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博碩士論文 etd-0827107-150504 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0827107-150504
Influences of Non-profit Organizations Building Social Network on Community Development-A case of Tree and Trees Community Empowerment Association of Kaohsiung City
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Community Development, Social Network, Social Resources, Nonprofit Organization
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本研究旨在探討非營利組織建構社會網絡對社區發展之影響。以「高雄市原生植物園創價協會」為個案,採用「個案研究法」(Case-Study Research) 進入研究場域。 藉由文獻分析、深度訪談與觀察等方法蒐集資料,以深入了解非營利組織如何透過社會連結來運作。如何引進外來資源及活化社區資源,來營造永續發展的社區生活,期能從本研究中對於尋求發展的社區組織提供有效的建議。
In recent years, the expansion of urban area and advances in business and technology have brought about transformation in modern society, democratic reforms and impacts on globalization. At the same time, they also have brought tension upon the society. The interaction and connections between people has distanced with developments in the society, and have created a lack of interest in public affairs and social agenda. In addition, due to lack of government resources, needs of the multitude could not be satisfied. It is thus necessary, through organized mobilization of social forces, to recall public interests in public affairs. Since the martial law lifted in 1987, the public has regained the freedom to organize and associate. Numerous private associations have shot out , particularly non-profit organizations. Due to their “not for profit ” characteristic, and focus on the welfare of the community, it is effective in motivating participation and devotion. It thus is able to demonstrate the richest vitality of the society and is one of the most important models of civilian participation on community.
The objective of this study is to investigate the influences of non-profit organiza- tions building social network on community development. Tree and Trees Community Empowerment Association of Kaohsiung City was the focus of this case study. Through literature review, in-depth interview and observation, an understanding of how non-profit organizations operate through the society has been gained. It has further established how non-profit organizations tap external resources and revitalize community resources to construct a perpetual community life. It is hoped from the study that effective recommendations could be made for other community organizations seeking development.
The results of the study are: 1. Social network of the leader: From the organization structure of the association, whether in decision-making, execution and financial support, the more involvement of the community, and participation of core members, the more influences on community events it will have when the network of members is considerable. 2. Autonomous operation: An important criterion of non-profit organization autonomy is financial independence. In addition to donations, the association acquires financial resources by their specialty. This allows the association to operate independently without restriction, not as found in other community development association. 3. Public participation: Community development will go nowhere without human resources. In the process of re- constructing the Kaohsiung Original Botanical Garden, though gaining substantial support from community inhabitants, there are still some who hold cold attitude. Furthermore, civilian interest in public affair is mostly limited to their benefits. There is much more human resource in the community that remains undeveloped and unutilized. This is a common problem faced by non-profit organizations in Taiwan .
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 一
摘要 二
Abstract 三
目錄 五
表目錄 七
圖目錄 八
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 非營利組織 6
第二節 社會網絡 13
第三節 社區與非營利組織 25
第四節 社區資源 28
第五節 社區發展 33
第三章 研究方法與流程 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究方法 40
第三節 取樣設計 42
第四章 個案分析 47
第一節 高雄市原生植物園創價協會 47
第二節 原生植物園與都市森林浴場推動社區營造的軌跡 57
第三節 非營利組織的社會連結與運作 77
第四節 非營利組織的社會連結與運作對社區發展的影響 83
第五章 結論與建議 87
第一節 研究發現 87
第二節 研究建議 88
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 90
參考文獻 91
附錄 一 高雄市原生植物園創價協會大事紀 95
附錄 二 原生植物園創價協會92年〜96年6月活動推展一覽表 97
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1. 台灣社區通。最後流覽日2007/07/22)
2. 內政統計資訊服務網站。網址:最後流覽日2007/02/01)
3. 行政院網站。最後流覽日2007/07/22)
4. 高雄市政府工務局養工處網站。網址: canewskuwasia.asp?id=239(最後流覽日2007/06/04)
5. 高雄市政府養工處網站。最後流覽日2007/07/20)
6. 高雄縣政府網站。最後流覽日2007/06/17)
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