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博碩士論文 etd-0907104-183251 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0907104-183251
The Trauma of the Nikkei's Internment in John Okada's No-No Boy and Joy Kogawa's Obasan
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Internment, John Okada's No-No Boy, Nikkei, Trauma, Joy Kogawa's Obasan
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本論文主要是在探討二次世界大戰後日裔美加移民受到當地政府的集中營政策, 被拘留後所留下來的創傷
論文中所所探討的主要二本文本為John Okada的No-No Boy和Joy Kogawa的Obasan, 二本小說皆記載了二次世界大戰後日裔美加移民所受到的不平等待遇和所受到的政治迫害.
In a 1997 review, James Berger not only clearly points out the proliferation of trauma study in the 1990s but also professes that the representation of trauma would be more easily detected, analysized, and understood with immersion in literary texts. Therefore, in this thesis, I draw upon the ideas of historical trauma, psychological trauma, structural trauma and trauma responses in the five theoretical works—Judith Lewis Herman’s Trauma and Recover (1992), Ronald Granofsky’s The Trauma Novel: Contemporary Symbolic Depictions of Collective Disaster (1995), Tedeschi, Richard G. and Lawrence G. Calhoun’s Trauma and Transformation: Growing in the Aftermath of Suffering (1995), Cathy Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History (1996) and Dominick LaCapra’s Writing History, Writing Trauma (2001)—to analysize the issue of trauma as revealed in John Okada’s No-No Boy and Joy Kogawa’s Obasan. The two texts differ in time and space but share the same historical trauma evoked by the aftereffect of the war and the violence of the governments’ racially-oriented discrimination policy that results in the Nikkei’s psychological trauma. Okada presents white American racial ascendancy in the 1950s, while Kogawa tackles Canadian governmental dominance in the 1980s. Both writers are concerned with the relationship between collective persecution and individual trauma during/after World War Two and both try to empower as well as give voice to those who have been traumatized by social and familial forces.
Reading the two novels as an exploration of the Nikkei’s postwar experience, this thesis first contends that underlying the Nikkei’s trauma is the internment experience that leads to the occurrence of racial discrimination and identity crisis in the Nikkei community. Secondly, in the light of historical trauma and psychological trauma, this thesis analyzes the trauma responses which normally take shapes in the forms of conflict, avoidance, guilt, flashbacks, dreams, numbing or amnesia in the minds of traumatized people after long years of struggling. However, instead of regarding these responses to be obstacles, this thesis proposes that the trauma responses are great reinforcement for the survivors to cope with the trauma memory and to reconcile with the trauma history. Through discussion of trauma response, this thesis suggests that the Nikkei would work through the process of experiencing the symptoms of trauma and slowly reach the level of recovery and transformation. That is, a resolution of the Nikkei’s rebirth would be possible when the Nikkei overcome the threat of trauma and develop a hope of reconciliation for their upcoming future.
目次 Table of Contents
Acknowledgement i
Abstract iii

Trauma, No-No Boy and Obasan 1

Chapter One
The Study of Trauma and the History of Interment in North America 12

Chapter Two
Trauma in No-No Boy 26

Chapter Three
Reading Joy Kogawa’s Obasan as Revelations of Trauma 55

A Hopeful Ending— Transformation and Reconciliation 81

Works Cited 86
參考文獻 References
Works Cited
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