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博碩士論文 etd-0903109-171813 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0903109-171813
A research on the treatment and recycling of the wastewater from Chlorella production using biofiltration
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Nutrient, Zeolite, LECA, Vertical-flow biofilter, Aquaculture wastewater
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  有鑑於此,本研究為因應綠藻製程廢水之水資源回收再利用,希望降低廢水中之有機體含量,將其轉換為無機營養鹽,增加回收廢水之附加價值,故本研究分為兩個部分進行試驗,第一為綠藻製程廢水回收初步研究,此階段進行綠藻活性測試、綠藻偏好之氮源類型試驗、溫度試驗、好厭氧消化速率試驗,將找出綠藻無法適應之環境條件使其失去活性,結果顯示氨氮為綠藻所偏好利用之氮源,而在活性測試部分發現,只需避免藻體接受光照,則可使藻類失去活性,在好厭氧消化部分則為好氧消化效果較佳。第二為活性污泥及生物濾床處理效果之研究,結果指出以曝氣方式採用好氧消化之活性污泥法中,當每天所添加體積負荷達到總體積之20%,硝酸鹽及磷酸鹽雖有累積,但系統上層液之SS、COD及Chl-a濃度持續上升,顯示系統已無法承受負載。而生物濾床處理結果中,以沸石及發泡煉石為濾材,當水力負荷介於0.30~2.09 m3 m-2 day-1下,系統之SS、COD、Chl-a去除率皆可達到90%以上,而總無機氮及正磷之存留率分別為96%及76%以上。
The crisis of the water resources become a serious problem in recent years. Besides the global warming the problem mostly comes from quick population growth, intense industrial developments and low efficiency agricultural implementations. Biofilters are widely been used to either reduce pollution loads or also as a water conservation tool. And the vertical-flow biofilters act as a kind of bio-filter has gain the advantages of low maintenance, small footprint, greater capacities on both the hydraulic and organic loadings. It often used in to treat aquaculture wastewater for recycling during the filter stage.
This study is, therefore, focusing on the bio-treatment processes to recycle the wastewater discharged from Chlorella production. Preserving water resources is one big issue of this study, Reuse the nutrients is another tough objective. For reusing the water with as much nutrients as possible and get the organic content off the water is the major target of the study.
This study has been separated in two stages. A preliminary study has first been carried out in order to understand the Chlorella behaviors in more detail. Second phase includes the treatment tests with conventional activated sludge (AS) method and the bio-filters.
The results have shown that ammonia is preferred by Chlorella as the nitrogen source. Light plays an important role on the treatment for removing algae activities. Aerobic digestion has shown better efficiency. AS can accept as high as 20% of daily input to the system volume, the system is not capable to bear more. While the biofilters, using either zeolite and LECA as the media, have shown satisfied results. When the hydraulic loading stay between 0.30 ~ 2.09 m3 m-2 day-1 to the system, the SS, COD, Chl-a removal rates can reach 90%, and more than 96% of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and 76% phosphorus can be preserved in the recycled water, respectively.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 前言...............................................................1
1.1 研究動機.......................................................1
1.2 研究目的.......................................................2
第二章 文獻回顧.......................................................3
2.1 微藻...............................................................3
2.1.1 微藻及品種介紹...........................................3
2.1.2 光合作用.......................................................4
2.1.3 綠藻的型態特徵與生長條件.......................5
2.1.4 微生物生長趨勢...........................................9
2.2 活性污泥.....................................................11
2.2.1 污泥消化基本原理.....................................11
2.2.2 活性污泥的性質與生物相.........................12
2.2.3 活性污泥法.................................................13
2.3 生物濾床.....................................................15
2.3.1 病源體.........................................................17
2.3.2 有機物.........................................................17
2.3.3 氮.................................................................17
第三章 實驗設計與結果討論.................................21
3.1 現場採樣規劃與實驗分析項目.................21
3.2 分析方法.....................................................22
3.3 綠藻製程廢水回收初步研究.....................24
3.3.1 綠藻活性試驗—光暗瓶法.........................24
3.3.2 綠藻偏好之氮源類型試驗.........................25
3.3.3 溫度試驗.....................................................25
3.3.4 好厭氧消化速率試驗.................................26
3.4 活性污泥法.................................................27
3.5 生物濾床試驗.............................................28
3.5.1 系統配置與採樣.........................................28
3.5.2 濾料與管柱特性.........................................29
3.6 結果分析.....................................................33
3.6.1 廢水回收初步研究.....................................33
3.6.2 活性污泥法.................................................38
3.6.3 生物濾床試驗.............................................41
第四章 結論與建議.................................................63
4.1 結論.............................................................63
4.2 建議.............................................................64
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