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Title page for etd-0913111-170919
The impact of teachers' moods and their inclination towards trusting students
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moods, teacher trust in students
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Teachers tend to think that they can handle students appropriately and objectively. Moreover, teachers think that their trust in students is based on students’ behaviors and is independent on their emotions. However, recent studies have found that emotions or moods may intervene in one’s judgments or decision-making processes. Based on the Affect-as-information Model and the Affect Infusion Model, this study investigated whether the valence of mood among teachers would affect their trust in students in the student misconduct context. Specifically speaking, I conducted an experimental study to examine if teacher trust in students would be enhanced with a positive mood, whereas their trust in students would be lowered with a negative mood. One hundred and fifty-one teachers were recruited to participate in this experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three mood states (positive vs. negative vs. neutral), which was manipulated by the emotional event-recollection technique. After the mood manipulation, participants were asked to rate each of students’ reasons for common misconduct behaviors is trustworthy or not respectively. Results showed that teachers in the induced positive-mood condition exhibited a tendency toward trusting in students’ reasons for misconduct behaviors, whereas those in the induced negative-mood condition revealed an inclination toward mistrusting in these reasons. Besides, differences in the tendency between trust and mistrust were not significant for those teachers in a neutral mood-state. Findings of this research supported the predictions suggesting that moods may impact teacher trust in students.
目次 Table of Contents
表次.................................................... iv
第 一 章 緒論............................................ 1
第 二 章 文獻探討........................................ 2
第一節 師生信任........................................2
第二節 教師心情對學生信任的影響........................4
第三節 心情與決策......................................6
第 三 章 研究方法.........................................9
第一節 前測............................................9
第二節 正式實驗.......................................15
第四章 研究結果..........................................16
第五章 討論..............................................18
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