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博碩士論文 etd-0827108-131533 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0827108-131533
Physicochemical Characteristics and Tempospatial Variation of Suspended Particles at Inland and Offshore Sites in Kaohsiung
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enrichment factor, spatial and temporal distribution, northeastern monsoon, backward trajectory, sea-land breeze
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本研究分別在民國95年8月、11月及96年1月、3月、5月,執行海陸風效應及季節風效應之懸浮微粒採樣。其中,民國95年8月及96年5月採樣期間有明顯海陸風,早上9:00至凌晨12:00內,盛行風向為西風,風向穩定,平均風速約為1~4 m/sec,96年1月、3月採樣期間則明顯受到東北季風之影響,高雄地區之盛行風向為西北風至東北風(300 o ~30 o),平均風速約為2~4 m/sec。
Kaohsiung region with high percentage (6-8%) of poor air quality (PSI>100) has been announced officially by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) as the worst air quality region among seven Air Quality Zones (AQZ) in Taiwan. Air pollutant dispersion was influenced by many factors including meteorology and topography. Particulate matter (PM) transportation caused by northeastern monsoon and/or sea land breeze might resulted in air pollution episodes. In summer, PM might be transported back and forth across the coastline of Kaohsiung region by sea land breeze. Particularly, high PM10 concentration has been observed at the inland sites in the daytime due to sea breeze. In autumn and winter, PM could be transported northeasterly to the inland range and covered a huge area of entire region. The objective of this study was to investigate the accumulation of particulate matter in the near-ocean region due to northeastern monsoon and sea-land breeze, and the spatial and temporal distribution of PM in the coastal region of Southern Taiwan.
This study investigated the effects of sea-land breeze and northeastern monsoon on the spatial distribution and temporal variation of particulate matter in the atmosphere around the coastal region of South Taiwan. Particulate matter was simultaneously sampled both inland and offshore during five intensive sampling periods on August 16-17, 2006, November 2-3, 2006, January 24-25, 2007, March 6-7, 2007 and May 2-3, 2007, respectively. Inland monitoring was conducted at two sampling sites associated with fourteen Taiwan ambient air quality monitoring stations, while offshore monitoring was conducted at the Hsiau-Liou-Chiou (HLC) island (approximately 14 km offshore) and on an air quality monitoring boat. In August and November, 2006 and May 2007, sea-land breeze was observed during sampling period and sea breeze arose from 9:00 A.M. to 24:00 P.M. The average wind velocity was 1~4 m/sec during the sampling period. In January and March, 2007, prevail wind direction was north and northeast (300 o ~30 o), that was influenced by northeastern monsoon. The average wind velocity was 2~4 m/sec during the sampling period.
The backward trajectories of air parcel transported toward the inland ambient air quality sampling sites around the coastal region of South Taiwan were plotted during the sea land breeze and northeastern monsoon periods. The results showed that distribution of PM10 was significantly influenced by sea land breezes. During the sea-land breeze periods, sea breezes blown in the early morning would transport the offshore PM10 back to the inland sites in Kaohsiung metropolitan area resulting in high PM10 concentration in the afternoon. On the contrary, high PM10 concentration observed during the northeastern monsoon periods was mainly brought from northerly wind which transported PM10 originated from the northern region (i.e. Tainan and Yunlin Counties) to Kaohsiung metropolitan area.
