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博碩士論文 etd-0908100-144057 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0908100-144057
The Last Three Four-part Female Part-songs by Franz Schubert
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Gott in der Natur, Choral Education, Female Chorus, Stanchen, Psalm 23, Schubert
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The women’s chorus has been a minor category in the bulk of western music history. It was not until the nineteenth century that a female chorus had the opportunity to perform as the same way that a male or mixed chorus had. Only then, did composers start to compose part-songs for female chorus, and Schubert is one of the pioneers. He composed nine pieces for female chorus. Two of them were done as assignments while a student when he was young (1812). Three short pieces were finished in 1815-16. Even in these early pieces his sensitivity to German text and gift for setting the text to music are clearly shown. In 1820-27, Schubert finished four female choral works. Three of them were four-part-- “Psalm 23”, “Gott in der Natur”, “Stänchen”. These three pieces are the best in all Schubert’s female choral works. The tonality is more fully developed, and the length is almost four times longer than before. More imitation is used, composed with homophonic texture than is used in the first five pieces. Schubert had demonstrated a strong desire to express the text freely with all types of musical techniques from the early Romantic Period.
This master’s thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter offers some historical background and can be divided into three sections. First is a concise report about female chorus’s development in western music history. The second part discusses the definition of 19th century style and how the contemporary background influenced the part-songs. The third section gives a general review of Schubert’s female choral works. Chapter Three is a detailed analysis of the final three four-part female works. Derived from Chapter Three (i. e. based on the analysis), Chapter four proposes a teaching procedure when a director or a school teacher wants to perform any of these three numbers. Some performance considerations and conducting suggestions are also included. The final Chapter is conclusion for the entire research. Two appendixes are included: one is the translations and IPA phonetics for the German texts; the other is a list of the publishers for Schubert female chorus works.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 前言 1
第二章 舒伯特在女聲合唱發展的重要地位 6
第一節 女聲合唱在音樂歷史中的發展 6
第二節 十九世紀初的合唱歌曲 14
第三節 舒伯特女聲合唱作品 18
第三章 三首女聲合唱作品分析 31
第一節《詩篇二十三》 31
第二節《自然之神》 40
第三節《小夜曲 52
第四章 教學實施方案及演出建議 65
第一節 教學實施方案 65
排練技巧 65
德文歌詞教學 67
《詩篇二十三》教學實施方案 72
《自然之神》教學實施方案 83
《小夜曲》教學實施方案 95

第二節 演出建議及指揮手勢 104
《詩篇二十三》 106
第五章 結論 114

附錄一 歌詞翻譯及德文發音 116
附錄二 舒伯特女聲合唱歌曲單譜版本 123
參考書目 125

參考文獻 References
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