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Title page for etd-0904104-123338
Seasonal distribution of chaetognaths in relation to environmental factors in Tamshui and Kaoping estuaries and adjacent costal waters
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chaetognath, Kaoping River estuary, Tamshui River estuary
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由2003年2月至11月期間於淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域各12個測站,針對毛顎類的採樣分析結果,共發現毛顎類3科9屬17種,其中淡水河河口域3科8屬11種及高屏溪河口域3科9屬14種;平均豐度分別為807 ± 1154 ind./100m3及1601 ± 2796 ind./100m3;平均種歧異度為1.04 ± 0.32及1.08 ± 0.57。這兩個河口域前三種優勢種均相同,依序為Flaccisagitta enflata、Aidanosagitta crassa及Aidanosagitta neglecta,共占毛顎類總豐度95﹪以上。
毛顎類體長有顯著的季節及測站間的變化,Flaccisagitta enflata體長在淡水河河口域以二月及五月較大,在高屏溪河口域則以五月較大;Aidanosagitta crassa在淡水河河口域以二月之平均體長較大,但在高屏溪河口域則是沒有明顯的季節差異。毛顎類的生長期以Stage I數量最多,占總毛顎類豐度80﹪以上,毛顎類的成熟個體(Stage III以上)在淡水河河口域主要是出現在二月;高屏溪則以五月最多。
本研究發現具有胃內含物之毛顎類均是Faccisagitta enflata且都是在二月及五月所採得的樣品,並且其胃內含物均是橈足類。兩河口域毛顎類對橈足類攝食衝擊並不大,均小於1﹪。
Seventeen species of chaetognaths belonging to nine genera and three families were recognized from the samples collected in estuaries of Tamshui River and Kaoping River from February 2003 to November 2003. In Tamshui River estuary, eleven species belonging to eight genera and three families were recorded, with the mean abundance of 807 ± 1154 ind./100m3, while in Kaoping River estuary, fourteen species belonging to nine genera and three families were identified, with the mean abundance of 1601 ± 2796 ind./100m3. The three most dominant species in both estuaries were Flaccisagitta enflata, Aidanosagitta crassa and A. neglecta, and together they comprised >95﹪of the total chaetognaths.
The abundance of chaetognaths showed apparent seasonal changes, higher abundance in February in Tamshui River estuary and in May in Kaoping River estuary. The abundance of chaetognaths showed no significant correlation with temperature in both estuaries, but displayed higher relationships to salinity and copepods.
The body length(BL) of Flaccisagitta enflata showed significant seasonal and spatial differences, with larger in both February and May in Tamshui River estuary but only in May in Kaoping River estuary. Aidanosagitta crassa showed significantly larger in BL in February than in other months in Tamshui River estuary, but it was not in Kaoping River estuary. The stage I of chaetognaths dominated in this study area and occupied >80﹪of the total count. Other stages mostly presented in February in Tamshui River estuary and in May in Kaoping River estuary.
Only Fl. enflata was found to have gut content, all copepods, in February and May. The estimated daily predation impact on the standing stock of copepods ( by number ) was insignificant, only <1% in both estuaries.
目次 Table of Contents

