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博碩士論文 etd-0904109-091728 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0904109-091728
The study of competency apply to human resource management activities
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Date of Exam
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Human resource management activities, Competency model, Competency assessment, Competency
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當全球金融風暴來襲,經濟下滑、裁員聲四起的年代,企業及員工面臨生存的問題,大家對領導人的信心指數逐漸下滑時,人才的議題變成企業關注的話題。到底人才的規格是什麼?有哪些可以預測工作或情境上有效或卓越表現的參考標準? Bratton(1998)指出職能可以提供一個組織策略與所有人力資源管理活動的媒介。



1. 個案普遍都面臨組織人力結構轉型的問題。因應組織內外部環境變化,組織面臨人力快速成長或是合併重整的議題,都決定選擇以職能來解決短期人才問題或人力資源長期規劃。
2. 職能導入要投入多少的人力資源會視高階主管的支持、人資主管的重視程度、溝通對象及導入規模之廣度深度有關,反而與公司規模無直接相關。
3. 核心及管理職能模型的建構是多數個案會導入的模式,其建構的方式主要以大量訪談及高階共識會議來進行。
4. 職能導入的方式分為職能的本質及職能連結制度的推廣。綜合性的作法會是由人資規劃內部行銷推廣活動、舉辦職能體驗訓練活動、進行行為事例蒐集來推廣或搭配人資制度順便宣導。
5. 職能在招募甄選、訓練及職能評鑑是所有個案普遍有運用到的構面,顯示這三塊的實務應用也最普及。職涯發展及接班人相較於其他人資實務是較少被運用。薪酬管理除了受訪之一的顧問公司有直接連結職能外,其他個案皆沒有運用。
6. 職能運用成效的構面甚廣,可量化的指標在實務上算少數,比如留任率的提高或是離職率的下降,其他多數還是偏向文化面及行為面的影響。
7. 導入職能過程普遍有反應的問題是員工不清楚何謂職能,以致無法認同及辨識,甚至在評估時,發生主管與員工認知差異的問題。個案們建議解決之道可透過持續及有效的行銷活動或職能體驗的深入性訓練進行階段性的引導溝通。
8. 高階主管的支持是所有受訪公司一致共同認為重要的關鍵因素。其它多數個案公司普遍認為的成功因素尚有:選擇適用的職能工具及顧問公司,並有簡易明瞭的行為描述以利後續的溝通,還有HR需有良好的溝通態度並能堅持、持續的投入及落實執行。


When the global financial crisis struck, the economic downturn, the phenomenon of lay-offs continue, the survival of enterprises and the problems faced by employees。People have lost confidence in the leaders .The subject of talent issues become into a business topic. What are the specifications of talent ? What can be predicted effectively work or context or the reference standard for outstanding workers? Some scholars have pointed out the competency can provide as media between strategy and human resource management activities.

Data from the study found the area of Taiwan's current competency are concentrated in certain special duties, management level or scale of the establishment of specific Competency, but Competency for the business development background, pre-assessment, the import process, human resource practice, as well as assessment of the overall study is considerable proportion of the minority. Therefore this study were funded with the field of human resource, associations and consultants recommend the practice of competency or the effectiveness of a reputation for a sample case study. Through the practical application of business competency to explore and understand each case whether there is common or similar factors, and the implementation
, application, conversion and other experience sharing, research and development competency in order to promote the practical value of the field and help those are interested in the future or into the competency of the difficulties now facing into the direction of the business guidelines.

