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博碩士論文 etd-0908109-140944 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0908109-140944
An Study on the Cancer Related Health Communication of Medical Centers in Southern Taiwan
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Health Communication, Cancer Prevention, Medical Center
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自西元1982 年開始,惡性腫瘤(癌症)就一直是我國民眾十大死因的第一名,直到21 世紀初,我國漸漸跟上國際上注重預防的醫療趨勢,開始著重癌症預防的工作而制訂「癌症防制法」,其主要構想是透過各種不同健康傳播管道有效的傳遞癌症防治相關訊息;也就是說,在政府有效的整合、分佈醫療資源到各大醫學中心後,各大醫學中心要能夠有效的藉由健康傳播吸引民眾來使用,本質上會有點像醫療行銷的概念。本研究將以高屏地區三大醫學中心的實體健康傳播刊物–院訊為研究對象進行回顧分析,瞭解高屏區三大醫學中心癌症防治的健康傳播架構,並探討三大醫學中心是否有透過院訊的健康傳播宣傳其專長防治癌症或某一癌症預防層次之醫療服務。
Malignant tumor (cancer) had become the leading cause among the top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan since 1982. The department of health in Taiwan start to pay attention on cancer prevention until 21th century, and published “The Law
of Cancer Control and Prevention” at 2003, it purpose is to communicate cancer prevention information and activities from each medical centers to the public effectively, it essence is alike the concept of healthcare marketing. This research will review the monthly pamphlet published by the medical centers in southern Taiwan, to know how they construct their communication model, and distinguish if they had promote their merit prevention cancer or health services by the monthly pamphlets.
With the integration of “National Cancer Control and Prevention Five Year Plan” extended from the law of cancer control and prevention, this research shows that different medical centers pay attention on different hierarchy of prevention and cancer
type, also different communication model and service have been promoted. But article on the monthly pamphlet are not requisite responsibility to the medical doctors in different medical centers. Although, research on the readers of the pamphlet were worthy, through the understanding of readers, the effectiveness of healthcare marketing through monthly pamphlet can be distinguish.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄-------------------------------------------------------------一
表 次-------------------------------------------------------------二
圖 次-------------------------------------------------------------三
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景-----------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機與目的--------------------------------------2
第三節 研究對象-----------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究流程-----------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------5
第一節 健康傳播概說-----------------------------------------5
第二節 我國健康傳播實務----------------------------------14
第三節 癌症防治----------------------------------------------16
第四節 高屏地區三大醫學中心健康傳播實務----------22
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構與問題-------------------------------------25
第二節 內容分析法-------------------------------------------26
第三節 研究設計----------------------------------------------28
第四章 資料分析----------------------------------------------36
第一節 高屏地區癌症防治健康傳播現況----------------36
第二節 高屏地區醫學中心各癌症防治預防層次健康傳播之現況---------42
第三節 高屏地區醫學中心各癌症防治預防層次健康傳播之差異---------45
第五章 結果與建議-------------------------------------------------50
第一節 結果討論-------------------------------------------------50
第二節 研究建議-------------------------------------------------51
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5. 蔣文宜:國人十大死因∼惡性腫瘤27 年蟬聯榜首 肺、肝癌仍居一二,今日新聞,2007
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