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Tempospatial distribution of platycephalids and the biology of Suggrundus macracanthus in the waters off southwestern Taiwan
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Platycephalidae, tempospatial distribution, reproduction, coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan, Suggrundus macracanthus
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本研究海域的牛尾魚科魚類其豐度變化有測站、深度及季節上的差異。測站間以茄萣站豐度最低,其餘測站豐度變化大致由左營往南遞減至林園達最低點後再遞增。水深25-55 m間有較高牛尾魚類豐度的出現,在15-35 m間其豐度有隨水深的增加而遞增的趨勢。每年的春夏季為高豐度期,其中以大棘大眼牛尾魚(74%)為主要優勢種,其豐度的消長密切影響本海域牛尾魚科魚類的時空變動。
大棘大眼牛尾魚的生殖期在2-4月,其卵徑頻度為單峰型分布,屬於一年一次產卵的形式。其補充群約在6-7月時進入台灣西南海域水深15 m左右的沙泥底質海域。大棘大眼牛尾魚以底棲蝦類為主食,佔68%以上,婆羅門赤對蝦又佔高達59%以上;其他食餌尚有魚類、蟹類、軟體動物與端腳類。未成熟(< 84.52 mm TL)的大棘大眼牛尾魚其胃內容物以婆羅門赤對蝦為主(88.3%),並零星捕食魚類與端腳類;成熟(>84.52 mm)的個體所食的蝦類出現頻率降為68%,魚類出現頻率增為13.3%,開始捕食蟹類與蝦蛄,出現頻率分別為12與5.3%。整體而言,大棘大眼牛尾魚成熟後除了食物選擇性增加,獵食能力也增強。
This study aims to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of Platycephalids and the biology of the dominant species Suggrundus macracanthus, in the coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan. A beam trawl was adopted to collect fish samples from 7 stations, including Jiading, Zouying, Jhongjhou, Linyuan, Dapeng Bay, Linbian and Fangliao. Samplings were carried out on a 1-2 month interval, started from June 2000 and ended in August 2005. In total, 3,780 specimens were collected, including 9 genus 11 species.
The distribution of Platycephalids varied in station, water depth and season. The lowest abundance were recorded at Jiading, then decreased from Zouying to Linyuan, and then increased southwards. Platycephalids eived more abundant in depth 25-55 m, and the number increased with depth 15-35 m. The highest abundance occurred from spring to summer. S. macracanthus (74%) were the top dominant species.
S. macracanthus spawn once a year during February to April, with a peak in the frequency distribution of egg diameter. The recruitment of S. macracanthus occurred in the period from June to July, at near-shore waters of 15 m depth with mud and sand substrata.
S. macracanthus take epibenthic shrimp as the major diet accounts for above 68%, including 59% of Metapenaeopsis palmensis. Other food items still had the fish, crab, Mollusca and Amphipoda. S. macracanthus juveniles nearly didn’t ate crab, but the adult ate crab up to 12%.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII
圖目錄 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX
附表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI
附錄目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI
壹、前言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 牛尾魚科魚類簡介 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 文獻回顧 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究緣起及目的 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5
貳、材料與方法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
2.1 採樣地點 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.2 採樣時間及頻率 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.3 採樣方法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.4 樣品處理 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4.1 鑑種 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4.2 測量體長與體重 ------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4.3 解剖 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.4.4 孕卵數與卵徑測量 ---------------------------------------------------- 8
2.4.5 組織切片流程 ---------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.5 數據整理與分析 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.5.1 分布 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.5.2 成長 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.5.3 生殖 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.5.4 食性 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
&#21442;、結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.1 水文環境 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.2 種類組成 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.3 空間分布 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.3.1 測站差異 --------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.3.2 深度差異 --------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.4 時間變化 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.4.1 日夜差異 --------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.4.2 季節變化 --------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.5 大棘大眼牛尾魚的生物學 -------------------------------------------------- 22
3.5.1 成長 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.5.2 生殖 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.5.3 食性 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
肆、討論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.1 台灣西南海域的水文環境 -------------------------------------------------- 27
4.2 台灣西南海域的牛尾魚類 -------------------------------------------------- 28
4.3 台灣西南海域牛尾魚類的空間分布 -------------------------------------- 29
4.4 台灣西南海域牛尾魚類的時間變動 -------------------------------------- 30
4.5 大棘大眼牛尾魚的時空分布 ----------------------------------------------- 32
4.6 大棘大眼牛尾魚的生活史 -------------------------------------------------- 33
伍、參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
表 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
圖 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
附表 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87
附錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 90
參考文獻 References

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