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博碩士論文 etd-0905111-175934 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0905111-175934
Smart Buffer Management Architecture of 3D Graphic Rendering System
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Date of Exam
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Rendering System, Depth Buffer, Buffer Clear, 3D Graphics, Depth Compression
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This thesis presents an efficient buffer management scheme for 3-D graphic rendering systems. The purpose of this scheme is to reduce the off-chip memory accesses, which have become a valuable resource, and very often a performance bottleneck of embedded 3-D applications. The 3-D buffers, including depth and color frame buffers, will be divided into rectangular blocks. The proposed scheme can first provide the management of buffer clear operation. For most of time, the rendering of each 3-D frame starts from the buffer clear command to clear the data remaining in buffers from the previous frame. Instead of clearing the buffers residing in the off-chip memory immediately, our scheme will just set the clear flag in an on-chip buffer management table which provides a control information entry for each of the blocks in the buffer. When the blocks have to be accessed later during rendering process, they won’t be brought in from on-chip memory; instead, they are cleared directly in the corresponding cache location. When the cache blocks are replaced, the corresponding off-chip buffer blocks will be updated. Only those blocks in the off-chip color buffer which are not visited will be actually cleared when the color frame is swapped for display. The second contribution of the propose management scheme is to compress and decompress the depth blocks to save the transfer data amount of these blocks. Since the difference of the depth values of the neighboring pixels belonging to the same triangle plane will be the same, this difference value can be stored and encoded along with the run-length information which can lead to significant saving of the storage space. The actual reduction ratio depends on the relative object complexity to the output screen size, the block size, and the degree of the anti-aliasing considered. However, our experimental results show that the compression ratio of 17-28% can be achieved for the moderate block size. The entire buffer management has been implemented, and the entire gate count is 65k, which is about 10% of the entire 3-D systems. The proposed management chip is very suitable for embedded 3D graphic rendering systems where the memory bandwidth budget is very tightly restricted.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1研究動機 1
1.2論文大綱 2
CHAPTER 2研究背景與相關研究 3
2.1三維繪圖流程簡介 3
2.2呈像系統與繪圖緩衝區介紹 4
2.2.1降低繪圖緩衝區記憶體頻寬技術 6
2.2.2繪圖緩衝區存取行為介紹 7
2.2.3節省深度緩衝區讀取次數之像素處理技術 9
2.2.4緩衝區壓縮技術介紹 11
2.2.5快速緩衝區清除技術介紹 16
CHAPTER 3緩衝區管理系統演算法 18
3.1深度資訊壓縮演算法 18
3.2延遲緩衝區清除技術介紹 26
CHAPTER 4智慧型緩衝區管理系統實作 29
4.1智慧型緩衝區管理系統介紹與硬體實作 29
4.2深度資訊壓縮器架構設計 37
4.2.1壓縮編碼器硬體架構設計 37
4.2.2壓縮解碼器硬體架構設計 47
CHAPTER 5功能驗證與效能分析 53
5.1驗證環境與驗證成果 53
5.1.1 RTL Level Verification 53
5.1.2 Gate-Level Verification 54
5.1.3 System C Co-simulation Verification 55
5.2硬體效能 55
5.2.1壓縮演算法壓縮率 55
CHAPTER 6結論與未來目標 58
參考文獻 59
附錄、 深度緩衝區區塊執行本論文所使用之深度壓縮演算法之範例 62
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