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博碩士論文 etd-0910107-160936 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0910107-160936
品牌形象知覺與延伸產品評價關係 ─以自來水公司包裝水產業為例
The Relation ship between Brand Image Perception and Brand Extension Evaluation: Package of Aquatic Products from Taiwan Water Corporation as Example
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ownership status, brand extension, brand extension evaluation, brand image
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1、 原品牌與延伸後之品牌形象知覺構面間,不管是產品面的功能性形象、象徵性形象及經驗性形象,均有顯著的正相關存在,且原品牌的企業形象對延伸後之品牌形象知覺亦是顯著的正相關存在。
2、 受訪者對於原產品形象知覺的高、低程度對延伸產品評價有顯著性差異。原品牌形象知覺與延伸產品評價間,高品牌形象者對延伸產品評價較高於低品牌形象知覺者。
3、 延伸後之品牌形象及延伸產品評價間之構面均呈現顯著正相關;意即彼此間的交互作用,使他們有很高的相關,經由實證結果可顯見品牌形象對於延伸產品評價中消費者的態度、知覺價值、購買意願等構面間的影響皆達極顯著之水準。就解釋力表現上觀察結果,則品牌形象最能解釋知覺價值的變異,顯示延伸之品牌形象知覺愈高,則對於顧客的知覺價值認知方面,越有正向的影響效果。
4、 經研究驗證,高認同「台水礦泉水」在市場上之品牌形象者,其對「台水礦泉水」將有較佳之評價,並其在產品評價中之消費者態度、知覺價值及購買意願等構面上皆有顯著性較高的評價,尤其以購買意願予以的評價最高,顯示,受訪者若給予自來水公司將推出之「台水礦泉水」評價高者,其購買意願即會是高的。
5、 本研究資料經由迴歸分析,得迴歸方程式為: 延伸產品評價=.133+.197原品牌形象知覺+.774延伸產品品牌形象知覺,顯示自來水公司欲提升其延伸產品「台水礦泉水」評價,應致力延伸產品品牌形象知覺之建構著手,其成效將優於原品牌形象知覺之影響。
Brand contraction and Marketing constitute a new challenge in the 21st century’s business development. The Smile Curve Theory provided by the founder of Acer Group, Mr. Stan Shih Z.R, who once stressed that value added manufacturing being low, the future development in Taiwan should focus on research/development and brand marketing. Due to the advancements in science technology and the keen competition among enterprises, many similar products can be found in the market. In general, branding is the motive that encourages producers to create unique products while stimulating customers to pay higher prices for what they want. Brand is an important asset to the enterprise; it not only brings profits under excellent quality control but also offers a convenient identity and enhances a company’s growth. The well-known strategy of brand extension helps to reduce risks while promoting a new product in the market. However, the cost of promoting a new product into the market is higher than the cost occurred in the strategy of brand extension. For instance, the cost of promoting a new product into the market is about 50-100 million US Dollars in the American market (Brown, 1985). As a result, the advantage of applying the brand extension strategy lies in the promoting of new products and increasing the chances for success.
The study aims at understanding the evaluation of brand image perception and brand extension from the viewpoint of consumers, and the study object was the package of aquatic products from Taiwan Water Corporation. The brand image perception and its image after extension constitute the independent variable. Consumers’ high or low evaluation of brand image perception and the related extension were analyzed and examined to determine whether there was any significant correlation after extension. Furthermore, comparison of brand image was made between the new mineral water of Taiwan Water Corporation and others from the leading companies. The high or low brand image was sorted out in sequence and its relation ship with the brand extension evaluation was compared. Questionnaires were sent to 386 interviewees and the statistics were examined, the conclusions were drawn.
1. There’s significant correlation between the original brand and brand image perception after extension; if the similarity of brand extension is high, the correlation of the original brand image perception is higher than for products which have low similarity.
2. Between the original brand image perception and brand extension evaluation, the high brand image perception achieved higher brand extension evaluation than did the low brand image perception. The evaluation of brand extension with high similarity is also higher than that of brand extension with low similarity.
3. There’s no interactive effect in ownership between the brand image perception and brand extension evaluation. The owner of the original brand gives a higher evaluation to brand extension with high similarity, than do non-owners. There’s no significant variation between owner and non-owner to brand extension with low similarity.
4. If the similarity of brand extension is high, consumers often focus on the transferred perception of the functional image of the IT commodity. The value, function and reliability will be appreciated after brand extension. The brand extension with low similarity should emphasize the functional image and the transferred perception of the symbolized image from consumers. The fashionable image, personal style and outstanding reputation should also be formed so that a better evaluation of brand extension with low similarity can be made afterwards.
Due to customers continuing to value the original brand image after brand extension of cross-classification, enterprises should treasure the influence of the original brand image and the compatible category on brand extension, as well as the variation resulting from different perceptions.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 XI
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 4
第一章、產業分析 6
第一節 包裝水介紹與定義 6
第二節 台灣包裝水市場概況 11
第三節 台灣省自來水公司簡介 16
第四節 台灣自來水公司包裝水產業推動 19
第二章、文獻探討 23
第一節 品牌 23
第二節 品牌形象 27
第三節 品牌延伸 35
第四節 品牌評價 43
第五節 文獻總結 45
第三章、研究方法 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假設 48
第三節 變數的操作性定義與衡量 50
第四節 研究設計 54
第五節 資料分析方法 62
第四章、結果與分析 64
第一節 樣本描述 64
第二節 原品牌與延伸產品之品牌形象知覺關係 76
第三節 原品牌形象知覺高、低與延伸產品評價之關係 78
第四節 延伸後品牌形象知覺高、低與延伸產品評價之關係 80
第五節 台水礦泉水與競爭品牌相對形象序位高、低與
延伸產品評價之關聯 83
第六節 自來水公司原品牌形象知覺、延伸產品品牌形象與延伸產品評價之迴歸預測 87
第五章、 結論與建議 90
第一節 研究結論 92
第二節 行銷實務上的義涵 95
第三節 研究限制 97
第四節 後續研究建議 98
參考文獻 99
附錄一 礦泉水之製作流程 100
附錄二 台灣自來水公司簡介 101
附錄三 焦點團體實施計畫 104
附錄四 焦點團體討論會紀錄 114
附錄五 正式問卷 123
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