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Title page for etd-0910107-182607
Changjiang Diluted Water in Taiwan Strait during El Nino and the N2O distribution in natural waters around Taiwan
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front, South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, West Philippine Sea, Nitrous oxide, Changjiang Diluted Water, El Nino
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N2O是溫室氣體之一,對全球氣候的影響甚大,而目前台灣附近河川湖泊及沿海等水體的N2O分佈較少有人研究。台灣海峽表水平均N2O濃度與海-氣通量(7.81±1.28nM;0.28±0.38μmol/m2/hr)均比南海(7.55±2.45 nM;0.21±0.27μmol/m2/hr)和西菲律賓(5.30±0.62nM;-0.20±0.25μmol/m2/hr)高。而菲律賓海是目前少數發現有N2O未飽和現象的海域。南海由於內部湧升較強,其N2OMax的深度(600~800m)較西菲律賓海(1000m)淺,此外,南海400-1000m附近有N2O異常高值,推測是來自大陸斜坡上沉積物脫硝後的釋放。將南海及西菲律賓海的N2O通量換算成等單位的二氧化碳通量,發現其所造成的溫室效應比CO2高了兩倍多。
聖嬰年間台灣海峽北部、西菲律賓海和南海的N2O皆有較低的現象,推測是聖嬰期間海水湧升減弱所致。此外,台灣河川湖泊和SGD(Submarine Groundwater Discharge)的平均N2O濃度分別為32.32±43.26nM、9.72±13.16 nM。
El Niño is now a focal point for global climate change research, but its influence on the Western Pacific is still uncertain. Taiwan Strait is an important pathway, which connects the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and is strongly influenced by the monsoon. Generally, in winter, the strong winter monsoon brings the cold and nutrient-rich Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW)southward. While during the El Niño event, because of the weakened south wind in northern Taiwan, more cold CDW moves southward, and hence the decreased seawater temperature in spring and fall. The trend is opposite in summer.
There is a high salinity signal in the seas outside of Hsin-Chu, suggesting sea water coming from the Kuroshio, which has circumvented the northeast tip of Taiwan. Meanwhile, there is a front which separates this Kuroshio water and CDW. During the El Niño, the front moves eastward, especially in summer.
The salinity east of the front decreases gradually from spring to winter water, the center of upwelling located at the eastern side of the front in spring, and at or near the front from summer to winter. Furthermore, The N/P ratio of the northern Taiwan Strait water became higher after the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) became operational.
The nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived greenhouse gas. Unfortunately, in Taiwan, there are few data about N2O emission from rivers, lakes and coastal areas. This research also studies the N2O distribution in natural waters around Taiwan.
The average surface water concentration and sea to air flux in the Taiwan Strait(7.81±1.28nM;0.28±0.38μmol/m2/hr)is higher than in the South China Sea(SCS;7.55±2.45 nM;0.21±0.27μmol/m2/hr)and the West Philippine Sea(WPS;5.3±0.62nM;-0.20±0.25μmol/m2/hr), which displays a rare sink signal in the world oceans.
There is an N2O maximum observed around 1000m in the WPS, and another shollower one around 700m in the SCS, presumably because of the intenive upwelling and vertical mixing in the SCS basin.
There are some rather high N2O concentrations (N2O>30nM) in the SCS, observed near the continental slope. We assume that these are released from sediments on the continental slope. Although the sea-to-air flux of N2O is much lower than the flux of CO2, N2O emission in the SCS contributes more than two times the greenhouse effect than CO2 does.
Besides, The N2O concentration during El Niño is lower than usual, probably due to a smaller amount of the CDW. Finally, the average N2O concentrations of river and submarine groundwater discharge in Taiwan are about 32.3±43.3nM and 9.72±13.2 nM, respectively.
目次 Table of Contents
3.1、 春季航次之探討及比較--------------------------------------------------10
3.1.2 ORⅡ-1180及ORⅡ-1182--------------------------------------------- 12
3.3.4、ORⅡ-1312 --------------------------------------------------------------36
附圖5、ORⅡ- 1349剖面圖---------------------------------------------------------155
附圖6、ORII- 806剖面圖------------------------------------------------------------157
附圖7、ORII- 871剖面圖------------------------------------------------------------160
附圖12、ORΙ- 631剖面圖-----------------------------------------------------------171
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