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博碩士論文 etd-0906110-082221 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0906110-082221
利用聲音訊息研究項鍊蟹守螺 (Cerithium zonatum )攝食活動
Study on the feeding activity of Cerithium zonatum (Gastropoda:Mesogastropoda) by an acoustic approach
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scrapping sound, feeding activity, radular
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本研究利用的物種為綠島龜鼻灣海草床中的一種小型螺類項鍊蟹守螺 (Cerithium zonatum),由於其數量多且能利用齒舌刮食植物產生特殊的聲音,因此可以利用其聲音訊息來研究其攝食活動,作為海草生態系中優勢底棲無脊椎動物的行為生態的參考資料。本實驗於2007 年11~12 月、2008 年3~6 月和2009年4 月~7 月間共十個月在綠島龜鼻灣及紫坪兩地進行。利用其對三種食性的偏好程度不同探討其在三種微棲地 (在海草、海藻及附著微細藻的石頭上)的分佈。並根據其日夜週期及其高低水溫的變化探討不同環境因子對其攝食活動影響。亦探討大小個體在攝食活動之間是否有所不同。也利用電子顯微鏡研究其齒舌的形式。結果顯示,項鍊蟹守螺在海草上的刮食頻度比較高,此可能為蟹守螺選擇海草為主要棲地,而此推論與在三個微棲地採樣的項鍊蟹守螺數量密度的結果符合。而強日光與高水溫確實會提升刮食頻度,而黑暗無光線與低水溫會使其攝食活動停滯。小個體的刮食頻度比大個體多,但是在齒舌上面沒有差異,推測可能是小個體需要多攝食以用於個體的成長。最後也探討漁舟蜑螺 (Neritaalbicilla)的刮食聲音特性,其脈衝波數多於項鍊蟹守螺,推測可能是齒舌構造不同所致,而且項鍊蟹守螺刮食效率比漁舟蜑螺佳。由本研究結果可以得知利用聲音訊息探討小型螺類攝食活動是可行的,並期望能應用到其他使用齒舌刮食的軟體動物上。
This study focused on a small gastropoda, Cerithium zonatum, found in seagrass meadow at Gui Wan Bi, Green Island, Taiwan. Because this species is high in density in the seagrass meadow and it uses its specific radular to scrap the substrate and emits
a particular sound, we can use this acoustic clue to study its feeding activity. C.zonatum samples were collected from Gu Wan Bi, and Zi-Ping Green Island between November to December 2007,March to June 2008, and April to July 2009. It distributes in three habitats (i.e. seagrass、macro algae、rubble) and scrapping sounds were recorded while they were in these habitats. Light and water temperature were
treated as experimented factors and their influence on the feeding frequency was deciphered. I also compared individuals of different sizes to find out the differences in feeding frequency between them. SEM was used to observe the radular of C. zonatum. According to the results, I infer that C. zonatum might prefer seagrass meadow as its must suitable microhabitat where feeding activity was higher. Sunlight and high water temperature might lead to increases in feeding activity, but darkness
and low water temperature showed opposite effect; it stopped feeding when water temperature had dropped to 17℃. Scrap frequency of small individuals was higher than larger ones, and their radular were similar in their morphology. I infer that small
ones invest more time and energy in feeding in order to grow. Scrapping sound of C.zonatum was compared to Nerita albicilla; there were pulses in the sound of N.albicilla than C. zonatum. It is inferred that this difference might be due to the difference between their radular morphology. I consider that using an bioacoustic approach to study the feeding activity of small gastropoda is feasible.
