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博碩士論文 etd-0914106-164718 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0914106-164718
A Case Study on School-Oriented Management Successfully Launched
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School-Oriented, Management, Successfully Launched
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本研究旨在探討敘述一個個案學校-高雄市民權國民小學(Min-chyuan elementary school of kaohsiung),其推展學校本位經營的歷程與經驗故事,透過文件整理分析,了解民權國小本位經營主要作為。透過焦點訪談,三角校正的方式,了解內部相關人員對重要議題的看法與想法。再佐以少部分的問卷調查,分析其成效與滿意情形,文中適度加入研究者(個案學校創校校長)的觀察與評述,作為回饋與省思。

一、 校長領導理念與思維-包括校長的領導思維、校長的領導作為、實例分享及校內同仁對校長領導的回饋。
二、 學校願景建構與實踐-學校願景建構的理念背景、打造願景的行動及校內同仁對學校願景的看法與回饋。
三、 學校文化形塑與深化-以故事串聯民權國小學校文化經營的情境脈落,如一群鴨子來到草創的校園,創造校園共同的話題。讓校舍陪我們長大,將教育意義與期待融入校舍興建的體驗。小螞蟻的傳奇故事,凝聚學校師生情感與榮譽心等等。
四、 學校校園規劃構想與特色-校園規劃的理念與藍圖、實例分享及成果回饋。
五、 班群開放教室型態與運用-學校班群教室型態與用後分析、班群使用實例分享、相關班群問題與解決方法。
六、 學校本位課程規劃與實施-學校本位課程發展歷程、實例分享及校內同仁對學校本位課程之回饋與看法等。

A Case Study on School-Oriented Management Successfully Launched


The present study is primarily intended to probe into a case school—Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung regarding its process and experiences via compilation and analysis of documents in promoting its school-oriented management so as to look into what efforts Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung has made toward the school-oriented management. Through focus interview, triangulation, we look into the key school personnel regarding how they view the issues and what they have in mind. The study is backed by a small-scale questionnaire survey to analyze the performance and satisfaction level, added with the personal observation and comments by the researcher (the founding Principal of the subject School) as appropriate, in reciprocation and reflection.

In the present study, the connotation to define the school-oriented management includes such six key issues, i.e., the Principal’s philosophy in leadership, formulation and enforcement of school vision, forging and deepening the school culture, concept and characteristics of campus landscaping, shape and application of school classes which are open for use, school-oriented curricula in planning and enforcement.
I. The Principal’s philosophy in leadership: Including the Principal’s thoughts in leadership philosophy, what the Principal has acted in leadership, co-sharing of hands-on examples and reciprocation of school faculty toward the Principal in the wake of efforts of leadership.
II. Formulation and enforcement of school vision: Based on the school vision and backgrounds of the school philosophy, it will forge the bold vision through hands-on actions and through school faculty who will point out their view points and reciprocation toward the school vision.
III. Forging and deepening the school culture: Through elaborately written stories, it will combine the cultural efforts and sentiment of Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung. For instance, a flock of ducks are visiting the newly founded campus to create the topics in common, to let the school grow and flourish along with us all. The significance of education will be merged into the hands-on experiences accumulated in school construction. The little ant’s legend and others will bring the school faculty and students firmly together into strong sense of honors.
IV. Concept and characteristics of campus landscaping: The concept and blueprints of campus planning, co-sharing of hands-on examples and feedback of the fruits.
V. Shape and application of school classes which are open for use: The analysis of the school classes, the shapes and post-use status, the co-sharing of the examples, relevant issues of the classes and methodology to solution.
VI. School-oriented curricula in planning and enforcement: The evolution of the school-oriented curricula, co-sharing of examples, reciprocation feedback and viewpoints toward school-oriented curricular.
The present study yields the precious finding that in the school-oriented management, the Principal plays the core role, holding the open-minded and human-cored leadership. In turn, the Principal receives tremendous recognition from entire teams and faculty members. The School will take the school culture as the core of the vision to formulate the “culture-based campus, education-based communities”. Such vision and blueprints are matched with hands-on and concrete practice which form the tremendous momentum of continual development of the school to forge a promising and upbeat dream. Through toughing stories one after another, the school will shape up warm and sweet campus culture which is profoundly embedded into children through the characteristics of their behaviors.

Under the breakthrough philosophy engineered by the Principal, the school is not a school alone and a classroom is not a classroom alone. With the elaborately designed spaces, the campus speaks. The space is in brisk dialogue. Thanks to the unique and sophisticated thoughts, Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung impresses all and receives the Architectural and Landscaping Award for the Greater Kaohsiung Region—the first school ever awarded such tremendous honor. Through the efforts for compilation and co-sharing from the researcher, i.e., the founding principal of Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung, both the tangible campus planning and intangible philosophy of spatial design profoundly impress all as the very target to probe into.

In a nutshell, the school-oriented management efforts launched by Min-chyuan Elementary School of Kaohsiung are indeed unique breakthrough. The hands-on experiences so accumulated are precious lessons as worthwhile reference to other elementary schools.
目次 Table of Contents
目 次
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………4
第三節 重要名詞釋義…………………………………4
第四節 研究限制………………………………………5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 學校本位經營…………………………………6
第二節 校長領導理念與思維…………………………19
第三節 學校願景與文化………………………………20
第四節 校園建築規劃與特色……………………… 23
第五節 班群教室………………………………………30
第六節 學校本位課程…………………………………41
第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究方法 45
第二節 研究流程與實施………………………………46
第三節 研究實施 52
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 影響民權國小推展學校本位經營的背景因素..54
第二節 影響民權國小實施學校本位經營的理念政策..59
第三節 校長領導理念與思維………………………… 60
第四節 學校願景建構與實踐…………………………..69
第四節 學校文化的形塑與深耕………………………..79
第五節 學校校園規劃構想與特色…………………….86
第六節 班群開放教室規劃與運用…………………….94
第七節 學校本位課程規劃與實施……………………..118
第五章 結果與建議…………………………………………150
參考文獻 References

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