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博碩士論文 etd-0826103-115959 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0826103-115959
The study of nutritionist's occupational commitment and affective factors
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
occupational commitments, work satisfaction, work involvement, locus of control
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摘 要
本研究的目的有三個:1.了解國內營養師職業承諾的情形;2. 確立影響營養師職業承諾的各項因素;3. 驗證職業承諾與工作表現及轉業傾向的關係。

The development of the nutritionist will be twenty years in Taiwan. The role of nutritionist is changed from meals management of group to education and consulting of nutrition in the period of the prosperous eighties till now. In the meantime, the top ten causes of death are changed from emergency medical case to chromic disease in Taiwan. The custom of weight reduction is spread over Taiwan in the eighties. The general public is eager to receive the instruction of nutritionist. However, the diet therapy of various chromic diseases takes place of weight reduction that is gradually disappeared in Taiwan now. The nutritionist still play important role in maintenance of healthy group and preventive medicine. There are few local researches to be related with the nutritionist. I hope to achieve the effect of promotion by means of this research.

There are three destinations in this research. One, the occupational commitment of local nutritionist is understood. Two, the factor is ascertained by the influence of occupational commitment of local nutritionist. Third, the relationship between occupational commitment and leave attitude is confirmed.

The researcher initially discusses how viewpoint and expectation of nutritionist is influenced by various occupations through individual interview. And then the evidential research structure and questionnaire is developed to investigate occupational commitment and its influence factors of local occupational nutritionist.

The result of research is listed below:

1. Occupational commitment is evident relevant to the gender, position of occupation and location of occupation that is belongs to the variation factors of nutritionist. Among the investigation, occupational commitment of female is stronger that the occupational commitment of male, and occupational commitment of manager is stronger that occupational commitment of non-manager, nutritionist of body fitness center gives much commitment than the nutritionist of hospital, school and other location.
2. Occupational commitment is negative evident relevant to locus of control that is one influence factor of occupational commitment. Occupational commitment is positive evident relevant to work involvement, work satisfaction, organizational commitment and feeling of external environment. The employee that has personality of self-control has more occupational commitment. Occupational commitment of nutritionist can be enhanced by the positive influence factors of occupational commitments.
3. Sentimental commitment is stronger and standard commitment is weak between the occupational commitments of nutritionist. Work satisfaction is much influenced by sentimental commitment. The human resource manager of nutritionist urgently implements the various policies to enhance work satisfaction.
4. Work performance is evident positive relevant to occupational commitments, especially the relevance of sentimental commitment is much evident. Leave attitude is evident negative relevant to occupational commitments. The higher occupational commitment of nutritionist has the better work performance and poor leave attitude.

Key words: occupational commitments, locus of control, work involvement, work satisfaction, organizational commitment, work performance, leave attitude.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………6
第三節 研究流程………………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 職業承諾………………………………………………………9
第二節 影響職業承諾的因素…………………………………………13
第三節 職業承諾的結果因素…………………………………………22
第三章 預備研究
第一節 研究設計………………………………………………………26
第二節 個案訪談分析…………………………………………………30
第三節 個案訪談結果討論……………………………………………43
第四章 實證調查研究
第一節 研究設計………………………………………………………48
第二節 研究結果………………………………………………………53
第三節 實證調查研究結果討論………………………………………67
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………72
第二節 研究建議………………………………………………………76
附錄一 個案訪談記錄………………………………………………………83
附錄二 研究問卷……………………………………………………………99

表1-1 十大死因及死亡人數年增率比較表…………………………………..1
表1-2 歷年來營養師服務場所的比例………………………………………3
表1-3 現今美國員工最重視的價值觀………………………………………..4
表2-1工作所能達成知不同目的…………………………………………….. 16
表3-1 預訪個案基本資料表…………………………………………………..26
表3-2 正式訪談個案基本資料表……………………………………………..27
表4-1-1 各地區公會的人數…………………………………………………..51
表4-1-2 樣本之描述性統計分析……………………………………………..52
表4-2-1 內外控信度分析……………………………………………………..54
表4-2-2 工作投入的因素分析………………………………………………..55
表4-2-3 工作滿意的因素分析………………………………………………..56
表4-2-4 組織承諾的信度分析………………………………………………..57
表4-2-5 情感性的信度分析…………………………………………………..58
表4-2-6 持續承諾的信度分析………………………………………………..58
表4-2-7 規範性承諾的信度分析……………………………………………..58
表4-2-8 工作表現的因素分析………………………………………………..60
表4-2-9 轉業傾向的信度分析………………………………………………..60
表4-2-10 變項描述性統計分析………………………………………………61
表4-2-11 人口變項與職業承諾之相關分析…………………………………61
表4-2-12 任職場所對各職業承諾因素的單因子變異數分析………………62
表4-2-13 任職場所之各變項因素描述性統計………………………………63
表4-2-14 變數因素與職業承諾之相關分析.………………………...………63
表4-2-15 變數因素與職業承諾之複迴歸分析………………………………65
表4-2-16 職業承諾與結果因素之複迴歸分析………………………………66

圖1-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………………….7
圖4-1 營養師職業承諾及其影響因素架構圖……………………………….48
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