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博碩士論文 etd-0901108-160507 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0901108-160507
A Study of People’s Republic of China Participate to Construct East Asia Regional Security Complex
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, The Six-Party Talks, The ASEAN Regional Forum, Regional Security Complexes
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U.S. led Western Democracies have imposed comprehensive sanctions on the PRC government by ceasing high-level exchanges politically and canceling bilateral cooperative agreements economically in response to the PRC’s 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square demonstrators. At that time, former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping brought up a “24 character” strategy for China’s foreign and security policy: “observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; and never claim leadership.” PRC did not gradually disengage from the U.S. led isolation until the U.S. government resumed high-level exchanges in 1993.
The end of the Cold War meant that China was the major beneficiary of greatly reduced superpower penetration, and this strengthened the interregional dynamics of the Northeast and Southeast Asia. After PRC disengaged from diplomatic isolation made by U.S. - led Western Democracies and began to have the power to influence regional security affairs, a China-centered East Asian regional security complex was born. From lack of confidence in constructing in East Asian regional security complex in the mid 1990s, China became active and could rule the RSC after late 1990s. The goal of PRC’s security strategy is to form an anti-U.S.-led East Asia military alliance to protect its national security interest.
In the existing regional security complexes, the framework of ASEAN Regional Forum was separated into “ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership” and “non ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership” camps in 2003. China established the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2001 and allowed one of the axis of evil states- Iran to participate in the Organization in 2005. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization will develop into an anti-U.S.-led military alliance under China’s manipulation. In 2003, the U.S. government urged China to play a responsible stakeholder role in the Six-Party Talks instead of being a draft- making secretary.
The PRC’s participation in constructing East Asia regional security complexes is analogous to a state that clothed neo-realism but harangued regional security interdependence. On the one hand it reprehends the U.S. East Asia military alliance as an out-of-date cold war thinking. On the other hand, PRC’s military expenditure from 1996 to 2006 shows an annual growth of more than 10 percent. The mutual security in East Asian regional security complexes are still being constructed. China participates in The Six-Party Talks and ASEAN Regional Forum while sometimes it will depend on particular circumstances to make certain contributions, but rules the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with its full strength to keep it operate as China’s political will. The aim of this thesis is to examine the changing characteristics of the regional security complexes in East Asia. The thesis focuses on the foreign policies and strategies of PRC’s participation in those security complexes from mid 1990s. Finally, this thesis will to explore what will impact on the East Asian regional security complex when China participates in and try to construct it, and who will construct whom.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論...................................................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機、目的、範圍與限制........................................................................... 1
第二節 相關名詞界定..................................................................................................... 10
第三節 安全研究之發展趨勢......................................................................................... 14
第四節 研究文獻回顧..................................................................................................... 19
第五節 研究設計與方法................................................................................................. 25
第二章 區域安全複合體概念與國際關係理論之安全觀............................................ 33
第一節 1983 年之安全複合體........................................................................................ 33
第二節 1991 年之區域安全複合體................................................................................ 36
第三節 1998 年之區域安全複合體................................................................................ 42
第四節 2003 年之區域安全複合體................................................................................ 47
第五節 以中國為中心的東亞區域安全複合體............................................................. 59
第六節 國際關係理論之安全觀..................................................................................... 63
第三章 東亞區域安全複合體-「東協區域論壇」之演化........................................ 78
第一節 信任建立探索期................................................................................................. 79
第二節 信任建立期......................................................................................................... 90
第三節 預防外交過渡期................................................................................................. 97
第四節 對東協區域論壇之評析................................................................................... 100
第四章 中國參與「東協區域論壇」之建構.............................................................. 121
第一節 謹慎探索期....................................................................................................... 122
第二節 軍事透明化期................................................................................................... 133
第三節 安全合作實踐期............................................................................................... 145
第五章 中國參與「上海合作組織」之建構.............................................................. 155
第一節 中國、中亞與上海合作組織........................................................................... 157
