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博碩士論文 etd-0907110-170426 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0907110-170426
Co-production and Marketing Relationship with Customers in Intellectual Property Law Firm Services
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
commitment, future intention, co-production, satisfaction, trust, loyalty
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摘 要




The goal of this research is to know whether higher degree of customer involvement in the service value creation would help firms build stable and valued relationship with customers. To be more specific, this research studies whether firms can implement co-production as the strategy to develop bonds with customers and to strengthen the relationship with customers.

In this thesis, a research is conducted by studying the customers’ feedback of a law firm which specializes in resolving disputes regarding intellectual property rights. This research focus on studying the relationship in the business to business context as the customers of the law firm are mainly foreign associates and foreign and domestic companies in different business field. The author develops a framework and investigates the correlation between co-production and customer’s loyalty and their future intention by using overall satisfaction, trust, and commitment as intermediate factors. The testing results show co-production is positively related to overall satisfaction, trust, and commitment and each of these intermediate factors has a positive relationship with customer loyalty and future intention. Also, future intention is positively related to loyalty. This study provides valuable insights for firms and managers by demonstrating that firms can create competitive advantage by retaining customer loyalty and influencing future intention of purchases through the implementation of co-production.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents


1 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2 Literature Review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1 Background-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.2 Co-production and overall satisfaction-------------------------------------7
2.3 Co-production and trust-------------------------------------------------------------10
2.4 Co-production and commitment----------------------------------------------11
2.5 Commitment and customer loyalty---------------------------------------------12
2.6 Commitment and future intention-------------------------------------------13
2.7 Trust and customer loyalty---------------------------------------------------------14
2.8 Trust and future intention-----------------------------------------------------15
2.9 Overall-satisfaction and customer loyalty--------------------------------------16
2.10 Overall-satisfaction and future intention----------------------------------17
2.11 Future intention and customer loyalty-----------------------------------------18

3 Research Method----------------------------------------------------------------------------20
3.1 Research framework and hypotheses-------------------------------------------20
3.2 Sample and data collection---------------------------------------------------------21
3.3 Measurement--------------------------------------------------------------------------23

4 Results-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
4.1 Measurement model-----------------------------------------------------------------26
4.2 Hypothesis testing--------------------------------------------------------------------27

5 Discussion and Implications----------------------------------------------------------------31
5.1 Discussion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
5.2 Managerial implications-------------------------------------------------------------33
5.3 Study limitations----------------------------------------------------------------------36



Table 1 Response Rate---------------------------------------------------------------------------22
Table 2 Statistics of Respondents by Characteristics in Percentage------------------23
Table 3 Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and validity--------------------------25
Table 4 Descriptive statistics and intercorrealtions---------------------------------------27
Table 5 Model testing---------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Table 6 Hypotheses Testing Result-----------------------------------------------------------30


Figure 1 Proposed theoretical model --------------------------------------------------------20

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