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Title page for etd-0914106-121058
Conceptual Development of One-Variable Linear Equation for Grades 6-8 students by Virtual Situation Test
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One-Variable Linear Equation Virtual Situational Test, Variables, Error patterns, Development of the concept
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(一) 未知數符號的使用:
3.國一遇到題目有未知數時,多數學生已經有使用符號假設未知數的習慣,只是國一學生在使用符號時,仍以可填充式圖形如□為主,較少使用英文字母(如 ),且國一學生經常犯「使用同一個□同時表示多種不同事物」的錯誤,顯示國一多數已經會使用可填充式圖形的符號假設未知數,但對於未知數的運算性質與使用,並不能完全瞭解;因此國一對於使用符號假設未知數的想法已漸漸成熟,但對於未知數符號的運算性質與使用屬於過渡期,概念尚未成熟。
4.國二遇到題目有未知數時,多數學生會使用英文字母如 來假設未知數,已逐漸擺脫可填充式圖形如□的使用,而且犯「使用同一個符號同時表示多種不同事物」的錯誤比例有明顯減少的趨勢,顯示國二對於未知數符號的概念發展,已漸趨成熟。

(二) 解題概念:
(1) 覺得未知數很難處理或不知如何處理,會選擇「不處理未知數」,只處理其他簡單的部分。
(2) 因未知數符號的概念發展不成熟,所以當題目需假設2個未知數解聯立時,基本上,小六沒有能力完整列式,更不用提解題。
(1) 國一對於題目中條件的描述與使用,已能做較有效的串聯。
(2) 將未知數假設成某一固定常數的比例已較小六為低,顯示國一對未知數的概念已有較深的認知。
(3) 當題目需假設2個未知數解聯立時,若題目簡單,則有部分學生能掌握其中一式之意義,即對題目條件轉換成方程式已具備某些能力。若題目較複雜,由於解聯立的概念尚未發展,經常產生將各個線索獨立處理或將各個線索亂混在一起處理,且對未知數符號的運算,經常犯了同一個符號同時表示多種不同的事物的錯誤。

(1) 國二對於題目中條件的描述與使用,已能做有效的串聯,
(2) 國二解題過程中,很少出現「同一個符號同時表示多種不同的事物」的錯誤,顯示國二對使用符號代表未知數的概念漸趨成熟。
(3) 當題目需假設2個未知數解聯立時,國二學生基本上是以設定2個未知數解聯立的手法為主(有81%是設定2個未知數解聯立的概念求得正解),顯示國二學生對於兩個未知數的處理能力已具有一定的水準。

(三) 答對的狀況:整體而言,對於較簡單的問題,各年級答對的比例差異不大,對於較難的問題,學生答對的狀況,國二是優於國一,國一優於小六。
This study reanalyzed a part of the national data of the responses of 288 students in grades 6 to 8 on the “One-Variable Linear Equation Virtual Situational Test” collected by Professor Pao-Kuei Wu from August 1, 2001 through July 31, 2003. The analyses were based on the “One-Variable Linear Equation Conceptual Tables”. The results of the analyses are the following.

I. The use of variables
A. Compared to 7th and 8th graders, 6th graders would first solve the numerical arithmetic and solve the unknown parts next. But if the students could not handle the unknown parts, the 6th graders tended to ignore or even not list the unknown variable in the equations.
B. When encountering the unknown situations, most 6th graders are not accustomed to using symbols to represent unknown variables. Instead, they would observe the numerical components first to try to deduce what the unknown variable would be, and proceed from there. Some students would even set up some constants to represent those unknown variables. These results indicate that the 6th graders’ ability to use symbolic representation is still in the beginning stages.
C. In the unknown virtual situations, the majority of 7th graders were able to use symbolic representations. However, most of them would use pictorial representations such as □, instead of alphabetical representations such as x, y and z. Moreover, many students use the same symbols to represent different variables; this shows that although the 7th graders know to use symbols to represent unknown variables, they still are not able to fully comprehend unknown variables. Hence, the 7th graders’ ability to use symbolic representation is in the transitional stage.
D. When encountering unknown virtual situations, the majority of the 8th graders would able to use the numerical symbols such as x, y and z to represent the unknown variables. The frequency of using pictorial representations such as □ becomes less and less, and the tendency to use the same symbols to represent different variables is decreasing. All these indicate that the 8th graders’ development of the concept of unknown variables is maturing.

II. The concept of problem solving
A. The 6th graders’ ability to use symbolic representation is still in the beginning stages:
1. They only deal with the simple part; for the more complicated part, they chose to ignore.
2. Due to their immature development of symbol representation, when encountering the two variable linear equation problems, they even do not have the ability to write the ‘complete’ equation, not to mention to solve the equations.
B. The 7th graders’ ability to use symbolic representation is in the transitional stage:
1. Compared to the 6th graders, the 7th graders are more able to draw relationships among the different components of the problem.
2. The fact that the substantially decreasing proportion of 7th graders conceiving the unknown variable as a certain numeric compared with 6th graders means that the 7th graders have deeper recognition of unknown variables.
3. When encountering ‘simple’ two-variable linear equation virtual situations, some 7th graders can translate at least one condition into an equation. This result shows that the 7th graders have developed some ability to translate the conditions embedded in the virtual situation into some equations. But when the situation gets more complicated, due to conception immaturity of solving two equations simultaneously, the 7th graders either solve each equation independently, or mess up and tangle the clues of all the conditions together. Moreover, they would use the same symbol to stand for different variables.
C. The 8th graders’ development of the concept of unknown variables is maturing:
1. Most of the 8th graders can use the clues of all the conditions in the virtual situation in a sufficient way.
2. Only a few 8th graders would use the same symbol to stand for different variables during their problem-solving procedure. This result indicates that the ability to use the symbolic way to represent unknown variables is more mature among the 8th grade students.
3. When encountering two-variable linear equation virtual situations, the 8th graders can formulate two independent equations and solve them simultaneously. This result shows that the 8th grade students possess more profound skills to solve two-variable linear equations.

III. Proportion of answering questions correctly:
In general, for simpler virtual problems, there does not exist many differences among grades. Whereas, for the more difficult virtual problems, the 8th graders outperform the 7th graders, and the 7th graders, in turn, outdo the 6th grade students.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機-----------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------2
第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------3
第四節 名詞解釋-----------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………5
第一節 概念之定義---------------------------------5
第二節 一元一次方程式之概念-----------------------6
第三節 一元一次方程式之相關研究-------------------8
第四節 情境測驗之探討----------------------------20
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………23
第一節 研究設計----------------------------------23
第二節 研究對象----------------------------------23
第三節 研究工具----------------------------------24
第四節 研究步驟----------------------------------24
第五節 研究限制----------------------------------25
第四章 結果與分析……………………………………………26
第一節 情境 1之分析--------------------------26
第二節 情境9-2之分析--------------------------44
第三節 情境4-2之分析--------------------------58
第四節 情境7-4之分析--------------------------71
第五節 情境5-1之分析--------------------------95
第六節 情境 13之分析-------------------------120
第七節 情境5-2之分析-------------------------150
第八節 情境 12之分析-------------------------182
第五章 結論與建議 …………………………………………205
第一節 結論-------------------------------------205
第二節 建議-------------------------------------218

一、中文部分 --------------------------------------220
二、英文部分 --------------------------------------223


附錄一 : 一元一次方程式情境文字題之概念細圖---------227
附錄二 : 情境資料-樣本缺少之名單--------------------230
附錄三 : 個人診斷表(樣本)---------------------------231
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