This study further compared the atmospheric aerosols sampled at Kaohsiung metropolitan area with the resuspended sands blown from top soils collected near the riversides. An enrichment factor (EF) was applied to correlate the downwind atmospheric aerosols at three TEPA sampling sites in Kaohsiung to top soil sources originated from Tachia river, Zhoushui river, Tesngwen river and Kaoping river, respectively. This study revealed that atmospheric aerosols sampled at Southern Taiwan can be correlated to top soil sources near the riversides. Further investigation of enrichment factors indicated that, among four rivers, Kaoping river had the highest correlation to PM10 sampled in Kaohsiung. The enrichment factors were in the order of Kaoping river (EF=0.8~1.9) > Tsengwen river (EF=0.8~2.6) > Zhuos river (EF=1.0~2.8) > Tachia river (EF=1.1~4.2). The results indicated that atmospheric aerosols (i.e. PM10) had relatively higher correlation with the nearest river, Kaoping river, than other three rivers.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌………………………………………………………………………. I
中文摘要…………………………………………………………………. II
英文摘要 …………………………………………………...………….... IV
目錄 …….……………………………...…………................................... VI
表目錄 .……………………………………..………………….………... IX
圖目錄 ….……………………………………………...………………... XIV
第一章 前言 …………………………………………………………... 1-1
1-1 研究動機………………………………...……...……………….. 1-1
1-2 研究目的……………………………………….………………... 1-4
1-3 研究範圍……………………………………………..………….. 1-5
第二章 文獻回顧 ……………………………………………………... 2-1
2-1 大氣懸浮微粒之來源及物化特性……………………………… 2-1
2-1-1 懸浮微粒之來源……………...…………………………….. 2-2
2-1-2 懸浮微粒之粒徑分佈………………...…………………….. 2-2
2-1-3 懸浮微粒之化學組成………………...…………………….. 2-4
2-2 高屏地區懸浮微粒濃度變化趨勢……………………………… 2-8
2-2-1 高屏地區PSI之變化趨勢…………………………………. 2-8
2-2-2 高雄地區氣象資料…………...…………………………….. 2-14
2-2-3 高屏地區懸浮微粒時空分佈趨勢…………...…………….. 2-19
2-2-4 高屏地區懸浮微粒污染源解析……………...…………….. 2-20
2-3 海陸風影響效應………………………...………………………. 2-28
2-3-1 海陸風之形成與機制………………...…………………….. 2-28
2-3-2 海陸風對高屏地區空氣品質之影響………...…………….. 2-30
2-4 季節風影響效應………………………………………………… 2-31
2-5 河川裸露地對空氣品質之影響…................................................ 2-33
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………. 3-1
3-1 高雄地區空氣品質監測站資料分析……...……………………. 3-1
3-2 陸域與海域懸浮微粒採樣規劃………………………………… 3-2
3-2-1 海陸風效應採樣規劃………………...…………………….. 3-2
3-2-2 季節風長程傳輸效應採樣規劃……………...…………….. 3-2
3-3 河口裸露地砂土採樣方法…………………………………....... 3-4
3-4 懸浮微粒採樣方法……………………………………………… 3-5
3-4-1 雙粒徑分道採樣器(Dichotomous Sampler)……………….. 3-5
3-5 懸浮微粒化學成份分析方法…………………………………… 3-8
3-5-1 水溶性離子成份分析……………………………………… 3-8
3-5-2 金屬元素成份分析………………………………………… 3-9
3-5-3 碳成份分析………………………………………………… 3-10
3-6 品保與品管………………………………………………............ 3-11
3-6-1 採樣方法之品保與品管…………………………………… 3-11
3-6-2 分析方法之品保與品管……………………………………. 3-14
3-7 污染物擴散傳輸解析………………………………………….... 3-16
3-7-1 逆軌跡分析(Backward Trajectory)………………………… 3-16
3-7-2 等濃度分佈(Concentration Contour)………………………. 3-17
3-7-3 富集因子分析(Enrichment Factor)………………………… 3-17
第四章 結果與討論….…........................................................................ 4-1
4-1 採樣期間高雄地區風場變化分析……………………………… 4-1
4-2 懸浮微粒濃度變化趨勢..……………………………….............. 4-10
4-2-1 海陸風效應對懸浮微粒時空分布之影響………………… 4-10
4-2-2 季節風效應對懸浮微粒時空分布之影響………………… 4-17
4-2-3 海陸風效應及季節風效應影響期間懸浮微粒濃度之比較 4-22
4-2-4 污染氣團逆軌跡傳輸路徑…………………........................ 4-23
4-3 海陸風效應期間懸浮微粒化學成份指紋特徵……………........ 4-28
4-3-1 水溶性離子成份分析………………………………………. 4-28
4-3-2 金屬元素成份分析…………………………………………. 4-31
4-3-3 碳成份分析…………………………………………………. 4-43
4-4 季節風效應期間懸浮微粒化學成份指紋特徵……...…………. 4-54
4-4-1 水溶性離子成份分析………………………………………. 4-54
4-4-2 金屬元素成份分析…………………………………………. 4-59
4-4-3 碳成份分析…………………………………………………. 4-67
4-4-4 懸浮微粒物種組成探討……………………………………. 4-77
4-5 懸浮微粒化學成份指紋相關性分析…………………………… 4-79
4-5-1 海陸風效應影響期間化學成份物種相關性分析…………. 4-79
4-5-2 季節風效應影響期間化學成份物種相關性分析…………. 4-83
4-6 河口裸露地揚沙對高雄地區懸浮微粒之影響………………… 4-88
4-6-1 台灣西部河川裸露砂土之粒徑分佈………………………. 4-88
4-6-2 西部河川裸露砂質特性……………………………………. 4-95
4-6-3 裸露砂質與高雄地區懸浮微粒相關性分析………………. 4-98
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………. 5-1
5-1 結論..…………………………………………………………….. 5-1
5-2 建議..…………………………………………………………….. 5-3
參考文獻………………………………………………………………... R-1
附錄A 高雄地區海域懸浮微粒採樣船航跡圖………………………. A-1
附錄B 高雄地區海域懸浮微粒化學成份數據………………………. B-1
附錄C 高屏溪河床裸露地揚沙照片………………………………….. C-1
附錄D 分析方法之品保品管………………………………………….. D-1
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