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博碩士論文 etd-0908104-201750 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0908104-201750
Software Design of A Soft Real-Time Communication Synthesis Method
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Date of Exam
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Computer-Aided-Design, Real-time communication synthesis
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5667 times, has been downloaded 1759 times.


In the era of system-on-chip, many hardware modules are embedded on a single chip. More messages communicated among on-chip modules. On-chip communication bandwidth is thus scaled up dramatically. It causes significant increase of routing area as well as relative reduction of system performance. It affects overall feasibility of a system chip.

In order to solve the problem and meet the communication performance requirement of application systems. We need to consider factors that affect overall system performance and cost, communication resource allocation, message routing, and transmission control design. Thus, we proposed a soft real-time communication synthesis method. It applied the simulated annealing optimization method.. In the process, it carries out several tasks: calibration of dynamic communication cases, communication resource allocation, message routing path generation, and estimation of overall communication performance and system cost.

In this research, we designed the experimental software of the communication synthesis method. We will perform experiments for its system evaluation to verify its effectiveness on system-on-chip designs.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.2.1 即時系統的分類 1
1.2.2 晶片內通訊網路的硬體架構 2
1.2.3 軟性即時通訊問題與相關研究 3
1.3 研究方向 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 軟性即時通訊合成方法 6
2.1 軟性即時通訊合成問題 6
2.1.1 問題描述 6
2.1.2 問題輸入 7
2.1.3 問題輸出 9
2.2 軟性即時通訊合成的流程 10
2.3 階層式通訊負載 12
2.4 初始化軟性即時通訊合成 14
2.5 模擬焠火法最佳化通訊合成 18
第三章 多個靜態子問題的刻劃 21
3.1 同心圓方式的子問題刻劃 21
3.2 子問題之問題大小係數的產生 22
3.3 決定各迴圈計數執行的次數 25
第四章 軟性即時通訊合成最佳化 26
4.1 移動的分類 26
4.2 連結電路頻寬的調整 28
4.3 訊息的重新路由 29
4.4 訊息路由路徑的產生 34
4.4.1 路由的規則 34
4.4.2 可路由性的證明 38
第五章 軟性即時通訊合成總體評估方式 42
5.1 通訊評估方法 42
5.1.1 靜態多階段時間分割 42
5.1.2 子問題的通訊效能評估 42
5.1.3 總體通訊成本與效能評估 42
5.2 靜態子問題的多階段時間分割 43
5.3 子問題的通訊效能評估 44
5.4 軟性即時通訊合成的總體評估 48
第六章 實驗規劃 51
6.1 應用軟體簡介 51
6.2 軟體設計流程 52
6.3 合成輸入 52
6.4 合成輸出 53
6.5 實驗評量 53
第七章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
參考文獻 References
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