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Title page for etd-0907111-140337
Health Status Under Impact of Globalization in OECD countries--A Study for Cardiovascular Disease
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Fully modified OLS (FMOLS), Karoshi, Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Working hours of labor, Non-communicable disease (NCD), Globalization, Panel cointergration analysis
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非傳染性疾病(Non-communicable Disease, NCD),特別是心血管疾病(Cardiovascular disease, CVD), 目前是全世界大部分國家其 十大死因之首要死因,尤其是在已開發國家。世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)於 2002年提出目前全球的疾病型態已從傳染性疾病(Communicable Diseases)移轉為非傳染性疾病。十九世紀末在全球化的帶動下,因為政策的鬆綁使得國與國之間的經濟活動熱絡、促進各國經濟成長,但勞工的工作型態相對地跟著改變(例如延長或不固定工時、輪班工作等),而如此卻增加勞工的壓力及負擔,甚至造成職業場所上的安全問題。“過勞死”(因工作過度死亡)一詞在近幾年已是越來越受爭議的議題,許多文獻也發現心血管疾病是因工作過度死亡之主要死因。
本研究收集1980年至2007年間19個經濟合作組織國家(OECD)之心血管疾病死亡個案、勞工年工時數及KOF全球化指標,以追蹤資料共整合分析及FMOLS(Fully Modified OLS)之計量方法來分析三者之間的關係與其長期關係方向為何。實證結果顯示工時增加確實會增加心血管疾病死亡率,尤其在15至24歲的年輕族群;然而全球化之後所引起的人員流通頻繁、資訊快速傳遞及飲食習慣的改變等之社會變遷,甚或是工作型態的改變,則會增加25至54歲及55至64歲之年齡族群心血管疾病的死亡率。
Non-communicable disease (NCD) (particular by cardiovascular disease, CVD) is the leading cause of death in most countries including OECD countries. WHO (World Health Organization, 2002) has emphasized the trend of disease patterns shifting from communicable diseases towards to non-communicable diseases globally.
However, globalization drives economic activities vigorously and alternates work conditions, such as prolonger or irregular working time, changing patterns of job. And then, more sweating, stress and occupational safety of labors after globalization were noted by many worldwide scholars.
“Karoshi” (death from overwork) is a controversial issue of occupational matters in these years all over the world. According to past empirical literatures, CVD was also the major medical cause of death from overwork.
Hence, we collect panel data of CVD mortality, working hours of labor and KOF index of globalization covering 19 OECD countries from a period of 1980 to 2007, and measure by panel cointegration analysis and fully modified OLS (FMOLS) to estimate the reciprocal relationship among these variables. The evidence findings show significant influence on CVD mortality if increasing working hours of labor, especially at age groups of 15 to 24 year. While significant effect on CVD mortality through by globalization was found at age group 25 to 54 year and elders, particular in social globalization.
目次 Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………..1
2. LITERATURES REVIEW…………………………………………………4
2.1 Globalization and Working Hours or Job Patterns of Labor……………..4
2.2 Working Hours of Labor and Heart Disease……………………………..5
2.3 Globalization and Heart Disease…………………………………………7
3. METHODS AND DATA……………………………………………………8
3.1 Methodology……………………………………………………………..9
3.1.1. Panel stationarity test……………………………………………….....9
3.1.2. Panel cointegration test…………………………………………..........11
3.1.3. Panel fully modified OLS (FMOLS)………………………………….12
3.2. Data Collection………………………………………………………….13
3.2.1. Health indicators……………………………………………………....13
3.2.2. Working hours of labor………………………………………………..13
3.2.3. Globalization indicators……………………………………………….13
4. RESULTS…………………………………………………………………....14
4.1 Result of Unit Root Test …………………………………………………14
4.2 Relation between Working Hours of Labor and Globalization…………..14
4.3 Relationships among CVD mortality, Working Hours of Labor and Globalization..............................................................................................15
5. DISCUSSION………………………………………………………………..17
6. CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………20
7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS…………………………………………………..22
8. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………23
9. TABLES………………………………………………………………………28

Table1. Rank of KOF index of Globalization (by Dreher)…………………28
Table2. The KOF index of Globalization by Dreher (2011)………………..29
Table3. Panel Unit Root Tests………………………………………………30
Table4. Panel Cointegration Test (dependent variable is Working Hour)…..31
Table5. Panel Group FMOLS (dependent variable is Working Hour)……...32
Table6. Panel Cointegration Test (dependent variable is CVD1524)……….32
Table7. Panel Cointegration Test (dependent variable is CVD2554)……….33
Table8. Panel Cointegration Test (dependent variable is CVD5564)……….33
Table9. Panel Group FMOLS (dependent variable is CVD1524)…………..34
Table10. Panel Group FMOLS (dependent variable is CVD2554)………….35
Table11. Panel Group FMOLS (dependent variable is CVD5564)………….36
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