章次…………………………………………………………………….… 頁數

壹、前言………………………………………………………………..… 1

貳、材料與方法………………………………………………………..… 6

參、結果……………………………………………………….……....…. 9

肆、討論……………………………………………………….………... 17

伍、結論……………………………………………………….………... 23


附表…………………………………………………………….…..……. 29

附圖…………………………………………………………….…..……. 45


1. 2003年四季於淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域採樣所得之毛顎類種類分類表………………………………………………………………….29
2. 淡水河及高屏溪河口域各測站水表層溫度及鹽度之季節性變化….30
3. 淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域毛顎類平均豐度(ind./100m3)、種類數目及種歧異度之季節性變化……………………………………….32
4. 淡水河河口域各測站之毛顎類豐度(ind./100m3)、種類數目及種歧異度…………………………………………………………………….33
5. 高屏溪河口域各測站之毛顎類豐度(ind./100m3)、種類數目及種歧異度…………………………………………………………………….35
6. 淡水河河口域各測站Flaccisagitta enflata體長及生長期之分布…37
7. 高屏溪河口域各測站Flaccisagitta enflata體長及生長期之分布…38
8. 淡水河河口域各測站Aidanosagitta crassa體長及生長期之分布………………………………...……………………………………..39
9. 高屏溪河口域各測站Aidanosagitta crassa體長及生長期之分布………………………………...……………………………………..40
10. 淡水河河口域各測站Aidanosagitta neglecta體長及生長期之分布………………………………...……………………………………..41
11. 高屏溪河口域各測站Aidanosagitta neglecta體長及生長期之分布………………………………...……………………………………..42
12. 淡水河及高屏溪河口域毛顎類對橈足類之攝食率(FR)及攝食衝擊(PI)………………………………………………………………….43

1. 淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域採樣測站位置圖……………….……45
2. 淡水河及高屏溪河口域毛顎類豐度、種類數及種歧異度之季節分布……………………………………………………………………….46
3. 淡水河河口域毛顎類之豐度分布…………………………………….47
4. 高屏溪河口域毛顎類之豐度分布…………………………………….48
5. 淡水河河口域Flaccisagitta enflata之豐度分布……………………49
6. 淡水河河口域Aidanosagitta crassa之豐度分布…………………..50
7. 淡水河河口域Aidanosagitta neglecta之豐度分布………………...51
8. 高屏溪河口域Flaccisagitta enflata之豐度分布……………………52
9. 高屏溪河口域Aidanosagitta crassa之豐度分布…………………..53
10. 高屏溪河口域Aidanosagitta neglecta之豐度分布………………...54
11. 淡水河河口域毛顎類之種類數分布………………………………….55
12. 高屏溪河口域毛顎類之種類數分布………………………………….56
13. 淡水河河口域毛顎類之種歧異度(H’)分布…….…………………57
14. 高屏溪河口域毛顎類之種歧異度(H’)分布…….…………………58
15. 毛顎類豐度與溫度、鹽度及橈足類豐度之相關性分析…………….59
16. Flaccisagitta enflata豐度與溫度、鹽度及橈足類豐度之相關性分析………………………………………………………………...……..60
17. Aidanosagitta crassa豐度與溫度、鹽度及橈足類豐度之相關性分析…...…………………………………………………………………..61
18. 以多變距分析法(MDS)探討淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域毛顎類群聚之站群變異情形………………………………………………….62
19. 以多變距分析法(MDS)探討淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域毛顎類之種群結果…………………………………………………...………..63
20. 淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域Flaccisagitta enflata在各季節之體長分布…….………………………………………………………………64
21. 淡水河河口域Flaccisagitta enflata於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差……………………………………………………………….……65
22. Flaccisagitta enflata不同生長期在各季節之數量百分率………….66
23. 高屏溪河口域Flaccisagitta enflata於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差……………………………………………………………….……67
24. 前三種優勢種毛顎類體長與生長期之相關性…………………...…..68
25. 淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域Aidanosagitta crassa在各季節之體長分布…….………………………………………………………………69
26. 淡水河河口域Aidanosagitta crassa於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差………………………………………………………………...…..70
27. Aidanosagitta crassa不同生長期在各季節之數量百分率…………71
28. 高屏溪河口域Aidanosagitta crassa於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差………………………………………………………………...…..72
29. 淡水河河口域Aidanosagitta neglecta於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差……………………………………………………………….…73
30. Aidanosagitta neglecta不同生長期在各季節之數量百分率………74
31. 高屏溪河口域Aidanosagitta neglecta於各季測站間之平均體長及標準偏差……………………………………………………………….…75
32. 各季節毛顎類有無胃內含物個體數量之百分比…………………….76

1. 2003年中央氣象局逐月逐日氣象資料………………………………77
2. 淡水河河口域及高屏溪河口域所發現之毛顎類種類檢索表……….79
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