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Title page for etd-0826108-104337
The Relationships among Developmental Human Resource Configuration, Professional Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support of the Bank Debt Collector: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence
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Emotional Intelligence, Developmental Human Resource Configuration, Professional Commitment, Perceived Organizational Support
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根據94位催收主管與454位員工的不同層次之調查資料,本研究採用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models, HLM)進行跨層次分析後發現,發展性人力資源管理構型可以藉由提昇催收人員的規範性專業承諾來促進其知覺組織支持,而催收人員的情緒智力則對於其專業承諾與知覺組織支持間之關係具有調節效果。本研究結果除了可以作為相關單位在執行方案時之參考外,亦可有效提昇金融機構對催收人員發展的瞭解,藉以達到提昇其工作績效之目的,具體之研究結果如下:
During the process of the financial reform, financial institutions improved their management physique positively and redured their exceed lending effectively. Besides crediting control, financial institutions still have to rely on the professional debt collector to have the debt resolutions, and processing the collection procedure to maintain the management achievements and risk control. The present study aimed on the point of view of Human Capital, and investigated the relationshiop among Developmental Human Resource Configuration, Professional Commitment and Perceived Orangizational Support of the bank debt collector. In addition, the relationship between the Professional Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support will depend on the individual Emotional Intelligence. Therefore, this study also investigated bank debt collector’s Emotional Intelligence as the moderator to the relationship between Professional Commitment and Percived Organizational Support.
Based on the data from 94 supervisors and 454 employees in bank debt collection center, and adopted Hierarchical Linear Models to process the cross level analysis and found the results that Developmental Huaman Resource Configuation could raise debt collectors’ Normative Professional Commitment to affect their Perceived Organizational Support, and their Emontonal Intelligence could moderate the relationship between their Porfessioanl Commitment and Perceived Oganizational Support.
The results could be the references to the relative institutions to help them understand the development of the bank debt collectors to archive working performance. The findings are as follows:

1.Devlopemental Huaman Resource Configuation positively and significantly affected Normative Professional Commitment.
2.Bank debt collectors’Professional Commitment positively and significantly affected Perceived Organizational Support.
3.Bank debt collectors’Normative Professional Commitment as an indirect mediator positively and significantly affected to the relationship between Developmental Human Resource Configuation and Perceived Organizational Support.
4.Bank debt collectors’ Emotional Intelligence as the moderator positively and significantly affected to the relationship between Affective and Continuance Professional Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 銀行催收與教導型組織 9
第二節 發展性人力資源管理構型 15
第三節 專業承諾 21
第四節 知覺組織支持 26
第五節 情緒智力 35
第三章 研究方法 52
第一節 研究架構 52
第二節 研究假設 52
第三節 研究變項與衡量工具 53
第四節 研究對象與樣本結構統計 59
第五節 資料分析方法 64
第四章 實證分析結果與假設驗證 66
第一節 研究變項間之相關分析 66
第二節 單因子變異數分析模式 67
第三節 隨機參數迴歸模式 69
第四節 截距預測模式 72
第五節 情緒智力之調節效果分析 76
第六節 假設檢驗結果 85
第五章 結論與建議 86
第一節 結論 86
第二節 建議 89
第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議 91
參考文獻 93
附錄一 銀行樣本之次數分配 107
附錄二 原始量表 108
附錄三 研究問卷 110
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