第二節 中國參與元首峰會之建構............................................................................... 166
第三節 對中國參與建構「上海合作組織」之評析................................................... 187
第六章 中國參與六方會談之建構.............................................................................. 206
第一節 中國參與四方會談........................................................................................... 209
第二節 中國參與六方會談之建構............................................................................... 218
第三節 中國參與六方會談之作用............................................................................... 238
第七章 結論.................................................................................................................. 247
第一節 研究發現........................................................................................................... 247
第二節 東亞區域安全複合體之展望........................................................................... 254
參考文獻........................................................................................................................ 278
壹、中文部分................................................................................................................ 278
一、書籍........................................................................................................................ 278
二、期刊、論文、文件................................................................................................ 283
三、報紙........................................................................................................................ 284
四、網路資源................................................................................................................ 290
貳、西文部分................................................................................................................ 292
一、書籍........................................................................................................................ 292
二、期刊........................................................................................................................ 297
三、官方文件、聲明、報刊........................................................................................ 303
四、網路資源................................................................................................................ 310
表 1-1 亞太各國對東亞安全複合體構想差異一覽表:............................................. 3
表 1-2 東亞和歐洲的信任建立措施之比較................................................................. 4
表 1-3 亞太地區重要安全合作簡表.................................................................................. 6
表 1-4 單層次分析方法............................................................................................... 26
表 1-5 國際-國內關連方法....................................................................................... 27
表 1-6 微觀-宏觀關連模式....................................................................................... 28
表 2-1 廣泛安全分析架構表....................................................................................... 41
表 2-2 1980-2002 年日本對中國政府開發援助紀錄表(單位:億日圓)............. 57
表 2-3 安全複合體類型一覽表................................................................................... 58
表 2-4 「區域安全複合體理論」演化簡表................................................................ 62
表 3-1 1995 年東協提出「概念性文件」標示的短、中、長期發展方向.............. 82
表 3-2 2007 年日本防衛白皮書的亞太軍力表........................................................ 102
表 3-3 東協區域論壇的成員與東協之關係............................................................. 115
表 3-4 東協區域論壇的工作組................................................................................. 115
表 3-5 東協區域論壇內部的參與,1995-2002 年................................................... 118
表 3-6 涉及透明度的建立信任措施在東協區域論壇內部的實現......................... 119
表 3-7 2000~2007 東協區域論壇成員國提交「年度安全形勢展望」一覽表..... 120
表 4-1 「東協區域論壇」主席聲明針對南海問題的立場(1995-1999) ............. 137
表 4-2 1997 年以來中國與東協簽訂的主要雙邊合作條約(協議)一覽表........ 151
表 5-1 ?堮?輸油管線主要方案一覽表..................................................................... 163
表 5-2 歷屆「上海五國」會晤一覽表..................................................................... 169
表 5-3 上海合作組織歷屆元首峰會運作情形......................................................... 185
表 5-4 歷屆上海合作組織成員國總理會推動不同領域的合作情形一覽表......... 193
表 5-5 上海合作組織元首宣言中有關中國國家政治利益一覽表......................... 198
表 5-6 美國對中亞國家的外交援助簡表(單位:百萬美元)............................. 204
表 6-1 1997∼1999 朝鮮半島四方會談中國重要發言及會談進展........................ 215
表 6-2 六方會談重要進展一覽表............................................................................. 235
表 6-3 六方會談重大分歧一覽表............................................................................. 236
表 6-4 六方會談中國發揮的作用............................................................................. 246
圖目錄 / 附錄
圖 1-1:概念架構示意圖……………………………………………………………… 31
圖 2-1:安全研究學派簡圖............................................................................................ 46
圖 2-2:冷戰期間亞洲之區域安全複合體.................................................................... 51
圖 2-3:冷戰後亞洲之區域安全複合體........................................................................ 52
圖 2-4:東亞區域安全複合體簡圖................................................................................ 53
圖 4-1:中國的南海主權紛爭簡圖.............................................................................. 138
圖 5-1:巴庫—第比利斯-傑伊漢管線圖.................................................................. 165
圖 5-2:田吉茲—新羅西斯克管線.............................................................................. 165
圖 5-3:上海合作組織成員國的天然氣存量圖.......................................................... 179
圖 5-4:伊朗加上海合作組織成員國的天然氣存量圖.............................................. 179
圖 5-5:上海合作組織成員國的石油儲量.................................................................. 180
圖 5-6:伊朗加上海合作組織成員國的石油儲量...................................................... 180
圖 5-7:上海合作組織成員國與觀察員地理範圍圖.................................................. 181
圖 7-1:衝突體、安全體至安全共同體簡圖.............................................................. 249
附錄 1:「東協區域論壇預防性外交的概念和原則」引言部分............................... 265
附錄 2:「加強東協區域論壇主席作用」的目標....................................................... 268
附錄 3:「東協區域論壇專家名人職權範圍」........................................................... 270
附錄 4:1994-2007 年東協區域論壇第一軌道活動表(依年度會議間會議分類)272
附錄 5:1994 – 2005 年東協區域論壇第一軌道活動表 (依主題分類) .................... 276
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