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博碩士論文 etd-0825110-164331 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0825110-164331
The Relationship among Organizational Commitment, Professional Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Job Involvement in Cross Selling of the Life Insurance Agents
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Professional Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Cross Selling, Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment
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成立金融控股公司(Financial Holding Company,FHC)目的就是整合銀行、保險、證劵等金融產品服務,對內藉由跨類銷售擴大產品面,對外提供完整金融服務以一次滿足消費者需求。這個產業的特性之一是高度仰賴「人」提供服務, 在服務傳遞過程中業務員扮演相當重要的角色,所以業務員對金控公司的組織承諾、專業承諾、組織公民行為及跨售工作投入間的關係是值得關注與探討。

本研究採量化研究,針對以保險為主體的金控公司壽險子公司共三家業務員做為主要研究對象,, 收集受訪者本身對金控公司的組織承諾、專業承諾、組織公民行為及跨售工作投入的認同程度。發出問卷數共500份,回收有效問卷數共351份,所得資料採用信度分析、敘述性統計分析、Pearson相關係數檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析來驗證, 得到以下結論:

一、 組織承諾、專業承諾、組織公民行為對跨售工作投入具有顯著的正向影響,其中組織公民行為對跨售工作投入的影響強度最大,其次是組織承諾,專業承諾影響強度最小。

二、組織承諾的子構面中, 以「組織認同」對於跨售工作投入的解釋力最佳,其次是「留職意願」;而專業承諾的子構面中, 以「專業認同」對於跨售工作投入的解釋力最佳,其次是「留業意願」;組織公民行為的子構面.以「參與」對於跨售工作投入的解釋力最佳,其次是「忠誠」。即員工對公司的「組織認同」、「專業認同」、「參與」與「忠誠」是影響跨售工作投入的重要關鍵。



The end of launching Financial Holding Company, FHC is to maximize the synergy of versatile financial services like banking, insurance, securities, and the like by means of cross selling internally to expand product line as well as offering integrated financial services to consumers externally to satisfy their one-stop shopping demands. One of the characteristics in the property is highly counting on people to deliver service, and agents play significant roles during service delivery. Therefore, it merits a better attention to probe into the relationships between the organizational commitment, the professional commitment, the organizational citizenship behavior, and the job involvement in cross selling of agents’.

The study is conducted by the questionnaire survey on three FHCs in which insurance business is inner circle in Taiwan. Throughout interviewing the staffs of the three by 500 questionnaires offered and 351 valid ones collected, the datum of the research is made by reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis to verify the identity degrees of the interviewees on the organizational commitment, the professional commitment, the organizational citizenship behavior, and the job involvement in cross selling. Following are the major findings:

1.Each one of the organizational commitment, the professional commitment, and the organizational citizenship behavior are statistically significant and positive correlated to the job involvement in cross selling. Among them, the organizational citizenship behavior is with the strongest influence on the job involvement in cross selling, then the organizational commitment second, and the professional commitment last.
2.Among the sub-dimensions, the organizational identity in the organizational commitment explains most the variations of the job involvement in cross selling and then the retention on the job. Also, the professional identity in the professional commitment explains most the one and then the retention on the occupation. And, the involvement in the organizational citizenship behavior explains the most the one and then the loyalty. It means that the organizational identity, the professional identity, the involvement and the loyalty of the agents are with significant effects on their involvement in cross selling.
3.The variations in the identity degrees of the organizational commitment and the professional commitment of the agents in the three FHCs are significantly different, however, the ones of the organizational citizenship behavior and the involvement in cross selling are no significant.

From the findings of the research, the organizational commitment and the organizational citizenship behavior are proven the most impacts on the involvement in cross selling. Consequently, FHCs should pay more attentions especially to enhance the organizational identity of agents all the time except for advancing their knowledge and ability in cross selling when they want to raise the wills of agents on the job involvement in cross selling. For example, they can disclose the expectation and the requirement of the organization to agents to make them fully understand, follow, and moreover increase their confidence. Besides, building incentive performance assessment and rewarding system is more important than else in stimulating agents to have strong involvement in cross selling.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝辭 I
論文提要 II
中文摘要 III
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究範圍與對象 5
第五節 研究流程 6
第六節 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 組織承諾 8
第二節 專業承諾 11
第三節 組織公民行為 15
第四節 跨售相關理論 18
第五節 工作投入 21
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 研究假設 26
第三節 資料蒐集方法 27
第四節 研究變項之定義與衡量方法 33
第五節 研究步驟 39
第六節 資料分析方法 40
第四章 實證分析與討論 43
第一節 量表題項與構面信度檢定 43
第二節 因素分析 49
第三節 回收樣本描述及敘述性分析 56
第四節 各研究變項間相關分析 67
第五節 人口統計變項與研究變項間之差異分析 73
第六節 各研究變項之迴歸與徑路分析 94
第七節 小結 103
第五章 結論與建議 108
第一節 研究結論 108
第二節 管理意涵 111
第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議 113
參考文獻 114
一、中文部份 114
二、英文部份 115
三、網站部分 120
附錄一:研究問卷 121

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