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TEM, smectite, chlorite, alteration, olivine, Nanman basalt
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  台灣中新世的火成活動多集中於苗栗以北地區,出露於高雄內門木柵地區的玄武岩,是南部地區少數的火成岩露頭之一。利用OM、XRD、SEM/EDS和TEM/AEM分析的結果,該岩體為具斑晶的鹼性玄武岩,斑晶為普通輝石和橄欖石,原生礦物有橄欖石+普通輝石+斜長石+歪長石+磷灰石+鈦磁鐵礦+鈦鐵礦,蝕變作用主要發生在基質和橄欖石裂隙,其餘的礦物大多未蝕變,次生礦物以綠泥石質黏土礦物為主,產狀分為(1)取代基質的黏土,和取代橄欖石裂隙的黏土。後者又可以細分成(2)裂隙中心填充黏土,和裂隙兩側對稱生長的(3)脈充填黏土,以及位於脈與殘留橄欖石之間,(4)纖維狀和(5)雲母狀黏土,各產狀具有明顯的礦物邊界,彼此之間無漸變關係。礦物相上,(1)~(3)是獨立的綠泥石+獨立的膨潤石,(4)和(5)則是純膨潤石。TEM 的觀察結果,(1)~(3)具有結晶良好的14Å 綠泥石,雖然少有觀察到10Å的片層,但除了(1)之外,(2)和(3)經常觀察到大量的脫水裂隙,應可視為具有膨潤石層存在。(4)和(5)則以10Å的膨潤石為主,偶爾可以觀察到3~5層的綠泥石層。取代橄欖石的膨潤石普遍有貧Al富Mg的特徵,而Si/(Si+Al) 和Fe/(Fe+Mg) 呈現正相關趨勢。膨潤蝕成分異常的原因,可能因為遠離裂隙,流體不足,導致橄欖石變成膨潤石時,Al不易進入橄欖石假晶。其他含Al礦物未蝕變,欠缺Al來源也是原因之一。因為缺乏流體,Mg和Fe只能以擴散的方式移動,由於移動能力 Mg > Fe,因此越遠離裂隙,Si/(Si+Al)減少,Fe(Fe+Mg) 增加。根據上述研究結果,內門玄武岩取代橄欖石的次生礦物生成順序應為,岩漿噴發後,冷卻的過程中,在橄欖石裂隙和基質先形成相對高溫的綠泥石,岩體快速降溫,造成橄欖石未完全蝕變成綠泥石,殘留橄欖石在低溫下形成了貧Al富Mg的纖維狀和雲母狀膨潤石。
  Igneous activity of Taiwan in Miocene mainly were concentrated in the area north of Miaoli. Nanman is one of the basalt in southern of Taiwan that had been studied by OM, XRD, SEM/EDS and TEM. The rock type is alkali basalt with phenocryst of augite and olivine. The primary minerals include olivine + augite + plagioclase + Anorthoclase + apatite +titanomagnetite + illmenite, and secondary minerals are chlorite + smectite + calcite ± gypsum.Alteration of Nanman basalt was take placed in mixture and crack of olivine, other minerals are almost fresh. The main replacement are chloritic minerals shown five occurrence types : (1) replaced mixture, (2) vein center of olivine crack, (3) vien of olivine, (4) fibrous and (5) mica-like clay between vein and residual olivine. Each types has clear grain boundary. It’s mean they are not gradual. (4) and (5) are smectite with anomaly composititon. It cause by lack of Al resource, and smectite occurred far from the crack that element do not easily move. Thus, smectite replaced olivine often showed Al-poor and excess Mg. Si/(Si+Al) and Fe/(Fe+Mg) in smectite is positive correlation. This may be considered the moving ability of elements. Composition of (1), (2) and (3) are chlorite/smectite. However there is no observed mixed-layer minerals in XRD. According to TEM , they are chlorite + smectite. Chlorite within abundant of dehydrated cracks could be a evidence of smectite. Because of mixed chlorite and smectite, the correlation between Si/(Si+Al) and Fe/(Fe+Mg) is negative. Different occurrences lead to different mineral, suggest water/rock ratio is an important control factor. High rock/water ratio trend to form chlorite, and low rock/water ratio prefer to form smectite. According to all the results, the steps of altered olivine are first forming chlorite at mixture and olivine cracks. Then, the residual olivine becomes smectite with poor Al and excess Mg, when the rock was cooling down.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書…………………………………………………… i
誌謝…………………………………………………………… ii
中文摘要………………………………………………….….. iii
英文摘要………………………………..……………………. iv
縮寫表…………………………………………………………… xi
第 一 章 緒 論………………………………………………… 1
1.1前言…………………………………………………………. 1
1.2文獻回顧……………………………………………………. 2
1.3橄欖石的次生取代物………………………………………. 4
第 二 章 地 質 背 景…………………………………………… 5
2.1台灣西部麓山帶中新世基性火成岩概況………………… 5
2.2內門玄武岩………………………………………………… 6
第 三 章 樣 品 描 述 及 實 驗 方 法………………………… 11
3.1樣品描述…………………………………………………… 11
3.2實驗流程及實驗方法……………………………………… 13
第 四 章 實 驗 結 果…………………………………………… 18
4.1全岩和順向黏土試片 XRD 分析結果…………………… 18
4.2岩象描述及礦物化學……………………………………… 21
4.2.1斑晶……………………………………………………… 22
4.2.2基質礦物………………………………………………… 27
4.2.3次生礦物………………………………………………… 30
4.3次生黏土礦物之TEM/AEM分析結果……………………… 38
4.3.1取代基質的黏土礦物…………………………………… 41
4.3.2橄欖石裂隙中心充填黏土……………………………… 43
4.3.3橄欖石裂隙充填黏土…………………………………… 45
4.3.4取代橄欖石之纖維狀黏土……………………………… 48
4.3.5取代橄欖石之雲母狀黏土……………………………… 50
4.3.6綜合分析結果…………………………………………… 52
第 五 章 討 論………………………………………………… 53
5.1次生黏土礦物的成分特徵與共生組合…………………… 53
5.1.1膨潤石的成分異常……………………………………… 53
5.1.2 Si/(Si+Al)與Fe(Fe+Mg)的意義………………………… 54
5.2內門玄武岩之蝕變特徵與條件和蝕變溫度……………… 57
5.3取代橄欖石之次生黏土礦物成因、取代順序…………… 59
第 六 章 結 論………………………………………………… 63

參考文獻………………………………………………….…… 64
附錄一………………………………………………………….. 71
附錄二………………………………………………………….. 77
附錄三………………………………………………………….. 84
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