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Title page for etd-0913101-145258
The study of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine environment from southwest coast of Taiwan.
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sediment, pollution, bioaccumulation, PCB, oyster, oyster drill, seawater, biomagnification, coast
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  檢測的結果顯示,各採樣點之間有明顯的地點差異,底泥中的多氯聯苯濃度範圍是31.05∼406.38 pg/g dry wt,其中以東港的濃度最高。東港所採集的養殖牡蠣體內平均濃度為3.80 pg/g wet wt,其餘三個樣點所採集的野生牡蠣以台西的牡蠣其體內平均濃度最高(123.57 pg/g wet wt),其次是七股(2.93 pg/g wet wt),布袋的牡蠣體內平均濃度最低(2.08 pg/g wet wt)。蚵岩螺體內多氯聯苯的濃度範圍是78.24∼796.86 pg/g wet wt,其中也是東港的濃度最高。總多氯聯苯濃度在水與底泥之間的相關性很高(r=0.78; p<0.01),而生物與水或底泥之間雖無顯著相關,卻有相同的趨勢。牡蠣體內的濃度與蚵岩螺體內的濃度有正相關(r=0.79; p<0.01),顯示蚵岩螺主要以牡蠣為食。



  The present study was undertaken to understand the accumulation of PCBs in the marine environment of Taiwan. Samples including oyster drills, oysters, sediments and seawater were collected from the West coast of Taiwan and analyzed by GC/ECD and GC/MS.

  The concentration of PCBs in sediments was 31.05∼406.38 pg/g dry wt with the highest one at Tong-Kung. The PCBs in cultural oysters from Tong-Kung was 3.80 pg/g wet wt. Concentrations of PCBs in wild oysters from Tai-Si, Chi-Ku, and Pu-Dai were 123.57 pg/g wet wt, 2.93 pg/g wet wt, and 2.08 pg/g wet wt, respectively. The concentrations of PCBs in snails were in the range of 78.24 to 796.96 pg/g wet wt with the highest one from Tong-Kung. A positive correlations between the concentrations of PCBs in seawater and sediment (r=0.78; p<0.01) and in oysters and snails were also observed(r=0.79; p<0.01). The bioaccumulation of PCBs from seawater to oysters was about 72 times, and the biomagnification of PCBs from oysters to snails was 10 times.

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參考文獻 References

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