The results of this study show that:
1. Cases of human organizations in general are facing the issue of restructuring. Organizations in response to changes in the external environment, which are facing rapid growth or a merger of human re-engineering issues, have decided to choose the competency to solve the issue of talents in short-term or long-term planning of human resources.
2. For handling competency project, the input and investment to the human resources executives, depending on the support of chief executive in charge of the attention the extent of funding, communication objects and into the depth of the breadth of the scale, but with the company scope are not directly related to the scale.
3. The construction of the core competency and managerial competency model is used to the majority of cases , the main way to construct is carrying out a large number of interviews and meetings to high-level consensus.
4. The implementation of competency could be divided into the promotion of nature and linkage of human resource system. Comprehensive approach would be funded by the people planning the internal marketing activities, training activities to experience the competency carried out to collect examples of behavior sample to promote the human resource system.
5. Competency in the recruitment selection, training and evaluation of all cases of the competency generally used in surface structure, showing the practical application of these three is also the most popular. Career development and successors funded in comparison to others used less practical. One of the Consultant is the only one among the of the sample which adopts the competency-based payment.
6. The feedback Competency of the effectiveness of the use of a wide range of dimensions can be quantified in practice get a small number of indicators, such as improved retention rates or a decline in turnover rate, or most other acts of bias and cultural face and the impact surface.
7.Through the implementation, the general reaction feedback from staff are normally in ifficulty of the recognition and identification, even in the assessment took place with the staff in charge of the issue of cognitive differences. Cases suggested that a solution can be sustained and effective marketing activities or competency of the depth of training experience to lead the communication stage.
8. The support of executives of all companies surveyed unanimously agreed that an important key factor. Most other cases the company generally agreed that there are the success factors: choice of the competency of the application of tools and consultancy firms, as well as easy to understand the behavior described in the follow-up to facilitate communication, as well as HR need to have a good attitude and can adhere to the communication, continuous input and implementation.

View from the case studies ,link the competency model to the human resources function, we can see based on the concept of competency has been greatly to replace the traditional job-based human resources management activities.

Keywords: Competency, Competency model, Competency assessment, Human resource management activities
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論.........................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...........................................2
第二節 研究目的.................................................3
第三節 研究流程.................................................3
第二章 文獻探討.....................................................4
第一節 職能的意義...............................................4
第二節 職能模型.. ..............................................7
第三章 研究方法....................................................18
第一節 個案研究法..............................................18
第二節 研究架構................................................19
第三節 研究過程................................................20
第四章 個案公司研究分析........... ................................24
第一節 A個案公司訪談分析......................................24
第二節 B個案公司訪談分析. ....................................38
第三節 C個案公司訪談分析......................................55
第四節 D個案公司訪談分析......................................72
第五節 E個案公司訪談分析......................................91
第六節 M個案公司訪談分析.....................................105
第七節 N個案公司訪談分析.....................................131
第八節 綜合分析與討論........................... .............148
第五章 結論與建議................................................ 165
第一節 研究結論...............................................165
第二節 研究建議...............................................168
附錄一 研究訪談計畫(一般企業) ...................................175
附錄二 研究訪談計畫(顧問公司) ...................................177


表2-2-1 建構職能模式方法之步驟.............................. ..........12
表2-2-2 職能模式應用於各項人力資源功能的效益...........................13
表3-3-1 研究個案背景資料...............................................21
表3-3-2 研究個案受訪者特性.............................................22
表4-8-1 個案公司職能導入與運用概況....................................148
表4-8-2 個案公司職能導入的緣由及目的..................................149
表4-8-3 個案公司職能導入的前置評估_開發管道...........................150
表4-8-4 個案公司職能導入的前置評估_人力資源投入.......................151
表4-8-5 個案公司職能模型建構的方式....................................152
表4-8-6 個案公司職能模型的類型........................................153
表4-8-7 個案公司職能模型設計的基礎架構................................154
表4-8-8 個案公司職能導入方式..........................................154
表4-8-9 個案公司職能運用於招募甄選....................................155
表4-8-10 個案公司職能運用於績效管理....................................156
表4-8-11 個案公司職能運用於訓練........................................157
表4-8-12 個案公司職能運用於發展........................................158
表4-8-13 個案公司職能評量..............................................160
表4-8-14 個案公司職能運用於薪酬管理....................................160
表4-8-15 個案公司職能運用成效及評估....................................161
表4-8-16 個案公司職能導入遭遇的問題及解決方式..........................162
表4-8-17 個案公司職能導入的成功關鍵因素................................164


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