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Title page for etd-0902109-151714
Application of in-situ bioremediation technology to remediate trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater
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trichloroethylene, Chlorinated organic compounds, dense, In-situ bioremediation
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中部份區域三氯乙烯濃度超過管制標準之0.05 mg/L 及1.1-二氯乙烯管制標準之0.07 mg/L。
整治區內設置(含既有井C029)四口整治井,由上游至下游依序為BW1-1、C029、BW1-2 及
BW1-3,四口井之平均三氯乙烯初始濃度分別為0.0853 mg/L、0.1340 mg/L、0.0668 mg/L 及
0.0323 mg/L,其中又以C029 濃度為最高。本研究中添加適當之糖蜜及營養鹽做為好氧微生
監測井BW1-1 維持溶氧值在7-8 mg/L-O2 之間。經213 天整治後,濃度皆降至管制標準值以
下,其濃度分別為N.D、0.0038 mg/L、0.0211 mg/L 及0.0161 mg/L;在厭氧整治區內(含既有
井SW-4)四口整治井,由上游至下游依序為BW2-1、SW-4、BW2-2 及BW2-3,四口井之平
均三氯乙烯初始濃度分別為0.0399 mg/L、0.1460 mg/L、0.1030 mg/L 及0.0492 mg/L,厭氧區
之營養基質,經193 天整治後,濃度皆降到接近或低於管制標準值,分別為0.0043 mg/L、0.0687
mg/L、0.0365 mg/L 及0.0289 mg/L。
BIOCHLOR 自然衰減模式模擬、降解副產物分析、污染分布範圍大小及相關水質參數之分
Chlorinated organic compounds are widely used in various industrial processes. Due to their
high density and low water solubility, they are mainly utilized as cleaning solvents in dry cleaning
operations, as well as semiconductor manufacturers. Many chlorinated organic compounds spilled
sites contain residuals, which present in a pure liquid phase (dense non-aqueous phase liquids,
DNAPLs). Trichloroethylene (TCE) is the most typical compound as a result. In situ bioremediation
has been successfully used for the removal of TCE. This process has several advantages, such as
relative simplicity, low cost, and potentially remarkable efficiency in contamination removal than
others. By using the in situ bioremediation to remediate TCE contaminated groundwater, it must
ensure (1) biodegradability of contaminants, and the presence of a competent biodegrading
population of microorganisms, (2) presence of electron acceptors, and (3) environment condition
and, nutrient sources.
A field study for biodegradation TCE through molasses injection was conducted at the
industrial trading estate in Kaohsiung City. The study included electronic products, semiconductor,
nicety optical industry and so on. Molasses, nitrate and phosphate were introduced from injection
well (BW1-1 and BW2-1) into aerobic and anaerobic groundwater contaminated site.
In the aerobic zone, there were four wells being monitored: BW1-1, C029, BW1-2 and BW1-3.
After 213 days of biostimulation treatment, TCE concentration detection results showed TCE
concentrations in all wells monitored. BW1-1 and C029, there was a sharp decrease from 0.0853
mg/L to below the detection limit and from 0.1340 mg/L to 0.0038 mg/L. BW1-2 and BW1-3
showed a slight decrease from 0.0668 mg/L to 0.0211 mg/L and from 0.0323 mg/L to 0.0161 mg/L.
After treatments, TCE concentrations in all wells monitored were dropped to 0.05 mg/L. In
anaerobic zone, there were four wells being monitored: BW2-1, SW-4, BW2-2 and BW2-3. After
193 days of biostimulation treatment, TCE concentration detection results showed TCE
concentrations in all wells monitored. BW2-1, SW-4, BW2-2 and BW2-3 all had a slight decrease
from 0.0399 mg/L to 0.0043 mg/L, from 0.14603 mg/L to 0.0687 mg/L, from 0.1030 mg/L to
0.0365 mg/L and from 0.0492 mg/L to 0.0289 mg/L.
According to the results from BIOCHLOR modeling, elevated aqueous concentration of
chloroethenes with a classical reduction pathway for TCE leading to an accumulation of vinyl
chloride and ethane. All the results revealed that bioremediation technology is one of the more
feasible approaches to clean up TCE contaminated groundwater in this field.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌.................................................................................................................................................... II
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................IV
目錄.................................................................................................................................................... V
圖目錄............................................................................................................................................. VII
表目錄............................................................................................................................................ VIII
第一章 前言.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究緣起........................................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的........................................................................................................................3
第二章 文獻回顧...............................................................................................................................4
2.1 地下水含氯有機化合物之污染來源.............................................................................4
2.1.1 含氯有機化合物之特性及危害..........................................................................6
2.1.2 DNAPL 傳輸概念................................................................................................9
2.2 污染整治技術種類.......................................................................................................13
2.2.1 生物復育技術之定義.......................................................................................14
2.2.2 含氯有機化合物之反應...................................................................................15
2.2.3 共代謝機制.......................................................................................................17
2.2.4 好氧生物復育機制...........................................................................................18
2.2.5 厭氧生物復育機制...........................................................................................20
2.3 類似場址回顧...............................................................................................................24
第三章 實驗與方法..........................................................................................................................25
3.1 現地場址背景介紹......................................................................................................25
3.1.1 場址介紹...........................................................................................................25
3.1.2 氣象條件...........................................................................................................26
3.1.3 地質條件...........................................................................................................29
3.1.4 地形條件...........................................................................................................32
3.1.5 地下水位及流向...............................................................................................33
3.1.6 目標污染物分布範圍.......................................................................................37
3.2 實驗架構......................................................................................................................39
3.2.1 實驗架構流程圖...............................................................................................39
3.2.2 前置作業...........................................................................................................40
3.2.3 現場作業及採樣方式........................................................................................47
3.2.4 水質分析分法....................................................................................................49
3.3 BIOCHLOR 模式.........................................................................................................52
3.3.1 BIOCHLOR 模式使用限制...............................................................................52
3.3.2 BIOCHLOR 模式原理......................................................................................53
3.3.3 BIOCHLOR 模式之輸入參數..........................................................................54
4.1 目標污染物濃度趨勢分析..........................................................................................58
4.2 降解副產物趨勢分析..................................................................................................62
4.3 電子接受者與生物復育指標參數變化分析..............................................................65
4.4 BIOCHLOR 模式之模擬結果....................................................................................78
4.5 復育後目標污染物模擬比較......................................................................................81
4.6 整治費用評估...............................................................................................................83
第五章 結論與建議..........................................................................................................................86
5.1 結論..............................................................................................................................86
5.2 建議..............................................................................................................................87
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