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博碩士論文 etd-0903110-144125 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0903110-144125
七股潟湖中斑海鯰 (Arius maculatus)的聲學研究
Sound Production of the Spotted Catfish (Arius maculatus) in Cigu lagoon, Tainan, Taiwan
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Cigu lagoon, spotted catfish, acoustics, stridulatory sound, drumming sound, reproduction
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過去的調查發現,台灣九條河流出海口具有九種不同類型的野外魚類聲音,其中較高頻H型聲音 (可達6 kHz) 分佈相當廣泛,但尚未被確認是何種魚類所發出來的聲音。海鯰科魚類會發出兩種聲音:磨擦聲和擊鼓聲。磨擦聲為脈衝的、頻寬且高,擊鼓聲為諧頻的、低頻 (小於1 kHz)。台灣西部海域中,斑海鯰在數量上是相當優勢的發聲魚種。本研究目的,(1)確認七股潟湖內有較高頻並類似H型的聲音。 (2) 調查斑海鯰在人為干擾下可發出哪些聲音類型,聲音的特徵為何。 (3)利用聲學證明此較高頻的聲音和斑海鯰磨擦的聲音特徵相同,此較高頻聲音可能是斑海鯰發出來的。 (4)了解斑海鯰雄魚雌魚發出聲音的差異。 (5)斑海鯰聲音特徵與型態特質的關係。 (6)運用生殖學研究的方法,調查斑海鯰的生殖月份變化。 (7)潟湖內野外的高頻聲音是否與斑海鯰的生殖有關。2009年2月至12月,於七股潟湖,每兩個月進行一次野外錄音及個體採樣和錄音,經聲音分析、型態測量、組織切片、性腺體重指數計算、多變量統計分析後,可得知4月、6月、8月有錄到野外H型聲音,聲音為脈衝的、頻寬且高,聲音數量隨月份遞增,8月達到最多 (平均52.9 聲音數/分鐘)。聲音持續時間160.6 ± 16.6 ms,主頻2840 ± 867.3 Hz,脈衝週期時間12.6 ± 0.45 ms,脈衝持續時間6.0 ± 0.82 ms,脈衝間距時間6.6 ± 0.84 ms。斑海鯰的磨擦聲為脈衝的,頻寬且高。聲音時間64.0 ± 16.74 ms,主頻1251 ± 419.8 Hz,脈衝週期時間7.7 ± 2.69 ms,脈衝持續時間5.3 ± 1.69 ms,脈衝間距時間2.4 ± 1.93 ms。斑海鯰的擊鼓聲為諧頻的,低頻。聲音時間58.5 ± 25.54 ms,主頻442 ± 96.3 Hz,基頻163 ± 30.98 Hz,脈衝週期時間6.3 ± 1.21 ms,脈衝持續時間6.3 ± 1.19 ms。雌雄斑海鯰摩擦聲脈衝週期、脈衝間距、脈衝數有顯著差異,雌魚大於雄魚。雌雄斑海鯰擊鼓聲主頻有顯著差異,雄魚大於雌魚。斑海鯰聲音的性別差異將來也許可做為一非侵入式判別雌雄的方法。斑海鯰磨擦聲脈衝持續時間隨標準體長增加而增加。擊鼓聲的主頻、基頻隨標準體長增加而減少,脈衝週期時間、脈衝持續時間隨標準體長增加而增加。性腺體重指數和卵徑以2、4、6月較高,4月最高,推測斑海鯰的生殖月份可能在4~8月間,即春季到夏季間。ANOSIM分析結果,野外H型聲音和磨擦聲有顯著差異 (有分群)。因為野外音源可能距離較遠,高頻區域會隨距離衰減,在淺海環境低頻區域有頻率截止現象,而且統計上使用的參數大多數為時間的參數,所以野外H型聲音也許就是斑海鯰發出來的聲音的可能尚未被證實。
According to earlier surveys, there were nine sound types in areas adjacent to the estuaries of nine major rivers in Taiwan, and the frequency range of the H-type sound was as high as 6 kHz. The producers of this sound type have not been defined yet. Sea catfish can make two kinds of sounds: stridulatory sound and drumming sound. The former is pulsed, broad-band and high-frequency, whereas the latter is harmonic, and low-frequency (less than 1 kHz). Spotted catfish (Arius maculates) is the most common demersal species in the west coast of Taiwan. The aims of the study were (1) to find out if H-type sound is presence in Cigu lagoon; (2) to describe the disturbance (hand-held) sounds emitted by A. maculates; (3) to find clues to support that the stridulatory sound of A. maculates is the H-type sound; (4) to find if there is sexual difference in the sounds of A. maculates; (5) to find the relationship between sound characteristics and intrinsic characters of the fish; (6) to define the reproductive season of A. maculates; (7) to find out if there is correlation between the spawning season of A. maculates in Cigu lagoon and presence of the high-frequency sounds in the lagoon. Bimonthly sound recordings were made in Cigu lagoon between February to December 2009. Pulsed, broad-band and high-frequency sounds were present in April, June, and August; number of sounds per minute was higher in August (mean: 52.9 sounds/ min). The sound were characterized by: sound duration: 160.6 ± 16.6 ms, dominant frequency: 2840 ± 867.3 Hz, pulse period 12.6 ± 0.45 ms, pulse duration: 6.0 ± 0.82 ms, inter-pulse-interval: 6.6 ± 0.84 ms. The stridulatory sounds of A. maculates are pulsed, broad-band and high-frequency - sound duration: 64.0 ± 16.74 ms, dominant frequency: 1251 ± 419.8 Hz, pulse period 7.7 ± 2.69 ms, pulse duration 5.3 ± 1.69 ms, inter-pulse-interval 2.4 ± 1.93 ms. Drumming sounds of A. maculates are harmonic, low frequency - sound duration: 58.5 ± 25.54 ms, dominant frequency: 442 ± 96.3 Hz fundamental frequency: 163 ± 30.98 Hz, pulse period: 6.3 ± 1.21 ms, pulse duration: 6.3 ± 1.19 ms. There was significant sexual difference in the stridulatory sound characters including pulse period, inter-pulse-interval, pulse number; females are higher than males in these parameters. There was significant sexual difference in the drumming sound (including dominant frequency) as well; males are higher than females in these parameter. Pulse period of the stridulatory sounds increased significantly with increasing standard body length. Pulse period and pulse duration of the drumming sounds both increased significantly with increasing standard body length, whereas dominant frequency and fundamental frequency both decreased significantly with size. GSI and oocyte diameters were higher in February, April, and June with a peak in April. Reproductive period was considered occurring from April to August (i.e. in spring and summer). This reproductive period coincides with the peak of vocalization. Result of ANOSIM indicates that, H-type sound is significant different from the stridulatory sound of A. maculates - they are in different groups. As the sound source might be at a distance from the recording site, energy in the high frequency range might decay with distance, whereas low frequency range might be cutoff as well. As A. maculates is the only soniferous spices in Cigu lagoon that can emit high-frequency sounds, possibility remains high that the high frequency sound, which resembles the H-type sound, in Cigu lagoon is actually produced by the spotted catfish despite of the difference in frequency-domain features of the sounds.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
前言 1
材料與方法 7
結果 12
討論 16
參考文獻 20
表 26
圖 32
附表 50
個人履歷 51
參考文獻 References
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