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Title page for etd-0827108-175856
Adsorption and Desorption of Mercury Chloride on Sulfur-impregnated Activated Carbon by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
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adsorptive capacity, sulfur impregnation, powdered activated carbons, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), desoption heating
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在都市垃圾焚化處理過程中,由於垃圾分類未能確實執行,使得焚化垃圾中夾雜許多有害物質,而這些有害物質往往無法藉由焚化或空氣污染控制設備予以去除。在都市垃圾成份中以重金屬物質最難處理,其中又以含汞污染物較為人們所重視,其對環境及人體健康之危害甚鉅。汞金屬及其化合物(如:氯化汞)因具有較高之蒸氣壓,故在焚化爐高溫環境下極易揮發而隨廢氣排出,若未能以空氣污染控制設備(Air Pollution Control Devices; APCD)予以有效去除,則會排放至大氣中,再經由不同的傳播途徑對環境生態造成嚴重影響。
活性碳已被廣泛應用於吸附有機物質及重金屬污染物,但隨著溫度越高則吸附量越少,將活性碳吸附劑添加其他的化學物質,可以改變活性碳表面之吸附特性,並增加對特定污染物之吸附量。研究顯示以含浸法所備製的硫化活性碳可用於去除燃煤電廠及都市垃圾焚化爐中零價汞(Hgo)蒸氣,但其加硫改質的硫多半為元素硫(S),且所吸附之物質多為元素汞(Hgo),對於氯化汞(HgCl2)之吸附較少,且很少探討活性碳加硫改質前後之比表面積(specific surface area)、孔徑分佈(pore size distribution)及硫在活性碳孔隙之分佈情形。有鑑於此,本研究旨在利用熱重分析法探討自製含硫活性碳之氯化汞吸附及脫附機制。
本研究實驗結果發現,加硫改質後活性碳之比表面積雖然會降低,但確實可以提高活性碳之含硫量;而改質溫度400 ℃之活性碳比表面積比改質溫度650 ℃略小,但含硫量卻高出許多。在吸附溫度150 ℃操作條件下,含硫活性碳之氯化汞吸附容量因氣固平衡反應之故,隨氯化汞進流濃度之增加而有升高之趨勢;而含硫量越高其相對吸附量越高;而活性碳比表面積越大其吸附量亦越高。由不同升溫速率所得之脫附速率(DTG)隨溫度變化趨勢圖,可求出氯化汞在自製含硫活性碳之脫附能(Ed)為823 KJ/mole,比氯化汞之汽化熱59.2 KJ/mole高出許多,顯示含硫活性碳吸附氯化汞應屬化學性吸附。由於脫附為吸熱反應,因此提供熱能有利於脫附反應之進行,所以脫附溫度越高越能縮短脫附所需時間。此外,由吸附飽和活性碳之表面特性可判定活性碳吸附氯化汞後可能生成HgS產物。由含硫活性碳再生結果得知,恆溫脫附時間越長,其再生次數則越少,乃因活性碳內的硫會隨脫附時間增加而脫附,進而降低含硫活性碳吸附氯化汞之能力,導致氯化汞吸附量之降低,從而減少加硫改質活性碳之再生次數。
This study investigated the adsorptive and desorption capacity of HgCl2 onto powdered activated carbon derived from carbon black of pyrolyzed waste tires (CPBAC) via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
Due to incomplete classification and recycling of municipal solid wastes (MSW), they still mix with a lot of hazardous materials, which unfortunately can not be removed by incinerators and air pollution control devices(APCDs). Among them, mercury and its pollutants attract more attention by people. Mercury and its pollutants emitted from the incineration of municipal solid wastes could cause severely adverse effects on human health and ecosystem since they exist mainly in vapor phase due to high vapor pressure. If they can not be remove by the air pollution control devices, they will be emitted to the atmosphere and cause serious effects on environmental ecology via various routes.
Activated carbon has been widely applied to the treatment of organic compounds and heavy metals in wastewater and waste gas stream. However, the adsorptive capacity of activated carbon decreases with adsorption temperature. The low adsorptive capacity of activated carbon at high temperature (>150 oC) can be overcome by impregnated activated carbons. Previous study reported that sulfur impregnated powdered activated carbons could effectively remove the vapor-phase elemental mercury (Hgo) emitted