. 4-14
圖4-7 冬季採樣期間懸浮微粒濃度空間分佈趨勢圖…………………….. 4-14
圖4-8 春季採樣期間懸浮微粒等濃度分佈圖…………………………….. 4-15
圖4-9 夏季採樣期間懸浮微粒等濃度分佈圖………………...................... 4-16
圖4-10 秋季採樣期間懸浮微粒等濃度分佈圖…………………………… 4-16
圖4-11 冬季採樣期間懸浮微粒等濃度分佈圖…………………………… 4-16
圖4-12 四季採樣期間落塵量變化趨勢圖………………………………… 4-18
圖4-13 四季採樣期間落塵量等濃度分佈圖……………………………… 4-19
圖4-14 夏季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界採樣期間懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖…… 4-21
圖4-15 夏季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點採樣期間懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖… 4-22
圖4-16 冬季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界採樣期間懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖…… 4-23
圖4-17 冬季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點採樣期間懸浮微粒粒徑分佈圖… 4-24
圖4-18 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM10中水溶性離子濃度分佈圖…... 4-27
圖4-19 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM2.5中水溶性離子濃度分佈圖….. 4-27
圖4-20 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM10中水溶性離子濃度分佈圖... 4-29
圖4-21 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM2.5中水溶性離子濃度分佈圖.. 4-29
圖4-22 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界之[NO3-]/[SO42-]比值………………. 4-31
圖4-23 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點之[NO3-]/[SO42-]比值……………. 4-31
圖4-24 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM10中金屬元素濃度分佈圖…...… 4-33
圖4-25 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM2.5中金屬元素濃度分佈圖…….. 4-33
圖4-26 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM10中金屬元素濃度分佈圖...… 4-35
圖4-27 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM2.5中金屬元素濃度分佈圖….. 4-35
圖4-28 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM10中碳成分濃度分佈圖………... 4-38
圖4-29 四季採樣期間鋼鐵廠區周界PM2.5中碳成分濃度分佈圖……….. 4-38
圖4-30 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM10中碳成分濃度分佈圖……... 4-40
圖4-31 四季採樣期間周邊地區敏感點PM2.5中碳成分濃度分佈圖…….. 4-40
圖4-32 鋼鐵廠區周界及周邊地區敏感點四季採樣期間PM10之OC與EC濃度相關性……………………………………………………... 4-42
圖4-33 鋼鐵廠區周界及周邊地區敏感點四季採樣期間PM2.5之OC與EC濃度相關性……………………………………………………... 4-43
圖4-34 春季採樣期間PM10懸浮微粒污染源種類及貢獻率分佈圖…..…. 4-66
圖4-35 夏季採樣期間PM10懸浮微粒污染源種類及貢獻率分佈圖..……. 4-66
圖4-36 秋季採樣期間PM10懸浮微粒污染源種類及貢獻率分佈圖..……. 4-67
圖4-37 冬季採樣期間PM10懸浮微粒污染源種類及貢獻率分佈圖..……. 4-67
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