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博碩士論文 etd-0909110-160210 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0909110-160210
Studies on the relationship between natural resources and communities in small islands - Hujing Island of Penghu country
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
four pillars, Hujing Island, developmental limits, CBCRM
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5731 times, has been downloaded 1616 times.
(一) 海洋自然資源層面,現在的資源量與過去相比已相去甚遠,且人口結構呈現一負成長的趨勢和高扶養比的情況。
(二) 產業市場層面,相較於觀光產業和箱網養殖,海葡萄產業推廣於其他小島的可能性較高。
(三) 資源經營技術層面,未來技術的推動順序上需以養殖型為優先,其次為社區能力建構型,最後為海洋資源保護型,並與觀光產業的整合。
(四) 產業制度的設置層面,未來海葡萄養殖可能將遵循過去地曳網漁業之產業制度的設置。
The depletion of marine resources and recession in worldwide economy result in impacts on the livelihood and development of many small island countries. Therefore, the community-based coastal resources management (CBCRM) approach has become an important strategy for the sustainable development of marine resources.
This thesis reports the studies with regard to the CBCRM in Hujing Island, most importantly, the promotion of aquaculture development into the small island such as the culture of sea-grape (algae Caulerpa). The work was initiated to investigate the relationships between communities and marine resources in Hujing Island under a CBCRM’s “four pillars” framework. Qualitative methods through participant observation, interviews, and documentary analysis were used for data collection. The results have been summarized according to the framework of "four pillars".
1. In comparison with decades ago, marine resources are depleted and are inadequate to support sustainable development. Population of the community also lost, so it is not possible to develop a new fishery.
2. In terms of technology, the culture of Caulerpa can be successfully established in Hujing Island as well as in other islands in Penghu.
3. The CBCRM approach needs to build up the capacity on aquaculture technology through organizing of local communities.
4. Institutional arrangements of the culture of Caulerpa could follow those used in fishery of Beach Seine.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的與問題------------------------------------------------------2
第三節 章節結構---------------------------------------------------------------3
第二章 理論架構
第一節 共有財資源------------------------------------------------------------6
第二節 社區型海岸資源經營------------------------------------------------9
第三節 社區型海岸資源經營之四大支柱---------------------------------13
第四節 研究分析架構---------------------------------------------------------15
第五節 小結---------------------------------------------------------------------17
第三章 方法與材料
第一節 質性研究---------------------------------------------------------------19
第二節 研究方法與資料調查------------------------------------------------22
第三節 研究地點與對象------------------------------------------------------30
第四節 資料調查與分析------------------------------------------------------33

第四章 海洋自然資源
第一節 自然環境---------------------------------------------------------------39
第二節 海洋資源---------------------------------------------------------------43
第三節 族群人口---------------------------------------------------------------62
第四節 島外資源---------------------------------------------------------------64
第五節 小結---------------------------------------------------------------------70
第五章 產業市場
第一節 投入成本---------------------------------------------------------------71
第二節 市場、產值與風險---------------------------------------------------77
第三節 小結---------------------------------------------------------------------86
第六章 資源經營技術
第一節 海洋資源保護技術---------------------------------------------------87
第二節 養殖技術---------------------------------------------------------------97
第三節 能力建構技術--------------------------------------------------------104
第四節 小結--------------------------------------------------------------------117
第七章 產業制度的設置
第一節 人力資源類型--------------------------------------------------------119
第二節 資源財產制度--------------------------------------------------------122
第三節 投入資金制度--------------------------------------------------------125
第四節 利益分配制度--------------------------------------------------------127
第五節 小結--------------------------------------------------------------------129
第八章 討論與建議
第一節 研究成果--------------------------------------------------------------131
第二節 其他政策建議--------------------------------------------------------135
第三節 政府可參考執行的建議--------------------------------------------136
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