from MSW incinerators and utility power plants. However, the impregnated typically used is sulfur (S) which is solely applied for the adsorption of elemental mercury (Hgo). Besides, these studies seldom investigate the distribution of impregnated sulfur in the inner pores of activated carbon and its effects on the specific surface area and pore size distribution. Thus, this study was to investigate the fundamental mechanisms for the adsorption/desorption of HgCl2 by/from sulfur impregnated PAC.
Experimental results indicated that the sulfur content of sulfur impregnated CBPAC decreased with increasing impregnation temperatures form 400 to 650 oC; while the surface area of sulfur impregnated CBPAC increased with impregnation temperatures. In this study, TGA was applied to obtain the adsorptive capacity of HgCl2 onto CBPAC with adsorption temperature (150oC) and influent HgCl2 concentration (100~500 μg/m3). Experimental results indicated that the adsorptive capacity of CBPAC increased with the increase of influent HgCl2 concentration and surface area of the activated carbon. This study revealed that the impregnation of sulfur on CBPAC could increase its adsorption capacity at high temperatures.
Desorption experimental parameters included desorption temperature (400, 500, and 600 oC), heating rate (10, 15, and 20 oC /min) and regeneration cycle (1~7 cycles). In probing into the regeneration efficiency of CBPAC, experiments were conducted at the desorption times of 60 and 30 min. The results suggested the regeneration efficiency of carbon under 30 min was generally highter than that under 60 min. Because the desorption time was more longer and the sulfur content was lesser. Therefore, the regeneration times was reduce. Experimental results indicated that the mechanism of HgCl2 desorption from the spent CPBAC was strongly affected by desorption temperature. Both the desorption efficiency and the desorption rate of HgCl2 increased dramatically with desorption temperature. The desorption heat of HgCl2 (823 KJ/mole) was much higher than the vaporization heat of HgCl2 (59.2 KJ/mole), indicating that the adsorption of HgCl2 on sulfur impregnated CBPAC was chemical adsorption. Consequently, raising desorption temperature could enhance the desorption of HgCl2 and shorten the duration for HgCl2 desorption. Moreover, the formation of HgS during the desorption of HgCl2 from activated carbons can be proved by the surface characteristics of sulfur impregnated activated carbons. Results obtained from the regeneration of sulfur impregnated activated carbons indicated that the regeneration cycles decreased as the desorption duration increased. It was attributed to the potential desorption of sulfur from actived carbons, which thus decreased the adsorptive capacity and the regeneration cycles.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
中文摘要….…………………………..……….…………………. I

