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博碩士論文 etd-0903110-134843 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0903110-134843
Biodiversity Study around Fishponds of Sihcao, Tainan City
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small mammals, the vegetation coverage, Hairy Beggar Ticks, fragmented ecosystem, Fishpond area of Sihcao, invertebrates, Disturbance
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台南四草魚塭是台灣沿海濕地的一部分,約488公頃,魚塭橫亙佈滿其中,形成一個切割型的生態系統。2008年在四草魚塭,我做了小型哺乳類動物及無脊椎動物的空間分布及族群數目月份波動的監測。植物群落主要為鬼針草區,與非鬼針草區。兩區都有狗與漁民,對生物構成干擾;但灌木庇護的程度、植物覆蓋度及種仔的量,鬼針草區高於非鬼針草區。研究假設是,資源(食物)會增加小型哺乳類動物的數量豐度,資源(庇護)增加了對干擾因子(狗與漁民等)的抵抗性,也會增加小型哺乳類動物的數量豐度。小型哺乳類動物以台灣鐵製鼠籠及誘餌捕捉;發現有鬼鼠Bandicota indica、台灣刺鼠Niviventer coxingi、小黃腹鼠Rattus losea、褐鼠R. norvegicus、玄鼠R. rattus及香鼩Suncus murinus。小型哺乳類動物的數量豐度,鬼針草區顯著高於非鬼針草區,可能因為鬼針草區有較高的遮蔽度高、較高的資源(食物)。鬼針草區與非鬼針草區的無脊椎動物生物多樣性指標及種類豐度,全年沒有顯著差異;而種類豐度與日照時間則有顯著相關。在鬼針草區小型哺乳類動物的種類均勻度與溫度有顯著正相關,其他多樣性指數與氣象因子無顯著相關。小型哺乳類動物的數量及種類豐度與無脊椎動物的數量及種類豐度間沒有顯著的相關,可能是因小型哺乳類動物的食物以草的種仔為主,較不受到無脊椎動物的影響。
Fishpond area of Sihcao, Tainan City, approximate 488 hectors, is a part of coastal wetlands of Taiwan. Fishponds can be found almost everywhere in the wetlands, readily forming a fragmented ecosystem. Previous studies on populations of small mammals in coastal wetlands of Taiwan are scarce. Disturbance types found in the study area include straying dogs, working farmers, tillaging of the fishponds, and typhoons, etc, which would probably reduce the abundance of small mammals. The resources such as shelter, vegetation coverage, insects and seeds would increase the abundance of small mammals. The seasonal changes of these environmental factors may in turn affect the population dynamics of small mammals. I monitored the monthly population fluctuation of small mammals and invertebrates in the fishpond habitats, 2008. Six species of small mammals and 106 species of invertebrates were found. The small mammal populations in the Hairy Beggar Ticks region were compared with those within the non-Hairy Beggar Ticks region. More small mammals were found in the Hairy Beggar Ticks region in the sampling period. The vegetation coverage of the former was higher than that of the latter. There was positive correlation between evenness of small mammals and temperature. No differences of the biodiversity of invertebrates were found between the regions in the year. Significant correlation existed between the sunshine duration and the richness of invertebrates. The correlation may be due to the change of photoperiod. There was no significant correlation between the richness of small mammals and that of invertebrates.
目次 Table of Contents
Chinese abstract……………………………………….Ι
Abstract………………………………………………… П
Introduction…………………………………………….. 1
Materials and Methods………………………………….3
Results………………………………………………….. 8
Literature Cited…………………………………………………….15
Appendices……………………………………………... 58
參考文獻 References
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