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博碩士論文 etd-0910106-170411 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0910106-170411
Study of analysis and improvement methods on running breakdown for the table rollers of hot rolling strip cooling area.
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
roller, run out table, bearing, water, emulsification, axial load, grease
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The rollers of run out table in Hot Strip Mill are operated with variable high rotational speed under a severe environment of high temperature and much cooling water around. And the table takes long space about 128 meters of length with over 330 rollers. The rollers of this area often break down, and it takes long to make urgent repair. So it costs about ten million NT dollars per year for mill shut-down. Although some improvements have been made before, the troubles still happens frequently. Then the temporary countermeasures of shortening the maintenance cycle and increasing the grease supply have been applied to prevent the break-down frequency from aggravation . But it wastes the cost and does not meet the environmental policy.
This study analyzes many damage phenomena. Then it assumes that the 75% of roller running break-down is bearing damage resulting from bad lubrication condition and abnormal axial load. The cooling water which penetrates into bearing housing will result in grease emulsification and its consistency diluting. This certainly causes the bad lubrication condition and bearing rusting. In the meantime, if the floating function of roller bearing is inactive, the bearings will be operated under abnormal high axial load and without appropriate lubrication. Then the bearing will be damaged rapidly and must be repaired quickly.
In order to improve bad lubrication and bearing rusting, this study modifies sealing arrangement and grease feeding circuit for bearing housing with the special functions of water obstruction, drainage and resistance to prevent water penetration. In addition, the overflow of grease will be collected to meet the environmental needs. Meanwhile, to look for better water resistance and mechanical stability for greasing, the study also discusses the relationship between consistency variation and thickening soap base after grease emulsification. During a three-month running of the new design , the water contents are stably under 1.5% which has greatly advanced. And the quantity of grease supply is under 10% of existing one.
In order to improve the inactive floating function of roller bearings, this study not only analyzes the derivation of problems but also modifies the dimensional tolerance and adds cylindricity of geometric tolerance for the bore of bearing housing. This will ensure complete loose fit and shape accuracy to prevent the interference fit between the bore and bearing caused by manufacturing inaccuracy or other mistakes
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要………………………………………………………………………… i
英文摘要Abstract………………………………………………………………… ii
謝辭……………………………………………………………………………… iii
總目錄…………………………………………………………………………… iv
圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………… vii
照片目錄………………………………………………………………………… ix
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………… 1
1-1. 研究動機…………………………………………………………………… 1
1-2. 熱軋鋼帶冷卻區輸送輥輪設備及其功能介紹…………………………… 3
1-3. 輥輪運轉故障型態及各種要因探討……………………………………… 4
1-3-1. 各種要因分析…………………………………………………………… 4
1-3-2. 故障處理所需時間及停產損失………………………………………… 7
1-3-3. 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………… 8
1-3-4. 輥輪軸承損壞…………………………………………………………… 11
1-3-5. 外部制動力造成輥輪不轉……………………………………………… 17
1-3-6. 驅動馬達損壞…………………………………………………………… 17
1-3-7. 馬達與輥輪聯軸器損壞………………………………………………… 18
1-3-8. 馬達與輥輪對心不佳…………………………………………………… 18
1-4. 論文研究重點……………………………………………………………… 19
1-5. 論文研究方向流程及架構………………………………………………… 19

第二章 軸承箱進水造成潤滑脂乳化及軸承?袘k之原因與改善方法……… 22
2-1. 軸承箱原設計之防水功能及進水原因分析……………………………… 22
2-2. 軸承箱進水造成軸承?袘k及磨損之原因分析…………………………… 30
2-2-1. 軸承?袘k產生麻點坑洞刮痕及疲勞剝落現象………………………… 30
2-2-2. 軸承箱內孔環帶狀?袘k………………………………………………… 33
2-3. 軸承箱進水造成潤滑脂乳化之問題分析………………………………… 34
2-3-1. 改善前潤滑脂乳化之含水量趨勢……………………………………… 34
2-3-2. 潤滑脂乳化後含水量對稠度之影響…………………………………… 36
2-4. 軸承箱進水及潤滑脂品質改善方法……………………………………… 44
2-4-1. 軸承箱防水及排水相關功能之改善方法……………………………… 44
2-4-2. 軸承箱潤滑脂補給位置之改善………………………………………… 46
2-4-3. 潤滑脂從軸承兩側排放及收集之改善………………………………… 48
2-4-4. 軸承箱內預留空間以利潤滑脂流動…………………………………… 49
2-4-5. 軸承箱與兩側邊蓋間增加迫緊墊片防水滲入………………………… 49
2-4-6. 規定潤滑脂之皂基含量在7.5%以上之製造品質……………………… 51
2-5. 軸承箱進水之改善效果…………………………………………………… 59
第三章 輥輪軸承受異常外力卡死或損壞之原因與改善方法………………… 62
3-1. 輥輪兩側軸承軸向與徑向自動對心之原設計功能分析.………………… 62
3-1-1. 輥輪兩側軸承自由端與固定端之功能………………………………… 62
3-1-2. 輥輪兩側軸承箱與輥輪軸心自動徑向對心之功能…………………… 65
3-1-3. 輥輪總成快速更換功能與問題………………………………………… 66
3-2. 輥輪軸承受異常軸向外力卡死之磨損現象及原因……………………… 68
3-2-1. 軸承單側軌道面及滾子磨損之現象與分析…………………………… 68
3-2-2. 軸承內環双側軌道之推擠受力印痕與原因分析……………………… 71
3-2-3. 軸承箱內孔面?袉穹[查與影響分析…………………………………… 73

3-3. 輥輪軸承自由端功能失效時產生異常軸向外力之分析………………… 74
3-3-1. 軸承箱內孔徑與軸承外環徑異常干涉緊配之現象.…………………… 74
3-3-2. 輥輪運轉時受熱膨脹之異常軸向推力………………………………… 78
3-3-3. 錯誤組裝時產生之軸向預推力或預拉力……………………………… 79
3-3-4. 變形或尺寸與形狀公差錯誤產生之軸向預推力或預拉力…………… 88
3-4. 軸承箱與輥輪底座變形之原因分析……………………………………… 94
3-4-1. 軸承箱變形原因………………………………………………………… 94
3-4-2. 輥輪底座變形原因……………………………………………………… 95
3-5. 輥輪軸承受異常軸向及徑向外力之改善方法…………………………… 96
3-5-1. 軸承箱內孔徑製作尺寸與形狀公差之改善…………………………… 96
3-5-2. 輥輪底座及軸承箱製作之重要尺寸及形狀公差驗收標準…………… 97
3-5-3. 設計專用標準模板確認輥輪底座組裝前之平行度與中心距………… 98
3-5-4. 禁用加熱拆裝及火焰除?蚰H防止熱脹不均之變形…………………… 99
3-5-5. 輥輪底座兩側軸承箱及驅動馬達之承座面改採耐蝕材料防?蛂K…… 100
3-5-6. 重複使用軸承檢查項目必含內環軌道面……………………………… 102
第四章 其他故障問題討論…………………………………………………… 103
4-1. 外部制動力造成輥輪不轉之分析與改善方法…………………………… 103
4-2. 驅動馬達損壞之分析及改善方法………………………………………… 105
4-3. 馬達與輥輪聯軸器損壞之分析及改善方法……………………………… 106
4-4. 馬達與輥輪對心不佳之分析及改善方法………………………………… 107
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………………… 110
參考文獻……………………………………………………………………… 111
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