英文摘要…………………………………………………………. III

目錄..……………………………………………………………... VI

表目錄….…………………………………...…………………..... IX

圖目錄……………………………………………………………. XI

第一章 前言…………………………….....…………………….. 1-1
1-1 研究緣起…………………………………………........... 1-1
1-2 研究目的………………………………………………... 1-2
1-3 研究流程………………………………………………... 1-2
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………….……….. 2-1
2-1 含汞污染物之來源及種類……………………………... 2-1
2-1-1 含汞污染物之來源…………….………………..... 2-1
2-1-2 含汞污染物之物種型態………..………………… 2-7
2-1-3 含汞污染物之排放標準………..………………… 2-7
2-1-4 含汞污染物之控制技術………..………………… 2-8
2-2 含汞污染物之物化特性及影響………………………... 2-11
2-2-1 含汞污染物之物理及化學特性…….….………… 2-12
2-2-2 含汞污染物對人體健康之影響………….………. 2-14
2-3 活性碳之種類及特性…………………………………... 2-15
2-3-1 活性碳之種類…………………………………….. 2-15
2-3-2 活性碳之物理化學特性………………………….. 2-16
2-4 活性碳吸附重金屬之原理……………….…………….. 2-18
2-4-1 活性碳吸附機制(Adsorption Mechanism)……….. 2-18
2-4-2 等溫吸附曲線(Adsorption Isotherm).……………. 2-20
2-4-3 吸附滯後現象(Hysteresis loop)…….……………. 2-22
2-4-4 活性碳脱附機制(dsorption Mechanism)………… 2-23
2-4-5 活性碳吸(脫)附重金屬汙染物之應用…………... 2-25
2-4-6 含硫活性碳對重金屬吸(脫)附機制之影響……... 2-26
2-5 活性碳加硫改質方法及特性…………………………... 2-27
2-6 熱重分析儀(TGA)之原理及應用……………………… 2-28
2-6-1 熱重分析儀之原理……………………………….. 2-28
2-6-2 熱重分析儀之應用……………………………….. 2-29
第三章 研究方法……………………………………………….. 3-1
3-1 實驗設計與流程………………………………………... 3-1
3-2 實驗材料與設備………………………………………... 3-3
3-2-1 實驗材料………………………………………….. 3-3
3-2-2 活性碳加硫改質系統…………………………….. 3-5
3-2-3 分析儀器系統…………………………………….. 3-5
3-3 實驗方法…………………………................................... 3-7
3-3-1 活性碳吸(脫)附實驗.............…………….............. 3-7
3-3-1-1 活性碳吸附實驗……………………………… 3-7
3-3-1-2 活性碳脫附實驗………………………………. 3-8
3-3-2 比表面積與孔徑分佈…………………………….. 3-8
3-3-3 元素成份分析..……………………….................... 3-9
3-3-4 冷蒸氣原子螢光光譜儀…….……….................... 3-11
3-3-5 熱重分析儀與校正氣體產生器…….................... 3-12
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………... 4-1
4-1 加硫改質活性碳物理特性分析………………………... 4-1
4-1-1 加硫改質活性碳外觀構造…………….................. 4-1
4-1-2 比表面積及孔隙分析結果………………............. 4-3
4-2 加硫改質活性碳化學特性分析………………...……… 4-6
4-3 加硫改質活性碳吸附氯化汞之熱重分析……………... 4-9
4-3-1 不同比表面積之含硫活性碳吸附結果………….. 4-9
4-3-1-1 高含硫量活性碳之吸附結果……………......... 4-9
4-3-1-2 低含硫量活性碳之吸附結果……………......... 4-10
4-3-2 不同氯化汞進流濃度之含硫活性碳吸附結果….. 4-15
4-3-2-1 高含硫量活性碳之吸附結果……………......... 4-15
4-3-2-2 低含硫量活性碳之吸附結果……………......... 4-15
4-3-3 不同含硫量活性碳之氯化汞吸附結果………….. 4-21
4-3-3-1 相同比表面積活性碳之氯化汞吸附結果……. 4-21
4-3-3-2 相同氯化汞進流濃度之活性碳吸附結果……. 4-22
4-4 吸附飽和之含硫活性碳脱附氯化汞之熱重分析……... 4-29
4-4-1 不同升溫速率下脱附氯化汞之熱重分析………. 4-29
4-4-2 不同脫附溫度下脱附氯化汞之熱重分析……….. 4-32
4-4-2-1 高含硫量活性碳之氯化汞脫附結果……......... 4-33
4-4-2-2 低含硫量活性碳之氯化汞脫附結果…............. 4-40
4-5 含硫活性碳再生結果…………………........................... 4-49
第五章 結論與建議……………………….……………………. 5-1
5-1 結論……………………………………..………………. 5-1
5-2 建議……………………………………………………... 5-3
參考文獻………………………………………………………… R-1
附錄A 分析檢量線….…………………………………………. A-1
附錄B 實驗數據ㄧ覽表….…………………………………….. B-1
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