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博碩士論文 etd-0914106-002850 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0914106-002850
the organization design and interactive marketing of the industry of system integration-for example with A company
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marketing management theory, organization efficiency and organization study), knowledge management theory, organization design, organization reform
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本研究在探討資訊系統整合 (system integration SI) 產業的組織設計與行銷互動,利用基礎的組織管理理論(組織設計、組織變革、組織效能、組織學習),知識管理理論、行銷管理理論,以個案訪訪談研究方式,分別探討個案公司的人員激勵制度與組織設計、核心競爭力保存、行銷策略,驗證相關理論與企業內的實際運作情況。
由於個案訪談的對象,職務層級分布於不同的任務編組,共同點則是具備一定時期的任職年資,大部分受訪者甚至經歷過公司發展起伏階段,感謝他們願意撥出寶貴的時間並提供個人任職觀感,讓本研究的結果與討論深具意義。本研究結果顯示個案應在人員激勵制度與組織設計、核心競爭力保存、行銷策略需進行局部調整,尤其在(1)組織授權 (2)競爭策略的差異化(3)組織特徵屬於無法達到創新目標的效率型 (4)組織學習與行銷整合(5)組織規模漸大且生命週期正處於繁文縟節的僵化危機中;等項目上發現訪談結果與引用的理論現象吻合。藉由本研究的初步結果與筆者長期任職的觀察,除定位個案為資訊設備、技術與服務全方位的提供者外,管理者應特別注意以人為本的服務營業本質,組織設計宜多加強核心技術經驗的保存,提高授權機制與激勵創新的制度設計,以提升企業整體競爭能力,相信對未來應用相關理論於此產業者會有一定的參考價值。
This study investigates the organization design and interactive marketing of the industry of system integration, using the fundamental organization management theory (organization design, organization reform, organization efficiency and organization study), knowledge management theory, marketing management theory, by utilizing individual case studies to discuss study types, through studying the encouragement system, organizational design, preservation of core competitiveness, marketing strategy of the staffs from the individual case companies, in order to verify the associated theories and actual operation conditions of the companies.
The subject interviewed used to be the pioneer in the system integration business field, the corporate development record showed rise and fall, but was able to carry on business high peak through importing of new product with innovative designs. But while the organization expands, highly divided by business tier and separation of workload, the management felt the new organization design and organization management limited the overall development, the ability of the organization to respond became evidently sluggish to meet up with the fast pace ever changing market demand, and the expansion of the industry service category requirement. On top of that, due to the recent decline in market prosperity, this resulted in the decline of business net profit.
The interviewees from the case study all have different background, helding various different positions in the business organization. The commonality among all the interviewees are that they all served a certain period of time in their current position, most of them even witnessed the stages of rise and fall of their company. I thank them for sharing of their valuable time and personal opinion that allows the result and discussion of this study to be of significant value.
The result of this study showed the subject should adjust in the area of encouragement system, organization design, preservation of core competitiveness and marketing strategy, particularly in the area of 1. delegation of authority 、2. differentiation of competitive strategy 、3. organization trait is highly efficient but incapable of reaching the goal of innovation 、4. integration of organization study and marketing 、5. the scale of organization increase gradually while the business is stuck with the unnecessary and over elaborated formalities; the results found from the case study matches with the phenomenon found in the applied theories.
Through the preliminary result of this study and the author’s observation from the long term involvement, the cases have been identified as the total solution supplier of information equipments, skills and services, the management should particularly focus on the core fundamental nature of service and serve the clients. Organization design should focus on the preservation of core skills and experience, enhance system design in the area of delegation of authority and encourage innovation, in order to promote the overall competitiveness of the business. The application of relevant theories would be of significant consultation value to the business in this field.。
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 III
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 論文架構 3
第四節 研究範圍 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 組織理論 5
2.1.1組織理論的探討 5
2.1.2組織的功能特徵與結構意涵 6
2.1.4組織次系統 9
2.1.5 Mintzberg 的組織結構要件與組織類型 11
2.1.6組織的效能與管理策略 12
2.1.7組織系統 13
2.1.8組織管理與矩陣組織 14
2.1.9人性與組織關係 16
第二節 組織結構 17
2.2.1組織內容中影響結構的變數說明 18
2.2.2組織結構 24
2.2.3資訊處理觀點下的組織結構觀念 26
2.2.3資訊處理觀點下的組織結構觀念 27
2.2.4各類型組織特性摘要 29
2.2.5組織設計的基本考慮因素 32
第三節 組織變革 35
2.3.1組織變革的因素 35
2.3.2計畫性變革(planned change) 37
2.3.3變革的策略類型 40
2.3.4常見的組織變革方法 41
2.3.5組織變革的授權管理 43
2.3.6組織變革與流程管理 44
第四節 行銷管理 46
第五節 知識管理 52
2.5.1知識管理的運用概念 52
2.5.2組織學習 57
2.5.3知識管理的實踐 61
2.5.4知識管理與科技運用 64
2.5.5未來知識管理的建構參考準則 67
第三章 研究方法與設計 68
第一節 研究設計品質 68
3.1.1 研究設計測試問題作法 68
3.1.3 構念效度 69
3.1.3 外在效度 70
3.1.4 信度 70
第二節 研究問題描述 70
第三節 研究設計與流程 71
第一項 問卷資料 71
第四節 訪談流程設計 76
第四章 A公司簡介 82
第一節 A公司介紹 82
4.1.1. 主要產業領域概況敘述: 82
第三節 人員發展制度 86
4.3.1 A公司人員制度與人資運作概述: 87
第四節 A公司的崛起與發展 88
第五節 A公司的組織運作概述: 90
4.5.1概述系統整合公司的經營壓力 91
4.5.2個案的組織設計與人員激勵制度: 95
4.5.3 個案的核心競爭力保存與狀況分析: 101
4.5.4分析A公司的行銷策略: 111
4.5.5以SWOT與TOWS分析與策略規劃建議: 117
第五章 結論與建議 120
第一節 組織架構設計之建議 121
第三節 具體貢獻 130
第四節 研究限制 130
第五節 未來發展 131
參考文獻 132
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