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博碩士論文 etd-0828108-174555 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0828108-174555
The Influence of Energy Focusing Effect on the Weld Defects
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Weld defects, Electron Beam Welding, Rippling, Spiking
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The present work researches influence of energy focusing effect to the fusion zone defects in the electron beam welding, which include fusion zone shape, welding depth, welding width, rippling and spiking. And to verify the model of welding defects base on theory and experiment. A spike is a sudden increase in penetration beyond what might be called the average penetration line. Many spikes have voids and cold shuts in their lower portions, because molten metal does not fill in completely, producing a condition similar to a cold shut in a casting. Ripples on a workpiece surface are generally associated with segregation, porosity and other microstructure defects. These become the objectives in this project.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

第一章  緒論 ………………………………………………………1
1-1 前言 ……………………………………………………1
1-2 本文架構 ………………………………………………6
第二章 理論分析 …………………………………………………7
2-1 滲透深度 ………………………………………………7
2-1.1焊接模型與假設 ………………………………7
2-1.2焊接模型的建立 ………………………………8
2-1.3焦點變化的修正 ………………………………10
2-2 焊接固化表面粗糙波紋 ………………………………12
2-3 鋸齒縱深 ………………………………………………14
第三章 實驗方法與結果 …………………………………………16
3-3.1.1 真空度的影響 ……………………25
3-3.1.2焊道形狀 …………………………26
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………34
第五章 結論………………………………………………………41
參考文獻 References

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