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博碩士論文 etd-0829107-151750 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0829107-151750
The Study of Mathematical Problem Solving Competence for Elementary Students in Tainan City
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Mathematical Problem Solving Competence, Thinking Styles Inventory, Mathematical Learning Perception Check List
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本研究主要目的在於探討,影響國小學童數學問題解決能力相關因素,瞭解數學問題解決能力發展的現況,與影響數學問題解決能力發展的背景因素。本研究採用調查研究法,以「思考風格量表」、「數學學習滿意知覺量表」、「數學問題解決能力測驗」為研究工具,台南市國小五年級學童為研究對象進行施測,共發出710 份問卷,取得有效樣本為587 份,回收比率82.60%。所得資料以描
述性統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元相關及多元迴歸進行統計分析。
一、 從數學學習滿意知覺量表得分分析,學童上數學課的滿意度偏低,提升學童數學課的滿意度,有助於提升數學問題解決能力的發展。
六、台南市父母親社經地位分佈,以東區、北區、中西區分別優於南區、安平區、安南區,隱含在行政區影響學童數學問題解決能力發展之因素,主要是父母親社經地位,行政區對父母親社經地位總分的效果量η2(Eta Squared)=25.3%。
The purpose of the present study is (1) to investigate factors that influence mathematical problem solving competence for elementary students, (2) to understand the current studies regarding the development of mathematical problem solving competence, and (3) to probe background factors that affect the development of mathematical problem solving competence. The subjects of the study included 710 fifth-graders in Tainan city. The surveys of Thinking Style Inventory, Mathematical Learning Perception Check List as well as Mathematical Problem Solving Competence Test were used as instruments for data collection. A total of 710 questionnaires were delivered and 587valid questionnaires were collected, with fairly high 82.60% return rate. The collected data was tested with descriptive analysis, independent t test、ANOVA、product-moment correlation coefficient,multiple correlation and multiple regression.
Based on the data analysis, the six findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1. The low satisfaction with mathematics class was revealed from the analysis of students’ Mathematical Learning Perception Check List. It is suggested boosting subjects’ satisfaction with the mathematics class will enhance the development of mathematical problem solving competence.
2. The positive correlation between administration style and mathematical problem solving competence was shown eminently among all types of thinking styles. The result indicated different function of the thinking styles influenced the development of mathematical problem solving competence in a varied degree.
3. From the analysis of students’ background factor and mathematics problem solving competence, the statistic indicated the length of extra curriculum students devoted to does not affect their mathematical problem solving competence. The factors that influence students’ mathematical problem solving competence the most were shown in the following order: administration district, the social status of father, the social status of mother, gender and the size of school.
4. The comparative variance of the mathematics learning achievement and mathematics problem solving competence was 24.3%. It implied the two influences each other. Students with low mathematical learning achievement show low mathematical problem solving competence and vice versa.
5. When predicting students’ development of mathematical problem solving competence via the data of parents’ social status and mathematical learning perception check list, the result showed the prediction via parents’ social status is less significant. Yet the prediction via mathematical learning perception check list gained the highest variance ratio in this case.
6. In terms of the distribution of parents’ social status, East, North and Middle East were of eminent as compared to South, An-Ping and An-Nan district in Tainan city. The finding implied parents’ social status was a major factor that influence students’ mathematics problem solving ability in administration district, as the η2 (Eta Squared)=25.3% shown in this study.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 I
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 5
第三節 研究範圍與限制 6
第四節 名詞解釋 8
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 教學典範改變及數學教育發展趨勢 11
第二節 數學解題歷程理論 15
第三節 思考風格的概念與評量關係 22
第四節 家庭背景因素對教育成就之影響 32
第三章 研究方法 37
第一節研究架構 37
第二節 研究假設 39
第三節 研究對象 40
第四節 研究工具 44
第五節 實施程序 62
第六節 資料處理與分析 66
第四章 研究結果與討論 68
第一節 學生的各項背景變項分佈,及各問卷得分情形 68
第二節 學習知覺滿意程度與數學問題解決能力關係 74
第三節 思考風格(功能)與數學問題解決能力關係 74
第四節 學生背景不同對數學問題解決能力的影響 75
第五節 數學學習成就與數學問題解決能力的關係 89
第六節 由父母社經地位、學習知覺滿意程度,預測數學問題解決能力發展狀況 91
第五章 結論與建議 94
第一節 結 論 94
第二節 建 議 98
參考文獻 102
壹、中文部份 110
貳、英文部份 114
附錄 110
附錄二、預試問卷及數學問題解決能力測驗題本 112
附錄三、專家背景介紹 131
附錄四、專家意見彙整 132
附錄五、t檢定考驗 134
附錄六、難度、鑑別度 139
附錄七、預式題項之Cronbach’s Alpha系數分析 141
附錄八、正式施測四個解題成份能力之Cronbach’s α 係數 143
附錄九、正式施測各題項之Cronbach’s α 係數 144
附錄十、重測信度相關係數 145
附錄十一、各分量表與總分之間的積差相關矩陣 145
附錄十二、二階驗證性因素分析,標準化模式圖 146
附錄十三、驗證性因素分析適配度的檢定總表 147
附錄十四、正式施測問卷及數學問題解決能力測驗題本 149
附錄十五、行政區與父母社經地位關係分析 165
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