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Enrichment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Low Density Sediment Particles in Kaohsiung Harbor
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PAHs, density fractions, PCBs, Kaohsiung Harbor, sediments
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自然環境中持久性有機污染物(persistent organic pollutants, POPs)充斥,其中多環芳香烴(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)及多氯聯苯(Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs)為大宗,且部份已被研究證實對於人體可能具有致癌性與致突變性。這類有機化合物因為特殊的化學結構以及高疏水特性使其進入水體後與顆粒相結合而沉澱在底床上,長時間存在環境當中而造成生態污染。近岸海域以及港區接收來自都市的污水、工業及港區活動所產生的有害廢棄物污染,隨著經濟發展而逐漸增加,因此高雄港區富含持久性有機污染物,表層沉積物的再懸浮作用,會使原本吸附於顆粒上的污染物再次回到水體環境造成生態衝擊。本研究針對高雄港區內沉積物之粒徑(1000、500、250、125及63μm為間隔)及密度(以2.15 g/cm3分隔)對吸附多環芳香烴以及多氯聯苯之影響進行研究。
研究結果顯示高雄港區內高雄港支航道測站與旗津上竹里漁港測站之沉積物總多環芳香烴濃度分別為3400與1700 (ng/g dw),總多氯聯苯濃度分別為103與141(ng/g dw)。總多環芳香烴濃度是呈現KH1高於KH2,而總多氯聯苯濃度則呈現相反情形。雖然低密度顆粒在本研究當中僅佔沉積物總重的4.3至7.7%,但是大於91%的多環芳香烴以及大於87%以上的多氯聯苯污染物集中於低密度顆粒上。多氯聯苯同源物主要以PCB 132+153+105以及OCS+PCB 63為最常見,同族物則是以四到七氯的多氯聯苯同族物為主。
高雄港區沉積物在高低密度顆粒之共面式多氯聯苯毒性當量分別介於1.1-7.6 pg-TEQ/g以及8.9-1500 pg-TEQ/g,與國外安全總多氯聯苯毒性
依NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)的沉積物品質參考準則(Sediment Quality Guidelines, SQGs),高密度顆粒對於水生生態系統影響不大,但低密度顆粒之多環芳香烴和多氯聯苯濃度範圍大多介於ERL與ERM值之間,顯示其對水體中的生物或是底棲生物可能造成部分的傷害與影響。
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent, ubiquitous, and toxic organic contaminants in coastal sediments. Being hydrophobic in water column, PAHs and PCBs tend to sorb rapidly on particles and eventually accumulate in sediments. Re-suspension of fine or low-density particles from the surface sediment would lead to release of the pollutants bound in sediment particles into water column. This study was to evaluate the potential of remobilization of sediment-bound pollutants into harbor water column by measuring the concentrations and compositions of PAHs and PCBs in different particle size (size fraction: 1000, 500, 250, 125 and 63 μm) and the different density fractions (density: > 2.15, < 2.15 g/cm3) in the Kaohsiung Harbor area.
The total PAH concentrations obtained from the sediments of Kaohsiung sub-channel (KH1) is higher than those of Shang-Zhu-Li fishing ferry (KH2), but it presents the opposite situation in total PCB concentrations. Total PAH concentrations are 3400 and 1700 (ng/g dw) and total PCB concentrations are 103 and 141 (ng/g dw) at sites of KH1 and KH2. PAH and PCB concentrations in the low-density fraction sediment made up more than 91% and 87% of the total concentration of the bulk sediment, respectively; while low-density fraction sediment made up only 4.3 to 7.7% of the bulk sediment in dry weight.
According to the chemical fingerprinting, PAH source of Kaohsiung sub-channel (KH1) is from pyrogenic which might be from the diesel oil burning of shipping activities and containerized traffic. But the PAH sources in Shang-Zhu-Li fishing ferry (KH2) were from the combustion of coal and petroleum, which is possibly from iron and steel plant and the power plant nearby.
The Toxic equivalents (TEQ) of dioxin-like PCBs in low and high-density fraction
sediments were ranged from 1.1-7.6 pg-TEQ/g and 8.9-1500 pg-TEQ/g, respectively. Based on the Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs), only few PAH concentrations in the high-density fraction sediments were higher than the TEL value, while most of PAH concentrations in the low-density fraction sediments ranged between ERL and ERM values. This suggests the low-density sediment particles possessed higher potential of adverse effects to organisms in the aquatic environment.
目次 Table of Contents
表目錄............................. V
附表目錄............................ VII
第一章 前言.......... ..............1
1-1 研究動機.......................1
1-2 研究目的.......................3
第二章 文獻回顧.......................4
2-1 多環芳香烴之研究緣起.................4
2-2 多環芳香烴之基本性質.................4
2-3 多環芳香烴之來源................... 5
2-4 多環芳香烴之毒理特性.................6
2-5 多環芳香烴之化學指紋鑑識...............8
2-6 顆粒特性與多環芳香烴之分佈..............10
2-7 多氯聯苯之研究緣起..................11
2-8 多氯聯苯之基本特性..................12
2-9 多氯聯苯之來源....................13
2-10 多氯聯苯之毒理特性..................14
2-11 海域沉積物品質參考準則................15
第三章 研究方法及步驟...................23
3-1 材料與儀器...................... 23
3-2 試藥及器材前處理.................. 24
3-3 採樣與保存.....................25
3-4 分析方法....................... 26
3-4-1 粒徑分析....................26
3-4-2 密度分離分析..................26
3-5 品管及品保要求(QA/QC)............... 29
3-5-1 方法回收率................... 29
3-5-2 標準品查核樣品分析............... 30
3-5-3空白分析實驗.................. 30
3-5-4 方法偵測極限.................. 30
第四章 結果與討論..................... 35
4-1 沉積物特性.....................35
4-2 沉積物之多環芳香烴含量分布.............35
4-3 總多環芳香烴與全球檢測結果比較...........37
4-4 多環芳香烴之來源..................38
4-5 Perylene來源探討..................40
4-6 沉積物之多氯聯苯含量分布.............. 41
4-7 總多氯聯苯與全球檢測結果比較............42
4-8 多氯聯苯化合物同源物含量分析............43
4-9 多氯聯苯化合物同族物含量分析............43
4-10 多環芳香烴總毒性當量................45
4-11 多氯聯苯總毒性當量.................46
4-12 沉積物品質指標(Sediment Quality Guidelines, SQG)....47
第五章 結論與建議.....................51
5-1 結論........................51
5-2 建議........................53
參考文獻.......................... 88
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