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博碩士論文 etd-0901114-122958 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0901114-122958
An Assistive Device Design with the Function of Bed-Transferring
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Date of Exam
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Quality function deployment, Six-bar linkage mechanism, Bed-transferring assistive device, Pantograph, Four-bar linkage mechanism with single slider, Differential evolution
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5689 times, has been downloaded 809 times.
The purpose of this study is to ease the healthcare manpower shortage. Aging population is nowadays becoming the universal issue which raises high medical care demand; however, the healthcare labor is not increasing accordingly to meet the recognized need. That gave the inspiration to the invention of the bed-transferring tool. With such device, labor can be allocated smartly and efficiently, the injury on patients caused by switching beds and places will also be optimistically reduced.
The design concept focuses on how to relieve the efforts spent on patient transport with referring to patented products and existing devices on market. The outstanding functions of the assistive device include the use of six-bar linkage mechanism to facilitate the position change; the installation of pantograph to aid the patient lifting; and the application of four-bar linkage mechanism with single slider to simplify the process of device-folding. Original model was formulated based on optimization algorithm and finite element analysis. It has later been trialed as part of the medical tools in the real life to receive feedback from professional users in related fields. The writer is hoping that the device can one day share the hospital workload and reduce the possible injury that results in patient-carrying. The experiment will be ongoing with continuous improvement made on the tool. To make a cost-effective and user-friendly design available to who is in need is the writer’s ultimate goal.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 viii
表次 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1高齡化的社會 1
1.1.2身體機能衰退 4
1.1.3照服人力不足 5
1.1.4部分人士之需求 6
1.1.5輔具的類別 7
1.1.6現有之「移位與翻身輔具」及「升降輔具」 9
1.2研究目的 10
1.3論文架構 11
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1文獻回顧 12
2.1.1人體老化之研究 12
2.1.2護理上之移位方法 13
2.1.3照護人力之消耗 17
2.2現有之專利探討 18
2.2.1美國專利 19
2.2.2台灣專利 24
2.2.3專利整理 26
2.3設計方法 28
2.3.1設計流程 29
2.3.2品質機能展開 31
2.4最佳化方法 33
2.4.1差分演算法 33
2.4.2差分演算法之改良 34
第三章 移床輔具之設計與分析 36
3.1設計目標與流程 36
3.1.1品質機能展開之應用 36
3.1.2設計目標 46
3.1.3構造合成 48
3.2姿勢轉換機構 49
3.2.1六連桿之特殊化 49
3.2.2六連桿之機構簡圖 52
3.2.3尺度合成 54
3.3升降機構 61
3.3.1縮放儀 62
3.3.2路徑方程式 63
3.4收折機構 65
3.4.1單滑件四連桿機構 66
3.4.2迴路方程式 67
3.5尺寸最佳化 70
3.5.1姿勢轉換機構之尺寸最佳化 70
3.5.2升降機構之驅動器位置最佳化 73
3.5.3收折機構之尺寸最佳化 75
3.5.4最終輔具設計 78
3.6結構分析 85
3.6.1材料選擇 85
3.6.2應力與應變分析 88
3.6.3驅動元件探討 96
第四章 討論 104
4.1新型移床輔具之專利分析 104
4.2問卷評估與建議 105
4.3討論 106
第五章 結論與未來展望 108
5.1結論 108
5.2未來展望 109
參考文獻 110
附件一 新型移床輔具設計概念意見調查問卷 115
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