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Information Security Service Industry - EverGreen International Development Co Ltd.. - Entrepreneur Case Study
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Information Security, Case Study, Entrepreneur
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隨著透過網際網路推動電子商務的企業日增,資訊系統複雜性不斷提升之際,資訊安全對企業組織而言愈發重要。其不但能改善企業之資訊作業環境,保護組織內部的策略資訊資產,亦是電子商務的基礎要件。另一方面,現今資訊的傳播無遠弗屆,企業無時無刻皆必須面臨著接踵而至的駭客攻擊和病毒入侵,保護企業系統的正常運作及組織內部之資料實乃當務之急。因應此一新情勢之形成,資訊安全服務業(Information Security Service Industry)成為近年來新崛起的產業之一,而隨著企業急於應用資訊科技以提升其整體競爭力的同時,資訊安全服務業的重要性與日俱增。
With the increasing number of enterprises which provides e-business via Internet and the complex of information system, Information Security becomes more and more important to a company. Information Security not only can improve a company’s information system but also can protect its information asset. It becomes a basic element for e-business. In addition, since information today goes beyond boundaries, a company may face the threat of being attacked by hackers or virus all the time. Maintaining system operation and protecting internal information become an essential issue to a company. Due to this new trend, Information Security Service Industry becomes one of the newly developed industries. At present, a company has the urgent need of adopting information technology to increase competitive advantages. The importance of Information Security is increasing day by day.
This research mostly focuses on Taiwan Information Security Service Industry which is still lack of research literatures. The research uses a local Information Security Service company as its research target. Case study, field observation, and reading company’s related materials help to understand how entrepreneurs analyze environment and evaluate opportunities, required resources, threats, and key success/failure factors. The research mainly focuses on how environment and opportunities analysis, entrepreneur team and organization structure, product strategy and operating model, consumers and market, product competitive advantage and implementation influence a company’s success.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 概論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的與範圍
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 創業
第二節 資訊安全
第三節 服務
第三章 研究方法與架構
第一節 研究方法
第二節 研究架構
第三節 研究限制
第四章 創業歷程研究與分析
第一節 創業契機
第二節 創業團隊及組織架構
第三節 產品策略及營運模式
第四節 顧客
第五章 分析討論和管理意涵
第一節 創業成功外部情勢分析討論
第二節 創業成功內部情勢分析討論
第六章 結語
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