目次 Table of Contents
章次 頁數
謝辭....................................................................................... Ι
中文摘要.............................................................................. Ⅱ
英文摘要.................................................................. ...........Ⅲ
壹、前言..................................................................... .........1
1.海草生態與黑潮.............................................................. 1
2 植食性螺類的攝食機制................................................... 2
3.植食性腹足綱動物齒舌形式......................................... ..2
4.利用動物聲學在無脊椎動物的研究.............................. 3
5.研究物種..................................................... .....................4
6.研究目的............................................................... ...........5
貳、材料與方法......................................................... ........6
1.採集地點................................................................ .........6
2.錄音系統......................................................................... 6
3.項鍊蟹守螺刮食聲音訊息參數.............................. .......6
4.以食物選擇推論三個微棲地不同數量密度的分佈.. ...6
4-1.數量密度的調查.................................. .......................6
4-2.攝食的投資-三種食物的測試..................................... 7
5.攝食活動的晝夜變異..................................................... 7
5-1.二十四小時的攝食活動變化..................................... 7
5-2.黑暗在白天對刮食活動的影響................................. 7
5-3.光線在夜間對刮食活動的影響................................. 7
6.溫度影響攝食活動頻率................................................ 8
6-1.觀察在不同水溫的活動情況..................................... 8
6-2.高低水溫對其攝食活動的影響................................. 8
7.大小不同的蟹守螺攝食活動頻率................................. 8
8.齒舌的研究..................................................................... 9
9.統計方法......................................................................... 9
參、結果.......................................................................... 10
1.項鍊蟹守螺的刮食聲音特徵...................... 10
2.以食物選擇推論三個微棲地不同數量密度的分佈.... 10
2-1.數量密度的調查........................................................ 10
2-2.攝食的投資-三種食物的測試................................... 10
3.日夜週期影響攝食活動................................................ 11
3-1.二十四小時的攝食活動變化..................................... 11
3-2.黑暗在白天對刮食活動的影響................................. 12
3-3.光線在夜間對刮食活動的影..................................... 13
4.溫度變化影響攝食活動................................................. 14
5.個體大小攝食活動......................................................... 16
6.齒舌形態......................................................................... 17
肆、討論............................................................................ 18
2.日夜週期影響攝食活動................................................ 19
3.溫度變化影響攝食活動................................................ 20
4.個體大小攝食活動與比較齒舌差................................ 21
5. 齒舌型式與刮食聲音訊息的關係............................... 21
伍、結論........................................................................... 22
陸、參考文獻................................................................... 23
個人履歷…………......................………………………. 48
表目錄 頁數
表一、 實驗項目明細...................................................... 26
表二、使用One-way ANOVA 及Fisher's LSD 比較項鍊
表三、使用隨機完全區集設計及Fisher'sLSD 比較項鍊
表四、使用隨機完全區集設計及Fisher'sLSD 比較項鍊
表五、使用隨機完全區集設計及Fisher's LSD 比較項鍊
表六、使用隨機完全區集設計及Fisher's LSD 比較項鍊
表七、使用隨機完全區集設計及Fisher's LSD 比較不同
圖目錄 頁數
圖一、 實驗研究地點:台灣台東縣綠島鄉.................... 33
圖二、 項鍊蟹守螺 (Cerithium zonatum)標本...............34
圖三、 項鍊蟹守螺刮食聲音參數.................................... 35
圖四、 項鍊蟹守螺 (Cerithium zonatum)在綠島龜鼻灣海
圖五、 項鍊蟹守螺在泰來草上的刮食聲音分析圖........ 37
圖六、 項鍊蟹守螺在泰來草上的單一個刮食聲音分析
圖七、 2007~2009 年於三個微棲地中項鍊蟹守螺的密度
比較........................................................................ 39
圖八、 綠島龜鼻灣與紫坪兩地的採集項鍊蟹守螺殼之殼
長分佈................................................................. .....40
圖九、 項鍊蟹守螺刮食每分鐘刮食次數之晝夜分佈.....41
圖十、 項鍊蟹守螺的齒舌在解剖顯微鏡下的影像........42
圖十一、 項鍊蟹守螺的齒舌在電子顯微鏡下的影像... 43
圖十二、 項鍊蟹守螺的單一排齒舌的放大對照圖....... 44
圖十三、 項鍊蟹守螺大小殼長的齒舌比較圖................45
圖十四、 漁舟蜑螺 (Nerita albicilla)標本......................46
圖十五、 漁舟蜑螺 (Nerita albicilla)刮食聲音分析圖... 47
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