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Title page for etd-0829107-153118
Genomic Analyses of the Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequences of Five Alcyonacea Corals
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Sinularia leptoclado, Alcyonacea, mitochondrial DNA, Lobophytum pauciflorum, Nephthea erecta, Sarcophyton sp., Sinularia flexibilis
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在珊瑚礁中,八放珊瑚提供食物鏈的居所並和礁岩的形成扮演重要的角色。八放珊瑚擁有豐富的生物多樣性,而八放珊瑚的外觀會隨著環境的影響而不同,以形態作為分類的依據會導致有模糊不清的界定情況,無法用傳統形態分類的方法鑑定。因此,引進分子生物技術的方法,一項新的分類鑑定工具-基因條碼,即利用物種特有的基因作專屬的條碼,也可更進一步的瞭解各物種之間的關係並建立物種的基因庫。本研究分析五種海雞頭珊瑚的粒線體DNA,利用PCR及primer walking的方式定出完整序列,物種學名跟粒線體基因總長分別是:Lobophytum pauciflorum為18562 bp,Sinularia leptoclados為18732 bp,Sinularia flexibilis為18752 bp,Sarcophyton sp.為18806 bp,Nephthea erecta為18716 bp,粒線體基因包含了14個蛋白質基因(ATP6、ATP8、COI、COII、COIIII、CYTB、ND1、ND2、ND3、ND4、ND4L、ND5、ND6、MSH),2個rRNA,1個tRNA。本研究和目前已發表的三株八放珊瑚做序列分析,討論八放珊瑚的獨特性,如MSH基因,利用程式探討六放、八放珊瑚和其他物種之間的親緣關係,並更進一步找出屬於這五株八放珊瑚的專屬基因條碼,以做日後鑑種及研究之用。
Corals are the dominant species of the coral reefs. The diversity of species is classified by traditional morphological traits, especially relied on the calcious deposits-sclerites. The formation of sclerites may be affected by the environmental conditions; therefore, some controversies may exist. The ambiguities may be clarified with molecular approaches. Five soft coral species, Lobophytum pauciflorum, Sinularia leptoclado, Sinularia flexibilis, Sarcophyton sp., Nephthea erecta were chosen for this study. The total mitochondrial DNA sequences were determined by PCR and primer walking. The genome contains 18562 bp, 18732 bp, 18752 bp, 18806 bp, 18716 bp separately, which harbors 14 protein-coding genes (ATP6、ATP8、COI、COII、COIIII、CYTB、ND1、ND2、ND3、ND4、ND4L、ND5、ND6、MSH), 2 rRNA and only 1 tRNA genes. The phylogenetic relationship of alcyonacea corals were analyzed and compared with published sequences. The possibility of using a short “DNA bar-code sequence” of the mitochondria as an alternative for species identification may be feasible. We found the short DNA signature sequences for these five corals. They may speed up the identification of corals in the long run.
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參考文獻 References
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