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博碩士論文 etd-0830102-093614 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0830102-093614
The Study Of Problems to Lunch Program In Junior High Schools IN kaohsoung County
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Lunch Program, Junior High Schools, Kaohsoung
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摘 要
三、 提昇午餐品質之相關因素
四、 學校辦理午餐之困境
一、 增設營養師與辦理午餐工作專業訓練,以提昇學校午餐工作人員之專業能力。
二、 增加午餐經費的補助,以解決各校辦理午餐之困境。
三、 減輕兼辦午餐人員之工作負擔及提昇工作津貼以提高員工之工作意願。
四、 學校辦理午餐應依規模大小選擇適當的方式辦理。
五、 重視廚房環境之整潔,以確保午餐食品安全衛生。
六、 請重視廚師與廚工之個人衛生以確保午餐食物之優良品質。
七、 請落實午餐營養教育之實施,使學生養成良好的飲食習慣。
The Study of Problems Relating to Lunch Program
In Junior High Schools in Kaohsiung County Abstract

The purposes of this study were to understand the current state of the lunch programs of junior high schools in Kaohsiung county, to analyze the present school lunch programs (SLP) in other cities of Taiwan, in the United States, and in Japan and then to discuss some relevant problems about the SLP of junior high schools in Kaohsiung County. Questionnaires were developed to survey the best modes & management of the SLP, the best ways to enhance the quality of the SLP and the difficulties in the management of the SLP. The data of questionnaires were analyzed by Chi-square test.
The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this study:
1. Modes of the SLP
(1) For large-sized schools: the school authorities (SA) regarded public-owned and public-managed mode as the best mode of the SLP; the representatives of parents (ROP) regarded the public-owned and private-managed mode as the best mode of the SLP.
(2) For medium-sized schools: the SA and the ROP both regarded public-owned and public-managed mode as the best mode of the SLP.
(3) For small-sized schools: the SA regarded the co-managed mode as the best mode of the SLP; the ROP regarded public-owned and public-managed mode as the best mode of
the SLP.
2. The management of the SLP
(1)For large-sized and medium-sized schools: the SA and the ROP both regarded the common management as the best mode.
(2) For small-sized schools: the SA and the ROP both regarded
the simple management as the best mode.
3. Relevant factors for improving the quality of the SLP
(1) The SA considered the design of menu the most important factor for improving the SLP. The ROP considered the practice of lunch-time education the most important factor and the design of menu the second one.
(2) The SA and the ROP both agreed that the most important
task of kitchen management is the sanitation of kitchen environment, and the second one is the maintenance of
cooking equipment.
(3) Both the SA and the ROP agreed that the most important requirement of cooks is good cooking skills and the second one is good personal hygiene.
(4) The SA thought that the most important factor of the effectiveness of the SLP lay in the effective management and the second one was the staff's professional ability. The ROP regarded the staff's professional ability as the most important factor and effective management as the second one.
4. The difficulties in the SLP
(1) The difficulties in the staff's professional ability: both the SA and the ROP agreed that the main difficulties lay in lack of professional recipe designers and the insufficient experience of the SLP supervisors.
(2) The difficulties in the budget of the SLP: both the SA and the ROP regarded that the SLP subsidies from the government and the lunch fee paid by students were quite insufficient.
(3) The difficulties for the staff who are in charge of the SLP: both the SA and the ROP regarded that the difficulties lay in the staff's unwillingness to do the job under the heavy workload of their teaching and administrative duties.
(4) The difficulties in the school cooking equipment: the SA and the ROP have different viewpoints. The SA regarded the major difficulties were insufficiency of lunch
equipments and the cooking staff's insufficient ability to use the cooking equipments. The ROP pointed out that the difficulties lay in insufficiency of cooking equipments and discard of the cooking equipments.
(5) The difficulties in the implementation of lunch-time education: both the SA and the ROP observed that the administrative unit in charge of the SLP did not take the
lunch-time education seriously and the homeroom teachers did not carry it out completely. According to the conclusions of this study, the researcher presented the following suggestions for the reference of the education authorities and schools to improve the SLP:
1. To add a nutritionist to the cooking staff and provide relevant training for the SLP staff members to increase
the personnel’s professionalism.
2. To increase the government subsidies to solve the fisical difficulties of the SLP.
3. To reduce the workload of the staff members and increase their allowances in order to promote their willingness to work.
4. The SA should select the best mode of the SLP based on the school size.
5. To put emphases on the sanitation of the kitchen so as to ensure the safety and cleanness of food.
6. To put emphases on cooks' and the staff members' personal hygiene to ensure the good quality of the food they served.
7. To be down-to-earth with lunch-time education and to make students acquire good dietetic habits.

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒 論………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機……………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………3
第三節 待答問題……………………………………………3
第四節 名詞釋義……………………………………………3
第五節 研究過程與實施……………………………………7
第六節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………9
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………10
第一節 美、日兩國學校午餐發展的狀況…………………10
第二節 我國學校午餐之沿革與現況………………………22
第三節 學校午餐經營管理的可行模式……………………42
第四節 學校午餐的辦理方式………………………………51
第五節 提昇學校午餐之品質………………………………55
第六節 目前學校午餐辦理之困境…………………………58
第七節 我國學校午餐相關研究之評析……………………62
第三章 研究設計與實施……………………………………69
第一節 研究架構與取向……………………………………69
第二節 研究假設……………………………………………70
第三節 研究方法……………………………………………71
第四節 研究工具……………………………………………71
第五節 研究對象……………………………………………75
第六節 研究步驟……………………………………………77
第七節 統計方法…….…………………………………….82
第四章 研究結果與討論……………………………………83
第一節 學校午餐辦理方式與經營模式……………………83
第二節 提昇學校午餐品質之相關因素……………………96
第三節 學校午餐辦理之困境………………………………105
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………116
第一節 調 查研究發現 ……………………………………116
第二節 結論…………………………………………………120
第三節 建議…………………………………………………122
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