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Title page for etd-0911112-135508
The Impact of Teachers’Physical Attractiveness and Sense of Humor on Learning Attention and Efficiency
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Physical Attractiveness, Sense of Humor, Learning Attention, Learning Efficiency
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Attractive people are more likely to be considered as having better abilities, personalities, and interpersonal relationships. Does the physical attractiveness of a teacher affect the first impression of students of the teacher, and further affect learning concentration and achievement?
Second, humor is a type of philosophy and wisdom. People with a good sense of humor are more approachable and have more advantages in interpersonal relationships. Is a humorous teacher capable of creating a happy learning environment to enhance the learning concentration and achievement of students?
Junior teachers spend less time teaching and they are typically viewed less favorably compared to senior teachers regarding knowledge structure, teaching strategy, and their understanding of students’ learning difficulties. Are senior teachers with many years of experience capable of improving the learning concentration and achievements of students because they have more teaching experience and progress?
In this study, we attempt to understand the influence of teacher characteristics on the learning concentration and achievements of students. Therefore, we used a user within the quasi-experimental method. Teachers with various levels of physical attractiveness, senses of humor, and years of teaching experience were selected to teach students. The learning concentration and achievement of the students were analyzed and compared. The results were as shown below:
First, the results of learning concentration showed that the physical attractiveness of a teacher is negatively correlated with learning concentration. The sense of humor of a teacher is positively correlated with learning concentration. Years of teaching experience is positively correlated with learning concentration. Teachers’ physical attractiveness, sense of humor, and years of teaching experience have an interactive effect on learning concentration.
Second, results on learning achievement showed that the physical attractiveness of a teacher is not significantly correlated with learning performance. The years of teaching experience of a teacher is not significantly correlated with learning performance. The sense of humor of a teacher is positively correlated with learning achievement. The interactions among factors such as teachers’ physical attractiveness, sense of humor, and years of teaching experience did not show significant correlation with learning achievement
According to the results of this study, we suggest that the myth about physical attractiveness should be dispelled, and that educational training regarding teachers’ senses of humor should be strengthened. We recommend that future research include in-depth investigations on the differences between Asians and Caucasians regarding physical attractiveness and teacher charisma.
目次 Table of Contents
審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
第一章、前言 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、研究目的 3
第四節、研究流程 3
第二章、理論模式與假說推導 5
第一節、隱性人格理論 5
第二節、外表吸引力 6
第三節、幽默感 8
第四節、年資 10
第五節、變數交互作用 12
第六節、控制變項 12
第三章、研究設計與實施 14
第一節、研究模式建立 14
第二節、教師篩選 15
第三節、學習成效測驗題項編製 17
第四節、教學現場實驗 18
第四章、資料分析 21
第一節、試題量表分析 21
第二節、測量模型分析 26
第三節、教師篩選分析 29
第四節、研究模型檢定 34
第五節、交互作用檢定 38
第六節、性別控制變數檢定 46
第五章、結論與建議 50
第一節、結論 50
第二節、教學實務建議 54
第三節、研究限制與未來研究議題 55
參考文獻 56
中文部份 56
英文部分 58
附件一:外表吸引力量表 66
附件二:幽默量表 67
附件三:學習專注力量表 68
附件四:學習成效測驗表 69
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