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博碩士論文 etd-0910109-090900 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0910109-090900
Impacts of Relational Capital on the Devolopments of R&D Alliance
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Relational capital, R&D alliance, Qualitative research, Case study
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The R&D Alliance was developed as the third strategic option to face the environment in a rapid change world. Based on the operating mechanism of the R&D Alliance, the beneficial results such as resource gathering, development risk and capital dropping will be achieved. However, when all members in the R&D Alliance mutually cooperate for the given benefits and targets, another question about keeping the own characteristics risen and need to further reconsider it. Therefore, the connective patterns between members play an important role in determining whether these operations will be successful, especially for the Chinese-major communities which have more obvious interference hiding in relational capital. The present study focuses on pattern of the R&D Alliance from the view of the relational capital. Adopting the individual case to study two R&D Alliances related with the juridical-person institutions is the main framework of this research and the results are analyzed from the three subcomponents in the relational capital that are trust, friendship and respect. Conclusions are drawn as follows:
1.Impacts of the trust relationship in the R&D alliance: members were constrained by the long-run contact, mutual cooperation experience and the formal contract (e.g. cooperation signatures or nondisclosure agreements) to reduce member suspicions and lead the positive Impact to the R&D alliance.
2.Impacts of the friendship in the R&D alliance: through the way of the frequent interaction, the beneficial receptions, and the explicit cooperative objectives, a conflict or a distant feeling between each others will be reduced, instead of increasing communication or rapidly uniting members to smoothly work the alliance.
3.Impacts of the respect in the R&D alliance: through the way of the good-will interactions, suppressing the opportunistic behaviors, globally adopting the opinions, predicting the next move about members, regulations in the contracts as well as self-constraints, the harmonics and the advantages existed in the members will be benefited for the development of the R&D alliance.
4.Impacts of the achievements in the R&D alliance: In the operating process, the partnership in the R&D alliance achieved the goals by means of the well, routine and miscellaneous communications, an explicit objective management, and the good interactions.
目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 I
誌 謝 詞 IV
目 錄 V
表 目 錄 VIII
圖 目 錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 研發聯盟 6
一、 研發聯盟定義 6
二、 研發聯盟類型 9
三、 研發聯盟動機 14
四、 研發聯盟夥伴選擇 19
五、 研發聯盟運作 24
六、 研發聯盟績效衡量 30
第二節 關係資本 34
一、 社會資本 34
二、 關係資本定義 35
三、 關係資本之衡量指標 37
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究架構 41
一、 關係資本構面 43
二、 聯盟形成運作 44
第二節 研究設計 44
一、 個案研究設計 47
二、 訪談設計 50
三、 資料蒐集 51
四、 資料分析 52
第三節 研究對象 53
第四節 研究問題 54
第四章 個案簡介 56
第一節 O研發聯盟 56
一、 個案基本資料 56
二、 產業現況概述 57
三、 訪談紀要 61
第二節 N研發聯盟 71
一、 個案基本資料 71
二、 產業現況概述 72
三、 訪談紀要 74
第五章 命題推演與研究發現 84
第一節 個案成果彙編 84
第二節 命題推論 86
一、 信任關係構面對研發聯盟運作之影響 86
二、 友誼關係構面對研發聯盟運作之影響 89
三、 尊重關係構面對研發聯盟運作之影響 91
四、 研發聯盟運作對其績效之影響 93
第三節 研究發現 98
第六章 結論與建議 100
第一節 研究結論 100
一、 關係資本對研發聯盟運作之影響 101
二、 研發聯盟運作對其績效之影響 102
第二節 研究意涵 102
一、 理論意涵 102
二、 實務意涵 104
三、 政策意涵 104
第三節 研究限制 106
第四節 後續研究建議 106
參考文獻 108
一、 中文部分 108
二、 英文部分 111
三、 網站部分 118
附錄一 訪談大綱 119
附錄二 個案訪談摘要 120
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